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Page Query Boss Build complex nested queries containing multiple fields and pages and return an array or JSON. This is useful to fetch data for SPA and PWA. You can use the Module to transform a ProcessWire Page or PageArray – even RepeaterMatrixPageArrays – into an array or JSON. Queries can be nested and contain closures as callback functions. Some field-types are transformed automatically, like Pageimages or MapMarker. Installation Via ProcessWire Backend It is recommended to install the Module via the ProcessWire admin "Modules" > "Site" > "Add New" > "Add Module from Directory" using the PageQueryBoss class name. Manually Download the files from Github or the ProcessWire repository: Copy all of the files for this module into /site/modules/PageQueryBoss/ Go to “Modules > Refresh” in your admin, and then click “install” for the this module. Module Methods There are two main methods: Return query as JSON $page->pageQueryJson($query); Return query as Array $page->pageQueryArray($query); Building the query The query can contain key and value pairs, or only keys. It can be nested and contain closures for dynamic values. To illustrate a short example: // simple query: $query = [ 'height', 'floors', ]; $pages->find('template=skyscraper')->pageQueryJson($query); Queries can be nested, contain page names, template names or contain functions and ProcessWire selectors: // simple query: $query = [ 'height', 'floors', 'images', // < some fileds contain default sub-queries to return data 'files' => [ // but you can also overrdide these defaults: 'filename' 'ext', 'url', ], // Assuming there are child pages with the architec template, or a // field name with a page relation to architects 'architect' => [ // sub-query 'name', 'email' ], // queries can contain closure functions that return dynamic content 'querytime' => function($parent){ return "Query for $parent->title was built ".time(); } ]; $pages->find('template=skyscraper')->pageQueryJson($query); Keys: A single fieldname; height or floors or architects The Module can handle the following fields: Strings, Dates, Integer… any default one-dimensional value Page references Pageimages Pagefiles PageArray MapMarker FieldtypeFunctional A template name; skyscraper or city Name of a child page (; my-page-name A ProcessWire selector; template=building, floors>=25 A new name for the returned index passed by a # delimiter: // the field skyscraper will be renamed to "building": $query = ["skyscraper`#building`"] Key value pars: Any of the keys above (1-5) with an new nested sub-query array: $query = [ 'skyscraper' => [ 'height', 'floors' ], 'architect' => [ 'title', 'email' ], ] A named key and a closure function to process and return a query. The closure gets the parent object as argument: $query = [ 'architecs' => function($parent) { $architects = $parent->find('template=architect'); return $architects->arrayQuery(['name', 'email']); // or return $architects->explode('name, email'); } ] Real life example: $query = [ 'title', 'subtitle', // naming the key invitation 'template=Invitation, limit=1#invitation' => [ 'title', 'subtitle', 'body', ], // returns global speakers and local ones... 'speakers' => function($page){ $speakers = $page->speaker_relation; $speakers = $speakers->prepend(wire('pages')->find('template=Speaker, global=1, sort=-id')); // build a query of the speakers with return $speakers->arrayQuery([ 'title#name', // rename title field to name 'subtitle#ministry', // rename subtitle field to ministry 'links' => [ 'linklabel#label', // rename linklabel field to minlabelistry 'link' ], ]); }, 'Program' => [ // Child Pages with template=Program 'title', 'summary', 'start' => function($parent){ // calculate the startdate from timetables return $parent->children->first->date; }, 'end' => function($parent){ // calculate the endate from timetables return $parent->children->last->date; }, 'Timetable' => [ 'date', // date 'timetable#entry'=> [ 'time#start', // time 'time_until#end', // time 'subtitle#description', // entry title ], ], ], // ProcessWire selector, selecting children > name result "location" 'template=Location, limit=1#location' => [ 'title#city', // summary title field to city 'body', 'country', 'venue', 'summary#address', // rename summary field to address 'link#tickets', // rename ticket link 'map', // Mapmarker field, automatically transformed 'images', 'infos#categories' => [ // repeater matrix! > rename to categories 'title#name', // rename title field to name 'entries' => [ // nested repeater matrix! 'title', 'body' ] ], ], ]; if ($input->urlSegment1 === 'json') { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo $page->pageQueryJson($query); exit(); } Module default settings The modules settings are public. They can be directly modified, for example: $modules->get('PageQueryBoss')->debug = true; $modules->get('PageQueryBoss')->defaults = []; // reset all defaults Default queries for fields: Some field-types or templates come with default selectors, like Pageimages etc. These are the default queries: // Access and modify default queries: $modules->get('PageQueryBoss')->defaults['queries'] … public $defaults = [ 'queries' => [ 'Pageimages' => [ 'basename', 'url', 'httpUrl', 'description', 'ext', 'focus', ], 'Pagefiles' => [ 'basename', 'url', 'httpUrl', 'description', 'ext', 'filesize', 'filesizeStr', 'hash', ], 'MapMarker' => [ 'lat', 'lng', 'zoom', 'address', ], 'User' => [ 'name', 'email', ], ], ]; These defaults will only be used if there is no nested sub-query for the respective type. If you query a field with complex data and do not provide a sub-query, it will be transformed accordingly: $page->pageQueryArry(['images']); // returns something like this 'images' => [ 'basename', 'url', 'httpUrl', 'description', 'ext', 'focus'=> [ 'top', 'left', 'zoom', 'default', 'str', ] ]; You can always provide your own sub-query, so the defaults will not be used: $page->pageQueryArry([ 'images' => [ 'filename', 'description' ], ]); Overriding default queries: You can also override the defaults, for example $modules->get('PageQueryBoss')->defaults['queries']['Pageimages'] = [ 'basename', 'url', 'description', ]; Index of nested elements The index for nested elements can be adjusted. This is also done with defaults. There are 3 possibilities: Nested by name (default) Nested by ID Nested by numerical index Named index (default): This is the default setting. If you have a field that contains sub-items, the name will be the key in the results: // example $pagesByName = [ 'page-1-name' => [ 'title' => "Page one title", 'name' => 'page-1-name', ], 'page-2-name' => [ 'title' => "Page two title", 'name' => 'page-2-name', ] ] ID based index: If an object is listed in $defaults['index-id'] the id will be the key in the results. Currently, no items are listed as defaults for id-based index: // Set pages to get ID based index: $modules->get('PageQueryBoss')->defaults['index-id']['Page']; // Example return array: $pagesById = [ 123 => [ 'title' => "Page one title", 'name' => 123, ], 124 => [ 'title' => "Page two title", 'name' => 124, ] ] Number based index By default, a couple of fields are transformed automatically to contain numbered indexes: // objects or template names that should use numerical indexes for children instead of names $defaults['index-n'] => [ 'Pageimage', 'Pagefile', 'RepeaterMatrixPage', ]; // example $images = [ 0 => [ 'filename' => "image1.jpg", ], 1 => [ 'filename' => "image2.jpg", ] ] Tipp: When you remove the key 'Pageimage' from $defaults['index-n'], the index will again be name-based. Help-fill closures & tipps: These are few helpfill closure functions you might want to use or could help as a starting point for your own (let me know if you have your own): Get an overview of languages: $query = ['languages' => function($page){ $ar = []; $l=0; foreach (wire('languages') as $language) { // build the json url with segment 1 $ar[$l]['url']= $page->localHttpUrl($language).wire('input')->urlSegment1; $ar[$l]['name'] = $language->name == 'default' ? 'en' : $language->name; $ar[$l]['title'] = $language->getLanguageValue($language, 'title'); $ar[$l]['active'] = $language->id == wire('user')->language->id; $l++; } return $ar; }]; Get county info from ContinentsAndCountries Module Using the [ContinentsAndCountries Module]( you can extract iso code and names for countries: $query = ['country' => function($page){ $c = wire('modules')->get('ContinentsAndCountries')->findBy('countries', array('name', 'iso', 'code'),['code' =>$page->country]); return count($c) ? (array) $c[count($c)-1] : null; }]; Custom strings from a RepeaterTable for interface Using a RepeaterMatrix you can create template string for your frontend. This is usefull for buttons, labels etc. The following code uses a repeater with the name `strings` has a `key` and a `body` field, the returned array contains the `key` field as, you guess, keys and the `body` field as values: // build custom translations $query = ['strings' => function($page){ return array_column($page->get('strings')->each(['key', 'body']), 'body', 'key'); }]; Multilanguage with default language fallback Using the following setup you can handle multilanguage and return your default language if the requested language does not exist. The url is composed like so: `page/path/{language}/{content-type}` for example: `api/icf/zurich/conference/2019/de/json` // get contenttype and language (or default language if not exists) $lang = wire('languages')->get($input->urlSegment1); if(!$lang instanceof Nullpage){ $user->language = $lang; } else { $lang = $user->language; } // contenttype segment 2 or 1 if language not present $contenttype = $input->urlSegment2 ? $input->urlSegment2 : $input->urlSegment1; if ($contenttype === 'json') { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo $page->pageQueryJson($query); exit(); } Debug The module respects wire('config')->debug. It integrates with TracyDebug. You can override it like so: // turns on debug output no mather what: $modules->get('PageQueryBoss')->debug = true; Todos Make defaults configurable via Backend. How could that be done in style with the default queries? Module in alpha Stage: Subject to change This module is in alpha stage … Query behaviour (especially selecting child-templates, renaming, naming etc) could change
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As a web developer I always want to improve the search results of my websites in popular search engines. Because of that I find the topic of structured data very interesting and want to learn more about them. Recently I tried out a few of the ways how to provide more information to a website and want to share my solutions. Most of the structured data can be included directly in the markup or as JSON-LD at the end of your document (right before the closing body tag). I prefer the last one, because I don't like to have bloated HTML markup. Breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs are an alternative way to show the your page hierarchy inside search results, instead of showing just the plain URL. Just like the breadcrumbs on a website. Following the example, I ended up with this code: <?php if(strlen($page->parents()) > 0) { ?> <!-- Breadcrumbs --> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [ <?php $positionCounter = 1; $separator = ','; foreach($page->parents() as $parent) { if($parent->id == $page->parents()->last()->id) { $separator = ''; } echo ' { "@type": "ListItem", "position": "' . $positionCounter . '", "item": { "@id": "' . $parent->httpUrl . '", "name": "' . $parent->title . '" } }' . $separator . ' '; $positionCounter++; } ?> ] } </script> <?php } ?> First I am checking if the page has parents, then I follow the follow the markup of the example. I save the position of each parent in the variable positionCounter and increase its amount after each loop. As a last step I tried to end the JSON objects by not include the separating comma after the last object. This is why I am using the separator variable. Site name and sitelinks searchbox Using JSON-LD you can provide an alternative site name and a sitelinks searchbox inside the search results (Inception ). <!-- WebSite --> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "WebSite", "name" : "Your site name", "alternateName" : "Your alternative site name", "url": "<?= $pages->get(1)->httpUrl ?>", "potentialAction": { "@type": "SearchAction", "target": "<?= $pages->get(1)->httpUrl ?>search/?q={search_term_string}", "query-input": "required name=search_term_string" } } </script> I am not 100% sure, if the sitelinks searchbox works this way. Maybe someone who made this work before could confirm it, that would help me out. Organization For organizations you could provide a logo and links to your social profiles. <!-- Organization --> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "Your organization name", "url" : "<?= $pages->get(1)->httpUrl ?>", "logo": "<?= $pages->get(1)->httpUrl ?>site/templates/images/logo.png", "sameAs" : [ "", "" // All your social profiles ] } </script> This one I think is self explanatory. Article If you have an blog or a news site you could enhance your articles with structured data with an thumbnail and author. <?php if($page->template == "post") { ?> <!-- Article --> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "NewsArticle", "mainEntityOfPage": { "@type": "WebPage", "@id": "<?= $page->httpUrl ?>" }, "headline": "<?= $page->title ?>", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "<?= $page->thumbnail->httpUrl ?>", // Image field in template "height": <?= $page->thumbnail->height ?>, "width": <?= $page->thumbnail->width ?> }, "datePublished": "<?= date('c', $page->created) ?>", "dateModified": "<?= date('c', $page->modified) ?>", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "<?= $page->createdUser->first_name . ' ' . $page->createdUser->last_name ?>" // Text fields added to core module ProcessProfile }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Your organization name", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "<?= $pages->get(1)->httpUrl ?>site/templates/images/logo.png", "width": 244, // Width of your logo "height": 36 // Height of your logo } }, "description": "<?= $page->summary ?>" // Text field in template } </script> <?php } ?> Here I am enabling structured data for the template called post. I also have the text fields first_name and last_name added to the core module ProcessProfile, the image field thumbnail and the text field summary added to the template. Just a small note: I know you could use $config->httpHost instead of $pages->get(1)->httpUrl, but I found the second one more flexibel for changing environments where you have for example HTTPS enabled. Those are the structured data I have in use so far. I hope I haven't made a mistake, at least the testing tool doesn't complain. But if you find something, please let me know. I love how easy it is with ProcessWire to get all the information from various pages and use them in this context. As mentioned above, I am nowhere an expert with structured data, but maybe some of you would like to provide also some examples in this thread. Regards, Andreas
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This module helps you dynamically create schemas for improved SEO & SERP listings from within your templates. Each schema can be configured to meet your requirements. You can even add your own ProcessWire schema classes to the module. Read about the module on github: Download from github: Download from ProcessWire modules:
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Hi there, I am using a url schema like this: page.html page1.html etc. As the name unter settings. I don't want to start a discussion about how useful .html is Works but not for pages that have child pages, where the path would is page.html/child1.html page1.html/child4.html The page and page1 should be without html if I access the children and with if I click the parent.
Hi all! this is more of a general MYSQL Schema discussion but i noticed that PW does a pretty good job of handling flexible objects (pages) by creating a new table for each object property (field). I was wondering what other options there are out there for storing flexible but efficient objects in MYSQL. I noticed that Wordpress uses it's wp_postmeta table extensively for storing flexible schema. Also according to Facebooks engineering there's a simplified schema overview of it's TAO based system that uses MYSQL as it's underlying datastore for it's graph data. ( So as i say i was just curious really as to different setups and indexing options anyone has used to be able to handle flexible objects within MYSQL.