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  1. anyone, any ideas how to solve? i get following error on a website: Notice: Undefined variable: out in /var/sites/i/islandmemorials.co.uk/public_html/site/templates/includes/functions.php on line 43 and this is a code in that very functions file: <?php function numberOpen() { date_default_timezone_set("Europe/London"); $currentHour = date('G'); if($currentHour > 9 && $currentHour < 21) { $openFor = 21 - $currentHour; if($openFor > 1) { echo "We're currently open for another ".$openFor." hours, why not pop in?"; } else { echo "Our lines are open for another hour - <a href=\"tel:+01983 857 600\">01983 857 600</a>"; } } else { echo "Unfortunately, our lines are currently closed, but you can still send a message below"; } } function getSubNav($pid) { $test = wire('pages')->get("/services/"); $parents = wire('page')->parentID; $template = wire('page')->template; $out = ''; //echo "pid".$pid."<BR>"; //echo "parents".$parents."<BR>"; //echo "template".$template."<BR>"; $children = $test->children; foreach($children as $child) { $class = $child->id === $pid ? " active" : 'inactive'; if ($child->id === $pid ) { $class= 'active'; } elseif ($template= "memorials" && $child->id === $parents ) { $class= 'active'; } $out .= "<li><a class='{$class}' href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a></li>"; } return $out; } ?> i suppose this has to do with a variable scope, but not sure
  2. I am wondering, how do you pass a variable into wire('page')->get() inside a function? I have been looking through the forums, but unfortunately I have not found the answer yet. My current set up is: function generateNewPages($parentPageName) { $p = new Page(); $p->template = "parent"; $p->parent = wire('pages')->get('/home/'); $p->name = $parentPageName; $p->title = $parentPageName; $p->of(false); $p->save(); $p2 = new Page(); $p2->template = "child"; $p2->parent = wire('pages')->get('$parentPageName'); $p2->name = "child"; $p2->title = "Child Page"; $p2->of(false); $p2->save(); } When I try to run it by passing in a title like generateNewPages('Demo');, "Demo" is created, but when it gets to the child page I get: Unknown Selector operator: '$' -- was your selector value properly escaped? Is there a way to pass the $parentPageName to "wire('pages')->get('$parentPageName')" ?
  3. Hello, Another newbie question. My Processwire sites is growing and I'm wondering if my way of doing things sounds goog to you. I tend to avoid what I consider 'heavy and frequent' database requests in my functions. For example : // In functions.php myfunction($player) { wire('$pages')->find("myselectors"); // This means about 300 database requests do something... (like $p->newTmpField = 1;) return $player; } // In template.php $allPlayers = $pages->find("template=player"); // About 300 players foreach ($allPlayers as $p) { myfunction($p); } // Now I have access to newTmpField, for example. I tend to replace with : // In function.php myfunction($allPlayers) { foreach($allPlayers as $p) { // do something like set $p->newTmpField = 1 } return $allPlayers; } // In template.php $allPlayers = $pages->find("template=player"); myfunction($allPlayers); // Now $players have been modified. For example, I have $allPlayer->find("newTmpField=1"); So for the moment, I tend to choose the second solution which makes only 1 database request, but what do more experimented developers would recommend ? What I find useful with Page objects in functons arguments is that I have the whole 'tree' I can then 'find' in my function. But as you can see, I need to understand things better. I have a feeling my 'practical' explanation is not really convincing ? Thanks if someone can take a few minutes to give me advice !
  4. Hello, I've been struggling ALL day on my loading time problem and I'm stuck... As I said somewhere else on the Forum, I'm discovering TracyDebugger module to try and help me (and it does help !), but I'm still in a dead-end. Tracy told me one of my page loads about 4,500 pages and I can't find any way to make it less (and let me tell you that my website is far from having so many users/visitors or whatever, it's just a teacher's website to try to work differently in class). I have a feeling I am mis-understanding some concepts here. The page can be seen there : http://planetalert.tuxfamily.org/players/4d (for example, but the problem is the same for all teams in my site). As you can see, there are many information on this page, but not that much either I guess for a computer, but it takes 20 seconds to load ! It feels like my page loads just about EVERYTHING that resides in the backend, but I just can't understand by looking a tmy code. For example, the little green and red circles next to the player's names show the actions that have been saved on the last day (so usually 3-5 actions at most, except for players doing online exercises who may have 10 actions). My query is : $lastEvent = $player->child("name=history")->children("sort=-date")->first(); // Get all events on same day $prevDay = date("m/d/Y", $lastEvent->date); $prevDate = $prevDay.' 0:0:0'; // Select events for the whole day $prevEvents = $player->child("name='history'")->children("date>=$prevDate"); $trend = ''; foreach ($prevEvents as $event) { $HP = $event->task->HP; $title = $event->task->title; if ($HP < 0) { $trendClass = 'negativeTrend'; } else { $trendClass = 'positiveTrend'; } if ($event->summary !== '') { $summary = ' ('.$event->summary.')'; } else { $summary = ''; } $trend .= '<span class="'.$trendClass.'" data-toggle="tooltip" data-html="true" title="'.strftime("%d/%m", $event->date).': '.$title.$summary.'">&nbsp;</span>'; } But in Tracy pages, I see that the COMPLETE history for EACH player is loaded ! I thought my code was limiting it to the events appearing on the same day as the last saved event. Do you see where I am wrong ? What's more : I feel like I must do the same mistake for the players (they are all in althought I'm limiting to the particular team). I must say though, that I'm caching (supposively) ALL players when Admin is logged in so he can have a faster access in the top menu. More? All places and people that players can free are loaded as well. Why is this? I just want to load the places and people that are actually freed by players and show the names (not complete info). I'm not putting an example of the code here because I have a feeling the problem resides in my way of organising the complete thing... and that's what worries me the most... Maybe it's gonna be hard for one of you to understand (and have the time) my awkward way of organizing things (even though I'm trying hard to be well-organized ). So I'd rather point to the Github repository : https://github.com/celfred/PlanetAlertProfile/tree/master/site/templates The file I'm talking about above is team.inc.php. It is included in list-all.php which includes head.inc and foot.inc as well. Things have changed quite a bit on my local site today, but I'm getting in such a mess that I'd rather not commit to remote. I've corrected some things, but what I have just explained above is still there While I'm at it. Other page, other problem detected : my adminTable.php page which you can a look at at : http://planetalert.tuxfamily.org/players/adminTable/4d (I've just noticed that it should be acess restricted, but nevermind for today, don't submit just in case I forgot other things... _ yes, I'm desperate tonight...) and which submits to submitForms.php. Well, I had to put AJAX request for that because it was running into a timeout because of the loading time. It worked (althought I ended up waiting 30 seconds to record my table !) but today, Tracy and debug ON showed me the 'Maximum 100 nested functions limit fatal error' after hours of research, I endend up... writing this post I know my function updateScore() (in my-functions.php) is difficult, but what?? It just updates the scores depending on the task being recorded then checks the impact on other players and if it does have an impact, it triggers itself back to update the score of that other player. But yes, I know it can be some sort of never-ending story, but how can I do differently ? I wonder if it's ok to have wire('pages') in so many of my functions. But again, how can I do in another way? Well, sorry for such a long post, folks, but as you can understand, I'm facing a wall here and I hope someone around here will find some time to try and find his or her way into my code and give me a hint on where I could improve. I have had so many help from this community in the past and it felt such a relief and a revelation (Ended up telling my wife : "Wow, it looks so simple for these guys ! I've spent so many hours on that and... Of course ! Now I get it !! I'm getting better ! No next time !") Well, today is a 'next time'... Thanks if you've read up to this point and THANKS if you go and have a look at my code ! Fred.
  5. Hi, I'm new to PW and still a novice in PHP. I was just wondering how does one access PW within a function? do I pass the entire $page variable to getTitle()? or do I use global $page within the function...I'm confused.. Especially considering there must be a performance penalty for passing entire page variable when I only need a few variables from it (for example $page->long_title, $page->menu_title, $page->short_title). function getTitle() { $long_title = $page->long_title; $title = !empty($long_title) ? $long_title : $page->title; return $title; }
  6. Hi, I'm developing mailbox and I wanna rather use single class then making pages. Here is the plan (or I think that its a good plan): - I have mailbox.php template and mailbox page - when user click on mailbox, on sidebar he have options to write/read massages to and from ppl Instead of making these pages, and to prevent "ugly URLs" I wanna offer user to call write msg like: http://www.domain.com/mailbox/?actionType=newMail. Also, I think that this will be useful for some other stuff which I wanna add to my project. I'm not skilful but wanna learn stuff. Cheers
  7. I just installed ProcessWire for the first time and I've perused the documentation but haven't seen an explanation of the template files that start with an _. Can someone explain to me how those work? Also, how come they have an opening php tag but no closing tag? Is there anything that explains this in depth?
  8. Hello everyone. I thought I'd share a few of the functions I've been working on in case any new users etc find them useful. I've not been programming in PHP long, so excuse the sloppy code, and if you find any errors etc, let me know and I will update it. The following function basically takes your $page date and returns it in either hours and minutes if the page is less than a day old, or as sandard if it's older. This could also be extended to display the date as yesterday etc as well. If people are interested, I can add more, and feel free to add your own. function formatDate($itemDate) { // Let's check the item date against the current date so that we can work out the date and time difference. $itemDateTime = new DateTime($itemDate); $currentDateTime = new DateTime('now'); $interval = $itemDateTime->diff($currentDateTime); $day = $interval->format('%d'); $hour = $interval->format('%h'); $minute = $interval->format('%i'); // If it's less than a day, display the date as hours and minutes since the post. // $day == 0 means there is no day difference, i.e we know it is on the same day. if($hour < 24 && $day == 0){ // If it's been less than an hour. if($hour < 1){ if($minute == 0){ $itemDate = "less than a minute ago"; } elseif($minute == 1){ $itemDate = $minute . " minute ago"; } else{ $itemDate = $minute . " minutes ago"; } } // If it's been more than an hour and less than a day. elseif($hour >= 1 && $hour < 24){ if($hour == 1 && $minute == 0){ $itemDate = $hour . " hour ago"; } elseif($hour == 1 && $minute == 1){ $itemDate = $hour . " hour and " . $minute . " minute ago"; } elseif($hour == 1 && $minute > 1){ $itemDate = $hour . " hour and " . $minute . " minutes ago"; } elseif($hour > 1 && $minute == 0){ $itemDate = $hour . " hours ago"; } elseif($hour > 1 && $minute == 1){ $itemDate = $hour . " hours and " . $minute . " minute ago"; } elseif($hour > 1 && $minute > 1){ $itemDate = $hour . " hours and " . $minute . " minutes ago"; } } } // If it's more than a day, just post the standard date. else { $itemDate = $itemDate; } return $itemDate; } The following function can be used in conjunction with the formatDate($itemDate) above. /* This function outputs each article / page header according to how we want it. ** $icon = Font Awesome icon etc, i.e "fa fa-link" which could be used if we create a links system. ** $item = Usually the $page we call the function from. ** $type = A string in the form of Article, Link etc. ** Example: If we call the function with the following args showItemHeader("fa fa-link", $link, "Link"); ** We will see the following displayed: (link icon) Link published 22 hours ago in Website Links ** Obviously change the markup to suit your own needs. */ function showItemHeader($icon, $item, $type) { echo "<h3><a href='{$item->url}'>{$item->title}</a></h3>" . "<h6><i class='$icon'></i> " . $type . " published: " . formatDate($item->date) . " in " . "<a href='{$item->parent->url}'>{$item->parent->title}</a></h6>"; }
  9. I'm trying to create a module that will execute functions when a button is pressed. What would be the best way to implement this? The options I've considered are: Using a Process and creating a page in the admin section of the website; Or perhaps creating a module and having a button on the settings page; There are probably other ways to do this that I haven't considered. I'd be open to suggestions. Thanks for any help
  10. The title of this thread isn’t very precise (or correct), sorry for that. Also: possibly this is the wrong section of the forum. I think this is a more general PHP programming question, that’s why I put it here. I have a module that triggers a function after a page is saved in the backend. That function includes a file from a folder in the same directory. After the include I want to trigger a function from the included file. So the basic setup is this: <?php class MyAwesomeModule extends WireData implements Module { … public function init() { $this->pages->addHookAfter( "save", $this, "myFunction" ); } public function myFunction( $event ) { … include "inc/file.inc"; functionFromIncludedFile(…); } … public function bla1(…) { … } } The file.inc file uses functions, that are declared in the module file, like so: <?php function functionFromIncludedFile() { … $var = $this->bla1(…); … } After saving a file I get "Using $this when not in object context" error. I know why the error occurs, but I don’t know how to solve my problem. Obviously, changing $var = $this->bla1(…); to $var = bla1(…); generates a "Call to undefined function bla1()" error. I guess this is easily solvable, thanks for any help.
  11. Hi! I'm working on my first processwire project and everything is working ok, but i have a question stuck in mi head: which is the "best" way to organize functions and stuff on php/processwire (is my first php project too). I have something like this: -- functions.inc -- home.php -- foo.php -- bar.php functions.inc have all the "get" functions that pull out content of the database, like: function getHomeNews($posts){ $out = array; foreach($posts as $post){ $out["name"] = $post->title; } return $out; } then in my home.php template i put a "render" function and do the echo thing to show the html on the front end: function renderHomeNews($posts){ foreach($posts as $post){ $name = $post{name}; $out = "<h1>{$name}</h1>" } } $news = $pages->find("template=news"); echo renderHomeNews($news); Suddenly a question comes to my mind, what if i put all the "render functions" of the project on renders.inc and all the "getter functions" on getters.inc, so the code on the template could be smaller and all the functions will be on just two files. That makes sense? is the same stupid thing? How do you organize your projects? Thanks!
  12. Greetings, I wonder if someone can help me with this issue. I am trying to use a file uploaded via backoffice in a template file but with no success. I am using the same sintax as images, but it seems it doesn't work: $image = $page->images->getRandom(); // this works $file = $page->files->getRandom(); // this doesn't I've tried pop(), first() and other functions but I believe I must be missing something. Thanks for everything.
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