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Found 7 results

  1. Displays image tags overlaid on the thumbnail using customisable colours. This makes it easier to see which images have which tags without needing to open the edit pane for individual images or changing to the list view. Screenshot Usage Enable tags for one or more image fields. Install the Image Thumbnail Tags module. Optionally configure colours for any of your tags. https://github.com/Toutouwai/ImageThumbnailTags https://modules.processwire.com/modules/image-thumbnail-tags/
  2. Hi there, I have a site with a lot of pages (more than 200, growing), where every page shows only one image. I noticed that in the backend of the Skyscrapers website, every page with a skyscraper has a thumbnail. I suppose, that ListerPro is behind this. Can I achieve this (thumbnails) only with ListerPro or are there other solutions?
  3. I have been plagued by this issue since day one. I cannot access or use any image I have uploaded. I can see them in the directory on the server and when I click on an image I can see a preview in the editor but as the video Video in my dropbox shows it doesn't provide me with a way to utilize those images. I can't see anything obvious. I did upgrade to 3.0.34 and have left the site pretty bare bones until this issue is resolved. Thanks in advance! processwire-images-bug.mp4
  4. I have a few sites on PW 2.7 using the legacy Thumbnail module. I'd like to upgrade these sites to PW 3x (and the just-released PW3-compatible Croppable Image 3 module) to take advantage of the new goodness, but I'm not sure how best to proceed. I have easily more than a thousand pages that use the Thumbnail module. I think the safest way would be to create a new image field using Croppable as a fieldtype, and leave the current Thumbnails image field untouched as I can't possibly go and recrop thousands of images, especially on live sites. Anyone has tried upgrading? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  5. To refresh my thumbnails I have been using a solution found in this thread. It is a script in the root of my PW installation on my localhost that when accessed in the browser displays a list of all "orphaned" image files and directories, this way: if (!in_array($f->getFilename(), $valid)) { echo "Orphaned file: " . wire('config')->urls->files . "$id/" . $f->getBasename() . "\n"; // unlink($f->getPathname()); } So you can preview the list first, and then choose to un-comment the unlink function and re-run the script to delete them, and fresh thumbs will be regenerated the next time they are requested, all the outdated ones will be eliminated. I want to make this a simple module: Include this script on an admin page Create a Fresh Thumbs action option on the page (just a button, rather than having to un-comment that line in the source) Enable a cron job option... Seems simple enough so I was hoping maybe someone could shed some light on this for me. Past the creation of a blank admin page, I'm sure I can just include the file and figure out the rest with that foundation. I have also been curious as to how to do this for a long time. As always all your gracious input is much appreciated in advance.
  6. Hello I am trying to figure out how I can do this particular thing... when I upload a bunch of Image in a page I would like to make the first Images as a big thumbnail and rest in smaller thumbnails... I could not figure how I can manipulate each image separately.. hope I make sense.. Teja
  7. A colleague of mine want to start with Processwire, yesterday eve, he called & said: deleting images won't delete the thumnails. His version op PHP is: 5.3.5. Today i installed a fresh copy op xampp on an allmost untouched win 7 install, just to try if I get the same "result". The PHP version of the fresh install is 5.4.4. also have the same issue.
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