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Everything posted by felix

  1. RT @lukew: this means many users are not seeing what is "above the fold" on mobile [2/2]https://t.co/yez2Jw0Aer http://t.co/bZ0lOwT6Qb

  2. I'm using Windows at the office and my macbook at home for work. Both worlds have their pros, cons and tools I'm missing on "the other system". I'm also using conemu for quite a while and found it to be the best console for Windows (in combination with cygwin). On Mac there is a similar tool: totalconsole. I configured both to scroll down from the top of the screen on shift+^ (quake players might remember that keys and style ). My primary editor on both machines is sublime text 3 with the same setup. This makes switching systems every few hours a real no-brainer (apart from some system dependant shortcut/keybinding stuff).
  3. RT @gavinkarlmeier: Jetzt, wo "Made in Germany" auf Produkten seine Wirkung verloren hat, drucken sie stattdessen einfach Minions auf alles.

  4. I'm not very familiar with the details of phpdoc but this sounds like it would fit your question (look at the answers): http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6395737/how-do-i-make-my-php-ide-understand-dependency-injection-containers
  5. RT @FJ_Murau: Bei Ehe, Abtreibung und Sterbehilfe beschwört die Union "christliche Werte", bei der Asylpolitik nicht.Foucault in a nutshe…

  6. RT @zachleat: my body is a temple—only fresh, local, organic foods for mebut my website is a garbage disposal full of ads, analytics, 3rd…

  7. RT @_marcusherrmann: Deutsch ist so eine präzise Sprache. So heißt „spineless & hypocrite political party“ hier schlicht „SPD“ #landesverrat

  8. RT @rodneyrehm: Fast-forwarding the Web Platform - http://t.co/0audxmTRmP - a response to @ppk’s moratorium thoughts

  9. RT @litchi7: Ich kann nicht mehr! Beim Kauf von einer Packung Durchfalltabletten gibt es einen Sattelschoner gratis: http://t.co/kDYRArdlFV

  10. Marco you might want to have a look at beas "fieldtype image extra" which extends the image fieldtype in a similar manner: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-image-extra/
  11. RT @iamdevloper: As a developer, you also get the additional responsibility of being the error message copywriter for every project you wor…

  12. Hey Marco: This is quite funny. Johannes and me were talking about the exact same thing last week. As far as I can tell there sadly is no such Module yet. We'd be interested in this for a project (and thought about creating a module), also.
  13. Hi tpr which version of processwire are you using? This should be fixed in 2.6. Are you using TemplateDataProviders, also? The main reasons we are using twig are: Easier to understand for "non techies" (or people coming from other systems like symfony etc.) It's ability to do "recursive" template overwrites via blocks/extend is just plain awesome (if you're interested i can post some examples how we structure our templates) Seperation of concerns: Trying to keep "Business logic" (Getting/Setting Data) away from the views which makes them a lot easier to read and maintain. As a rule of thumb we're only doing basic control structures (if/else) and loops inside our views. Everything else is kept outside of the view, inside the controllers. Syntax hiliting is much better if you get rid of <?php echo '<li><a href="' . $xyz .'... inside your templates
  14. RT @lucky_mushroom: "Hier ist der Anrufbeantworter des Trio-Fanclubs Rathenow. Wir sind leider zur Zeit nicht Dadada."[Dümmliches Kichern …


  16. RT @meyerweb: I generally assume that most “you had ONE JOB” situations arise because whoever did that job actually has far too many jobs.

  17. RT @shinaio: jubelnde WLAN-Repeater im Elektrofachmarkt \o\ \o/ /o/ http://t.co/OXQhaiwWpR

  18. RT @weide_welt: So! Geht zielgruppenorientiertes Marketing. @BILDblog http://t.co/Ps9D8JK0FL

  19. RT @BrendonKoz: "If you can find an HTML minify library that can minify your HTML better than ours, we'd like to know about it."-PWhttps:…

  20. RT @java_hipster: Great photo of two Java EE developers doing pair programming http://t.co/Av8hRnjmNL

  21. RT @bastianallgeier: Comments on the web — fixed forever: https://t.co/T2vKp57ccq hilarious and brilliant!! /via @ausdemFF

  22. RT @codepo8: https://t.co/4x2ZqXzzu4 my smashingconf NYC "old angry man of the web" rant is now out and available for download.

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