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Everything posted by felix
RT @processwire: Short screencast/video demonstrating the Live Preview feature of ProcessWire ProDrafts: https://t.co/SxP0hunZ6F – https://…
RT @LaVieVagabonde: Als junges Mädchen fragte ich mich immer, wie das 3.Reich passieren konnte. Mittlerweile ahne ich da sowas...https://…
RT @farbodsaraf: "I've set the wedding date. I've not asked her out yet." - how software projects are managed.
RT @wondermarkfeed: "Hi, can I help you find anything?" // #1199; In which No Effort was spared https://t.co/QekbyTzhRc https://t.co/RioGey…
RT @gisugosu: Auf fast 160 Mitglieder sind wir angestiegen und suchen immer noch. #help #slack #webhttps://t.co/074GuBYNk2 https://t.co/yT…
RT @NachoSoto: "Code quality doesn't matter as long as the product our users get is great""A clean kitchen doesn't matter as long as the f…
RT @webrocker: Lieblingstool zum Befeuern von Webseiten wird sichtbarer…fühlt sich an wie bei der geheimtipband, die dann groß wird https:/…
RT @realDonaldJS: You know what this ecosystem needs?No. It's not transpilers.It needs less immigrants from Java.#MakeJavaScriptGreatAga…
RT @vanschneider: Okay, here it is. I’ve re-designed the pathfinder in Adobe Illustrator. You’re welcome.
RT @wondermarkfeed: "I have to say, your plan seems really risky to me." // #1193; Work Smarter, Not Gooder https://t.co/klq9P6UESX https:/…
RT @nico_knoll: @coryetzkorn Hey, for your CMS comparison you should take a look at @processwire as well. Great CMS and there is a lot goin…
RT @der__Papa: "Papa? Was heißt Aufnahmestopp?""Wenn ich alleine mit 2 Kilo Frikadellen am Tisch sitze und Dir sage, für Dich ist nichts …
RT @wdtuts: Today we look at an alternative CMS: “How to Install and Setup @processwire CMS” https://t.co/FQ1MdhwmdQ #php https://t.co/7jrB…
RT @borantula: @processwire 3.0.5 has amazing update, I'm really liking where it's going
RT @alexismp: Nothing like a good JS rant to start the day https://t.co/0knMgC8Mag (bonus points for the JSF mention!)
RT @kklmmr: Wahre Worte über Pauschalisierung und Vorverurteilung #cologne #koelnbhf https://t.co/HsKhCsQmDH
RT @wilkieii: when an enemy ship tells you to power down your shields so you can truly enjoy the photon torpedo experience https://t.co/dgr…
RT @processwire: New post: Happy New Year! Here's the ProcessWire 2016 roadmap – https://t.co/mxp5G7xvgG
RT @tinamiddendorf: Memo an mich selbst was #2015 angeht. #refugeeswelcome #Jahresrueckblick https://t.co/wqam3EDD7F
RT @dan_abramov: Right: don’t use tools, face a problem, choose a tool or roll your own. Wrong: learn tools that don’t solve your problems,…
RT @Herschel_R: Introducing Background Sync for the browser. Make crappy connections great again!?! — https://t.co/YjQMFVLMD3