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Everything posted by marcus

  1. The day I can go to #btconf #btconfBER via direct tram connection \o/

  2. Whatever you think of last night's #DoctorWho - I was glad to hear @murraygold 's score featured so prominently.

  3. RT @shelleypowers: Halloween costume? Don't talk to me about a Halloween costume, until you can top this.https://t.co/txyW9Yuoow

  4. #de Morgen-Ticker, Uhrzeit + Social-Media-Red hin oder her, ein wenig Kommaprüfung sollte es SPON schon geben. "Onlinejournalismus", my ass.

  5. Typo of the day: "codebaes"

  6. It's independent. https://twitter.com/btconf/status/524853122834120704
  7. Let's bump this thread since Beyond Tellerrand Berlin is less than one week away - any PW Forum members attending? If so, wanna meet Monday night at the warm up?
  8. #de Sehr nett, eine "Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis"-Referenz gerade in der @sportschau #unwahrscheinlichkeitsdrive

  9. #de Im Zollamt sitzen und aus Langeweile auf Qype Bewertungen zu diesem lesen. Und Seufzer der Wartenden zählen.

  10. So Christian Bale will play Steve Jobs? This could actually work and I expect Mr „method acting“ Bale already being locked in an Apple Store

  11. #de Vertipper des Tages: Protokill

  12. No necessity for a module in this case. Use field type "Page" instead. In your tree in the ProcessWire admin, add a (hidden, if you want) page called, for example "Currencies". Afterwards add children to them: e.g. USD, EUR, GBP. Next step: create a field of type "Page" (this will reference pages), limit it to a single value ("Details" tab in the fields properties). On tab "Input", set the "Parent of selectable pages" to the aforementioned, newly created "Currencies" site. Now you got the functionality you're aiming for. This "page field" can now be assigned to another template. Advantage of this approach: When you need to add options (a new currency) to your set of currencies, you can just add a page and all the "page field selects" implemented elsewhere will notice that there's a new option. If this description is too quick and shallow, just give a notice. This whole approach is one of ProcessWire's strength and I'd be happy to explain it in more detail
  13. Ok, I'll have to chime in. Making phone calls from your Mac is pretty rad. #Yosemite

  14. Sorry @opera - this new Speed Dial design is absolutely unusable and ugly. Especially when working w/ folders. Please keep the... (1/2)

  15. Installed Yosemite minutes ago, but updated to MAMP PRO before that. Everything is runs smoothly as before. Haven't studied their versions change logs in detail, but it appears that they have possibly fixed this issue as Peter Knight pointed out.
  16. Sometimes I do like twitter humor dynamics. Today: Guy is defeated by iOS autocorrect during Apple keynote, typo goes viral #itsroadtrip

  17. Amazing fun fact! I didn't knew that. But back to topic: I must confess, a pirate naming scheme for ProcessWire appears *even more* stringent
  18. I just love the housing market of Berlin. Not. #sigh

  19. RT @SaraSoueidan: The @twitter experience is getting worse w/ every update. So many ads and seeing other people's faves.. bad UX decisions …

  20. RT @btconf: Happy to announce that the pre-conference warm-up thanks to @hoodiehq is safe!!! http://t.co/I9keWGPmj1

  21. Working on it. Want it online asap, but can't assign enough time to it at the moment. But hoping for the coming weekend to make a huge step forward.
  22. RT @Markgatiss: Hooray! International Emmy nomination for 'An Adventure in Space and Time'. Delighted for the whole team! http://t.co/CXnOu…

  23. Wow, thanks! I'm curious - in which contexts/on what type of sites are you using this module?
  24. It's always good to have the presentation page of a CMS open sourced - best practices from its creators! @getkirby https://t.co/eGGSR0VyBi

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