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Everything posted by Mats

  1. I posted a comment on the module page. At the bottom it says åäö ÅÄÖ. Image attached so you can se the encoding in "my" admin. Thanks for looking in to this! EDIT: Added another image for clarity.
  2. Ryan, it's on the admin side the å,ä,ö characters doesn't work. Sorry, wasn't clear enough. Another thing i noticed is that on a reload of successful comment the same comment is added again. (Maybe this should be moved to the comments module thread?) Edit: In the comments manager the characters works, but in the comments field they don't.
  3. Thanks! I have UTF-8 in the head tag, the å,ä,ö characters works everywhere else.
  4. I have the latest release from Github and the problem persists. The phrases that are missing (i can't find them anyway) for the processlatestcommentsmodule: "Comments Manager" "Manage all comments field data in chronological order. Provides a simpler interface for managing comments vs. the page-based comment editor." Here are some other phrases missing: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeComments/InputfieldCommentsAdmin.module#L60 https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeComments/InputfieldCommentsAdmin.module#L60 https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeComments/InputfieldCommentsAdmin.module#L88 I translated the files in your post, but they doesn't seem to translate the comments fields on the pages with comments. Also the encoding for the å,ä,ö characters seems wrong. Thanks!
  5. When translating "Approved", "Pending" and "Spam" the filtering links stops working. A bit OT: Will the FieldtypeComments modules become translatable?
  6. Try this: https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect
  7. Hello! If you can get the comments out of our old CMS in json or XML you could use this method: Also check this for creating pages with the API: Good luck and welcome!
  8. Thanks Pete! I hope to get the museums main site running on ProcessWire as well.
  9. Thanks for the feedback everyone! @yellowled: Glad you didn't recognize the site as Bootstrap. It's really easy to change the look thanks to the customization options. @apeisa: I never celebrated midsummer in Finland, seems like a lot fun! @arjen: Thanks for pointing that out. I'll look in to it. @Soma: Added clears and changed the path to the spinner.
  10. Eketorp is an open-air museum located in the south east of sweden on the island of Öland in the Baltic sea. The museum is a part of Kalmar Läns Museum (Kalmar County Museum). The site's front end is based on Twitter Bootstrap and Jquery Mobile. The ajax search was kindly developed by Soma after a request on the IRC channel. Big thanks to you Soma! If you visit Öland you really should go, it’s a pretty cool place. Thank you Ryan for an excellent system! Happy midsummer! Mats
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