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Everything posted by thistimj

  1. Ha! Thanks guys! Yeah, linking the logo would make sense, especially as other sections are added. Thanks for the favicon, diogo.
  2. I appreciate the kind words. I'm hoping that soon I'll be confident enough in my ProcessWire knowledge to help others on the forums like this community has helped me.
  3. Check out the Site Profile Exporter module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-export-profile/. It's easy to use. I don't think it exports user-related information, so if you have different users with permissions, your friend will have to set that up again after installing the profile.
  4. Thank you both. I'm having a great time with PW as opposed to other CMSs I've tried in the past. I actually have fun putting things together and getting things to work!
  5. Hey, guys. After much reading, learning, and experimenting with ProcessWire, I finally have something to show: humblebump.com It's not totally finished - there are some features I want to add - but I feel good shipping it as is and adding as I go. ProcessWire is great because I can add things as I learn. It's really flexible. Thanks for checking it out. Let me know what you think or if anything looks/works strangely.
  6. I think it's a good idea, especially for people (like me) who want to port some WordPress sites to ProcessWire. It might encourage WP people to try something new.
  7. thistimj

    Hello everyone

    Hi. As a fairly new person myself, I can vouch for how friendly and helpful the ProcessWire community is to newcomers.
  8. I am also wondering about this. If/when you do add in functionality for extending the core image fields, will those enhancements also be carried over to the Thumbnail module since it extends the image field? Am I understanding that relationship correctly? Because it would be killer to have extra info for my pictures and the ability to choose my thumbnail crop. That would help solve some issues related to my other thread that diogo referenced.
  9. @diogo Thanks. I've checked that thread out. I'm not too handy right now with very advanced php, but I'll have to revisit that in the future. @Marty I agree with you. The more I try to make just the image field do everything I'd like, the more I see that the long way is more flexible for me right now.
  10. A Save and New button would be great.
  11. Currently my tree looks like this: Photography -- Gallery 01 -- Image 01 -- Image 02 -- Gallery 02 -- Image 01 -- Image 02 Right now, each image page/template only has a title and an image field. I did this in case I wanted to add image tags or f-stop information (or any kind of extra information) in the future. The only real major downside of this that I can see is that it's time consuming. I'm wondering if a repeater field would be just as good.
  12. I'm trying to plan out a portfolio site that gives me some room to grow. I've read a lot of questions and answers on the forums regarding how to set up images for portfolio sites. Which method is the most future-proof: adding images to a page with the image field, adding images to a page using repeater fields for extra data (a proper title, tags, etc.), or giving each image its own child page and adding fields to hold any extra data? They each have their pros and cons; which method would the ProcessWire veterans recommend? Ryan linked this site on twitter: http://www.villasofdistinction.com/. He mentioned it had ~30k photos. Ryan, what method did you use? Thanks!
  13. I don't know if this helps out with the part of your question regarding bots, but I learned about robots.txt files via this post: http://perishablepress.com/wordpress-robots-rules/ . That link pertains specifically to WP, but the basics are there. http://www.robotstxt.org/ offers more info. That may keep Google, etc. from crawling your admin area.
  14. @Soma - Ha! For some reason, I initially skip sticky posts. Sorry!
  15. @netcarver - Very cool. I hadn't seen that thread.
  16. Thanks, guys. I have some experience with WordPress. I've set up a few sites with it. It works ok, and I understand the basic template system. There are a ton of tutorials for WP, and I've learned some basic PHP in order to further manipulate it. I just seem to hit a wall at some point, where it becomes kind of a pain to work with. I've looked at ModX, and thought that was ok. Revolution's back end was very slow for me, and I didn't like my code completely stored in the database. ProcessWire seems like a good in-between, as someone tweeted not long ago - it's the best of WordPress and ModX. Right now, I am looking to build/rebuild a couple of personal projects that my wife and I want to work on and a site for my brother. A couple of those are currently WP sites, and I think ProcessWire might be a better fit. Don't know where it will go from there. My regular job is as a print designer.
  17. I've been reading about ProcessWire off and on for the past couple of months to see if it's right for me or if I should stick with WordPress. I'm still trying to wrap my head around some of the concepts; I'm not a programmer, but I am eager to learn. There are things I like about both systems, but I keep coming back to ProcessWire's way of doing things every time I read a WordPress tutorial. So after lurking on the forums for a while, I'd like to say hello. The community here seems very helpful and kind to newbies. I've had to read some of the forum posts four times before I understand them, so I'll probably ask some dumb questions, but you all come across as a very patient bunch. I look forward to learning from you. - Tim
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