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Everything posted by cmscritic

  1. I'd personally be very interested in a module that allows me to check for updates of my existing modules and update them indiviidually or in a group. I'm not referring to updates within a directory but rather performing a check against the module directory here. A simple button to click that would then list the differences between available and what I have would be ideal. Just a thought but I can see it adding value for sure.
  2. Just Announced - 2013 Critic's Choice Winner for Best #Enterprise #CMS: http://t.co/hsJgZIf904 -> 2nd win by @Sitecore! #sitecore #cms ecm

  3. Posts from CMS Critic for 11/12/2013 - http://t.co/NV5Ydujroe

  4. Installing #Ghost on @ServInt http://t.co/KelahDOcgQ - on my personal blog - mike

  5. Improving Websites Through #User #Experience #Design – 8 #UI Design Tips for DIY #Websites: http://t.co/SJ38sVuTpT

  6. I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/mHaQL7rJdR Giant Flesh-Eating Platypus! WTF!

  7. That's all folks. A big thank you to @Liferay for having me. The entire event was thoroughly enjoyable. - Kaya. #LPSF2013UK

  8. Juan Fernandez begins the overview of Liferay 6.2. #LPSF2013UK http://t.co/9RjAKodh6x

  9. RT @juanferrub: Finally! All the conversations are about how to better serve the users. Technology to improve human's lives #theRightApproa

  10. .@eddydueck is now getting the event underway with his opening presentation. #LPSF2013UK http://t.co/6G4iu1g3M6

  11. Kaya will be at the @Liferay Portal Solutions Forum tomorrow, which will be held in London. Be sure to say hi! #LPSF2013UK - Mike

  12. #Joomla 3.2 Released with Record Number of New Features: http://t.co/J7vWvpWeX9

  13. #Joomla 3.2 Released with Record Number of New Features: http://t.co/NNNxcxbDGT #cms #wcm #opensource

  14. RT @SinAspen: @cmscritic @KitchenMagpie @Microsoft no way. UPS has got to have the worst customer service ever.

  15. #Elcom releases @elcomCMS 9, featuring core enhancements and improved integrations: http://t.co/IfjOTSLK5t #cms #wcm

  16. The judges have chosen @Squarespace as this years winner for Best #Website Builder #cmsawards #cms http://t.co/29yFYHB2RH

  17. I just figured this out. In the field options (which I identified above) I have the following in my ckeditor toolbar box: Format, Bold, Italic, -, RemoveFormat NumberedList, BulletedList, -, Blockquote, JustifyLeft, JustifyCenter, JustifyRight PWLink, Unlink, Anchor PWImage, Table, HorizontalRule, SpecialChar PasteText, PasteFromWord Scayt, -, Sourcedialog and they work well. Hope that helps.
  18. You add them in the field options. So for instance, go to edit field -> body and in the ckeditor settings->ckeditor toolbox text area, add the appropriate functions you want to have enabled. You can get a list of them from here: http://docs.ckeditor.com/
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