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Everything posted by cmscritic

  1. A good suggestion, I'll definitely consider that.
  2. Sorry Pete, if I could figure out a better way to do it, I would. I get way too much spam without
  3. Single nomination is fine of course but the more nominations, the more likely to be shortlisted for specific awards. I'm doing my best to make it a fair balance.
  4. Thanks for that Ryan! The goal with these awards is to help spread the word on both lesser known systems and systems that don't just win by playing the numbers game and having their huge communities vote like mad. I have been very vocal about my disappointment with Packt's awards and decided to get out own going. This is our first year and I've already lined up financial sponsors for next year so we can fork out some pretty amazing cash prizes. Plus, you can win a Nexus 7 by voting or nominating so why not take two seconds and jump in? best of luck to Processwire!
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