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Everything posted by cmscritic

  1. Critics Choice winner for Best #Ecommerce Solution is @Magento http://t.co/EzwrpfMJjd

  2. .@organicthemes Release New Business #WordPress Theme: Collective - http://t.co/cTk91xlDrt #Themes

  3. Posts from CMS Critic for 11/26/2013 - http://t.co/MAz1LLq2KQ

  4. Always Promote Your Online Image: http://t.co/xav7xUacHy

  5. RT @arjecahn: Makes me proud "2013 Critics Choice for Best Open Source CMS" http://t.co/60riec3Ohy thanks @cmscritic

  6. Posts from CMS Critic for 11/19/2013 - http://t.co/5GzjSzPfJa

  7. .@Subrion are offering CMS Critic readers a 30% discount off all their premium products. Find out more here: http://t.co/jnUIlQx0f5 - Kaya

  8. Subrion CMS 3: Now More Powerful & Flexible Than Ever Before: http://t.co/USAdNOtSBP

  9. I didn't know about ModuleManager, but I'm on my way to find out.
  10. Personally, I think PW is better off focusing on the CMS rather than worrying about building a forum solution. This just distracts and removes time better spent on expanding and improving an already excellent CMS. There are plenty of exceptional forum solutions out there already, why not use one of them? A native one just become a lot more work starting from scratch when tons of options already exist. That's my two cents.
  11. I'd have to say the auto saving of drafts is rather huge for me, specifically. My whole crew writes directly within the CMS and I can't count how many full articles I've lost due to not clicking save and keep unpublished. It's a huge pain.
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