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Everything posted by loukote
Hi, For testing, i've filled field Visibility > Show this field only if with a selector that had a typo. Now, despite the fact that the field is blank and that there is no override in the template that uses it, the selector somehow lives in the template and causes an error when a page with the template is saved. So far i checked to make sure that the override is not causing the issue (blank so as the input of the field itself) and filled both with something else (id=1), saved the field and the template again and cleared caches (setup > cache admin). So i seek your kind help to get rid of it. (Here is the backtrace:) ProcessWire: ProcessPageEdit: Unknown Selector operator: '==' -- was your selector value properly escaped? field='1', value='3', selector: '1==3' DEBUG MODE BACKTRACE ($config->debug == true): #0 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Selectors.php(439): ProcessWire\Selectors->create('1', '==', '3') #1 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Selectors.php(159): ProcessWire\Selectors->extractString('1==3') #2 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Selectors.php(145): ProcessWire\Selectors->setSelectorString('1==3') #3 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Selectors.php(125): ProcessWire\Selectors->init('1==3') #4 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldForm.module(193): ProcessWire\Selectors->__construct('1==3') #5 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldForm.module(149): ProcessWire\InputfieldForm->processInputShowIf(Object(ProcessWire\WireInputData), Array) #6 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Wire.php(383): ProcessWire\InputfieldForm->___processInput(Object(ProcessWire\WireInputData)) #7 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/WireHooks.php(698): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___processInput', Array) #8 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\InputfieldForm), 'processInput', Array) #9 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageEdit/ProcessPageEdit.module(1493): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('processInput', Array) #10 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageEdit/ProcessPageEdit.module(1493): ProcessWire\InputfieldForm->processInput(Object(ProcessWire\WireInputData)) #11 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Wire.php(383): ProcessWire\ProcessPageEdit->___processInput(Object(ProcessWire\InputfieldForm)) #12 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/WireHooks.php(698): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___processInput', Array) #13 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\ProcessPageEdit), 'processInput', Array) #14 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageEdit/ProcessPageEdit.module(1356): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('processInput', Array) #15 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageEdit/ProcessPageEdit.module(1356): ProcessWire\ProcessPageEdit->processInput(Object(ProcessWire\InputfieldForm)) #16 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageEdit/ProcessPageEdit.module(409): ProcessWire\ProcessPageEdit->processSave() #17 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Wire.php(380): ProcessWire\ProcessPageEdit->___execute() #18 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/WireHooks.php(698): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___execute', Array) #19 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\ProcessPageEdit), 'execute', Array) #20 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/ProcessController.php(244): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('execute', Array) #21 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/ProcessController.php(244): ProcessWire\ProcessPageEdit->execute() #22 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Wire.php(380): ProcessWire\ProcessController->___execute() #23 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/WireHooks.php(698): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___execute', Array) #24 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\ProcessController), 'execute', Array) #25 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/admin.php(113): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('execute', Array) #26 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/admin.php(113): ProcessWire\ProcessController->execute() #27 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeDefault/controller.php(13): require('/mnt/data/accou...') #28 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/site/templates/admin.php(15): require('/mnt/data/accou...') #29 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/TemplateFile.php(268): require('/mnt/data/accou...') #30 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Wire.php(380): ProcessWire\TemplateFile->___render() #31 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/WireHooks.php(698): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___render', Array) #32 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\TemplateFile), 'render', Array) #33 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/modules/PageRender.module(514): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('render', Array) #34 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/modules/PageRender.module(514): ProcessWire\TemplateFile->render() #35 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Wire.php(383): ProcessWire\PageRender->___renderPage(Object(ProcessWire\HookEvent)) #36 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/WireHooks.php(698): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___renderPage', Array) #37 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\PageRender), 'renderPage', Array) #38 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/WireHooks.php(782): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('renderPage', Array) #39 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/WireHooks.php(782): ProcessWire\PageRender->renderPage(Object(ProcessWire\HookEvent)) #40 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\Page), 'render', Array) #41 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageView.module(205): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('render', Array) #42 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageView.module(205): ProcessWire\Page->render() #43 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Wire.php(383): ProcessWire\ProcessPageView->___execute(true) #44 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/WireHooks.php(698): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___execute', Array) #45 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\ProcessPageView), 'execute', Array) #46 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/index.php(55): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('execute', Array) #47 /mnt/data/accounts/l/lama/data/www/index.php(55): ProcessWire\ProcessPageView->execute(true) #48 {main}
@abdus That's exactly what i supposed, tried, and what did not work. Try to call from that template code a function defined in _func.php...
@abdus inclusion works, the issue with the function that seems not being defined in what is the current scope. Surely something due to my lack of understanding.
Hmm, in the same conditions (functions used in other templates, defined in _func.php) i currently have the same error (Call to undefined function). The _func.php file is included ( include_once() ) without an error but the functions seem not be be defined in Hanna code. Would maybe @ryan know?
Hi @Ferdi Derksen, Thanks for this! Updated smoothly and trying, the templates can be selected, so i do and submit. Is it necessary to have a value in the "datefield to check for publication"? What if I always want to publish immediately? Anyway, created a datetime field that defaults to today and is hidden in the template. And it works. The page-title field dropdown remains empty although the template has text fields, e.g. "title". Well, it is of the "PageTitleLanguage" type. Could it be the issue? Ondra
Help would be appreciated, so here are the screenshots. To make sure, I uninstalled the module and installed a fresh from github. Here is how the the config window looks: before selecting any template, the Page title and Datefield to check... are already pre-filled with values that apparently come from the user template. When the needed template is selected, the options of these two selects do not change. After the config page is submitted/saved, nothing changes -- same old fields as options in the two selects. And they stay the same even when another template is entered and the config page is saved. Does it help you to help me?
@apeisa Hi, the module is tagged as compatible up to pw 2.2. Would it be safe with pw 3.x?
@Ferdi Derksen Let me come back with the earlier reported issue. I do not know what and how happens but: no matter which template is selected on the PublishToTwitter configuration page in the "Publish to twitter template" field, the "page title" and "datefield to check for publication" fields contain a subset of fields used only in the "user" template like "username", "date joined"... (the user template has few more fields that the standard installation.) The "datefield to check for publication" offers items that are not of a date type. The "page images" field gives only one line, images, which is OK. No matter what template is selected in the "publish to twitter templates" field, the misbehaving fields offer the same items. Would you have any idea what should I check to correct this issue? Would screenshots help?
Hello @Ferdi Derksen, i just installed the module on a pw3.0.62 and set it up, adding a template as the template whose pages should be tweeted, saved. The module settings "page title field" and the "datefield to check for publication" contain both a drop-down with fields of another template, both drop-downs are slightly different, first being a subset of the other. Would you have an idea of what went wrong? I would appreciate any help.
@Pretobrazza The "Front-End page editor" is not installed. (FrontEndUser is installed.) @Juergen "...decided to put it inline only on that page...". This workaround works. @gebeer The $page->inlineScript is an empty. I'll get to testing later. Many thanks for you three for your suggestions!
Hm, funny: the map appears when a user is logged in the back-end, does not appear otherwise. In MarkupLeafletMap.module (version 3.0.2) on line 231 the map <div> is output and the <script> is sent to the be hooked before the </body> end-tag just after that, lines 233 to 283. @gebeer, would there be anything suspicious in the MarkupAddInlineScript.module?
Hi, I face a problem that at a first glance looks so as the above ... but is different. Having pw3.0.61, after upgrading LeafletMapMarker to the last version (2.8.1), the module stopped outputting the leaflet <script> tag with its content. The <div id='mleafletmap1' ...> with its options is present, both single and multiple (21) items/pages supplied tested (1st parameter). Would anyone know where the issue comes from and how to correct it? The rendered html is this: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <script src="/site/templates/scripts/jquery.js"></script> <!-- Leaflet --><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/site/modules/FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker/assets/font-awesome-4.6.3/css/font-awesome.min.css"> <!-- Styles supporting the use of Leaflet.js --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.0.3/dist/leaflet.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/site/modules/FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker/assets/leaflet-markercluster/MarkerCluster.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/site/modules/FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker/assets/leaflet-markercluster/MarkerCluster.Default.css" /> <!-- Scripts supporting the use of Leaflet.js --> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.0.3/dist/leaflet.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/site/modules/FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker/assets/leaflet-markercluster/leaflet.markercluster.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/site/modules/FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker/assets/leaflet-providers/leaflet-providers.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/site/modules/FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker/MarkupLeafletMap.js"></script> <!-- Extend Leaflet with Awesome.Markers --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/site/modules/FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker/assets/leaflet-awesome-markers/leaflet.awesome-markers.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/site/modules/FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker/assets/leaflet-awesome-markers/leaflet.awesome-markers.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id='mleafletmap1' class='MarkupLeafletMap' style='width: 100%; height: 700px;'></div> </body> </html>
Hi, being new to PW, i don't have a good overview of the existing modules so i'd like to pull your experience: is there a (simple?) document library module? The goal is to store and display documents with a description on a page, maybe sorted in categories. Nothing complex. ... I know, i know -- you say that i should grab a template, give it a document, tag and description fields. I should. Should i? Isn't there something done with some more nice tweaks that i would not think of right away. Thanks!
Module FrontendUser: login, logout and register users / members
loukote replied to pwFoo's topic in Modules/Plugins
Krisj, Do you have their email addresses? If so, could you enter random passwords and tell them to click the "Forgot password" button? (that's how I approached it recently, no issues reported) -
Module FrontendUser: login, logout and register users / members
loukote replied to pwFoo's topic in Modules/Plugins
@mr-fan, thanks for the good news. -
Module FrontendUser: login, logout and register users / members
loukote replied to pwFoo's topic in Modules/Plugins
@pwFoo Is the FrontendUser module compatible with pw 3.X ? (The module page states the compatibility with 2.5, 2.6, and 2.7) -
Hi, i use the MarkupGoogleCalendar module to display events pulled from a google calendar. I would like to display labels for these events on a map. The locations are available as addresses, not as lon/lat pairs. Is there a way to pass the needed data to the Leaflet module? Thanks! Ondra