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About SebastianP

  • Birthday May 1

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  • Location
    Dresden, Germany

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Community Answers

  1. Thank You! Another proof of the power of processwire and the great community!
  2. Hi, I'm wondering what's the best way to provide only the page edit form, without header, footer and breadcrumb (see screenshot). Can I hook into the rendering and remove some parts? Thank you in advance, with best regards Sebastian
  3. I've found the reason. The module "Restrict Tab View", especially the activation of the "tab-view-hide"-permission causes this behaviour. After deactivting this option, the upload works again. Best regards Sebastian
  4. Hi @adrian, thank you for providing this helpfull module! I've found a strange behaviour in my backend: when the "tab-view-hide"-permission is set for a role, the image or file upload fails. Please have a look at my post. Thank you, best regards Sebastian
  5. Hi, when I try to upload an image with non-Superuser role, the spinner does nor disappear and the upload dont get finished. I get an error in .../wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldImage/InputfieldImage.min.js: "VM1186:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<script>"... The message which is returned as XHP-response is: <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#_ProcessPageEditViewDropdown").remove(); }); </script> And this breaks the json parsing of this response. What's going wrong here? Thank you, best regards Sebastian
  6. Hi, after years of successfully using the WireMailSmtp module (thank you Horst!), today I've installed it in a new website and get the following error on send (or test settings): syntax error, unexpected fully qualified name "\getmessage" (line 3409 in site/modules/WireMailSmtp/smtp_classes/email_message.php) This is the line 3409 Function GetMessage(&$message) The PHP version is 8.0 Can anyone help? Thank you, regards Sebastian
  7. Hi, after years of successfully using the WireMailSmtp module (thank you Horst!), today I've installed it in a new website and get the following error on send (or test settings): syntax error, unexpected fully qualified name "\getmessage" (line 3409 in site/modules/WireMailSmtp/smtp_classes/email_message.php) This is the line 3409 Function GetMessage(&$message) The PHP version is 8.0 Can anyone help? Thank you, regards Sebastian
  8. Apparently it was a side effect of the PHP memory_limit being too low. I increased this value and now it works without problems. Regards Sebastian
  9. Hm, I've fixed the error by adding this two lines to /wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeImage/FieldtypeImage.module: public function hasFiles(Page $page, Field $field){} public function getFilesPath(Page $page, Field $field){} Now the Website is running again - but what's the reason for this strange thing? Regards Sebastian
  10. Hi, I've several Websites running ProcessWire 3.0.200 and PHP 8 without problems - but one of these gives me an error: Fatal Error: Class ProcessWire\FieldtypeImage contains 2 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (ProcessWire\FieldtypeHasFiles::hasFiles, ProcessWire\FieldtypeHasFiles::getFilesPath) (line 18 of /var/www/.../wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeImage/FieldtypeImage.module) Can someone clearify this and help? Thank you, regards Sebastian
  11. Hi Bernhard, hi Robin S, thank you! That is what I was looking for. Regards Sebastian
  12. Hi, is there a way to run a javascript function after add a new repeater item? I want to register an event handler on a page reference field inside the repeater item. I have inserted a custom javascript file with a runtimemarkup field. Thank you for any suggestions! Regards Sebastian
  13. Hi, I have a repeater which contains some text fields and one FieldsetPage field with own fields. In this FieldsetPage field I want so show/hide one of the fields in addiction of the depth of the parent repeater element. I have tried to set the "show only if" property to "parent.depth=1" and "parent.parent.depth=1", unfortunately without success. Is there the possibility to do this? Thank you for any hint or suggestion! Regards Sebastian
  14. Oh man - you are my hero! That works like a charms! Thank you, best regards! Sebastian
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