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Everything posted by Didjee

  1. After installing PW 2.4 I get the following error in admin and error.txt: Error: XCache: Cannot init (line 0 of Unknown) The server (shared hosting) is running PHP 5.3.10. I have already changed the permission settings of /site/assets/cache to 777 (was 755), but that didn't solve the problem.
  2. Hi, I'm looking for a solution for the following: In a website we are building at the moment some files may only be downloaded after filling in a email address. After posting the form the direct link to the download will be sent to the given email address. In the backend there should be an option to label a downloadable file as 'protected'. What will be best way to achieve this?
  3. We are planning to build a website with an event calendar. It would be nice if visitors of the website can download a vCal file (.vcs) for a specific event to place it in their local calendar application like Outlook or Apple iCal. Is there a way to create a vCal file for each event with ProcessWire?
  4. WOW! Very, very interesting module, Soma!
  5. I heard about PW by reading a post on the Textpattern forum (which was my previous 'main' CMS). After implementing my first PW site, I never switched back to Txp ;-)
  6. Upgraded from 2.2.9 to 2.3-dev without any problems! Specs: Apache 2.0 PHP 5.3.16 MySQL 5.0.95
  7. Hi Philipp, thanks for your advice. Maybe you're right. I changed the opacity of the shadow. I think it's better now!
  8. At the start of this new year I launched my new website: Didjee.nl (in Dutch only, sorry )
  9. Check out Caroufredsel (http://caroufredsel.dev7studios.com/). One of the best slider plugins i've seen so far. It's highly configurable.
  10. Working on a Mac using Safari and Firefox, I recently had exactly the same problem after moving a website from developing server to live server (from another provider). After that I could only upload images with a file size of max. 200 KB, while max upload file size set by the provider was 16 MB. In Internet Explorer 8 I had no problems uploading larger files. In that browser the AJAX-uploader (with drag-and-drop functionality) isn't supported, instead the 'classic' uploader is used. So I thought the AJAX-uploader should be the problem. I solved the problem after editing line 296 of InputfieldFIle.js (wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldFile/) from: InitHTML5(); into: InitOldSchool(); Strange thing is that this problem only shows up at some providers...
  11. Hi! This is my first post here ;-) I solved the issues mentioned by Soma by editing bootstrap.css. Go to /wire/templates-admin/styles/bootstrap.css Remove or comment line 2063 to 2087 (.modal class) and replace it by: body.modal { background-position: 0 -60px !important; } body.modal div.topbar, body.modal ul#breadcrumb { display: none; } body.modal div.container-fluid { min-width: 300px; } body.modal div.container-fluid > div[style] { padding-top: 15px !important; }
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