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Inxentas last won the day on April 3 2018

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  1. Nevermind, I screwed up! I now see that I was using the find method instead of the get method! Such a noobie mistake... this topic can be closed. I found the answer a few moments after posting.
  2. I add some pages to a PageReferences field that I've set to Multiple Pages PageArray. I add stuff to it like this, which works fine. $user->of(false); $newfav = $pages->find($id); $user->favs->add($newfav); $user->save(); I'm trying to remove some items from it, but this doesn't seem to do anything. Here's the code: if($user->isLoggedin()) { $found = false; foreach($user->favs as $fav){ if($fav->id === $id){ $found = true; } } if($found){ $user->of(false); $newfav = $pages->find($id); $user->favs->remove($newfav); $user->save(); } } I already fixed an error where the $id variable wasn't an integer, I'm sure that I end up finding $newfav and that the save() method is called.
  3. Hi all. I have a weird issue with a PW installation. When I try to visit https://seniorenwinkel.nl/admin/ (where the CMS is located) the page constantly refreshes itself, adding a "?/r=" plus a timestamp. I'm pretty sure it's line 24 of ProcessLoging.js that keeps doing this. Question is... why? The comment above it says "force refresh of login form if 5 minutes go by without activity", but it's refreshing every SECOND for me. AFAIK this project hasn't been touched in weeks. This ONLY happens on the LIVE server and my DEV server remains unaffected. Does anyone know what is even going on? 😅 And how I could fix this?
  4. You installed it manually... so I would check first if you can also uninstall it manually before you move or delete the files. If you instructed PW to use the /wire version beforehand, that should be safe.
  5. Leaving the field empty IS the choice here. It's just that the choice is binary, but you're also opting to use 3 templates, making me think you just need a "pick between multiple" mechanic. Why not add a template that represents just that bit of text (let's call it a Sentence page for now), make three Sentence pages with it (each with a different bit of text), and then in your original template make a Page Reference field that filters out only Sentence pages: now you can pick which sentence you want to use every time you make a new page with your original template. If you ever need a 4rth Sentence you just make a new Sentence page.
  6. I have used ProcessWireUpgrade for years over a decade without any issues. I do have to admit that I can work at least annually on most of the sites I run. Only once did I have any problems with it, when UIKit became part of the core and I had to update a website that I built in 2012. That's over a decade ago! That was the only instance where I had to upgrade PW manually, for which I followed this process which wasn't all too difficult. Basically came down to renaming some files so I could revert back in case I'd screw up. Aside from that it basically came down to uploading a new wire folder and refreshing the backend. Quite simple.
  7. I too like to organize everything as if templates are classes and pages are instances, and do things as OOP / DRY as possible. The ArtistProfile (template) could have page reference field in which one Artist (page instance) can be selected. The profile then encapsulates the artist. In order to make grabbing the image easier later down the line, I like to use Page Classes (these are "on" by default these days, I believe). I would add methods to the PageArtistProfile (page class) that returns field values from the Artist it encapsulates. In the ArtistProfile template, I could then do stuff like: $page->getArtistPortrait(); You can off course add arguments to these methods should you so desire. Same with the partners. I would just make a big "box" of Partner pages. I would probably make a Partners (plural) page under which to collect them all, so I have "one source of truth". In order to subsequently use them on other pages, I would just use a Repeater field with a Page Reference field that filters out only Partners. That way an admin can put them in any order they like as Partners are now also encapsulated in the ArtistProfile, just in a plural form. In my opinion Media Managers tend to be a bit archaic, I prefer to treat media as if they were member values of class instances.
  8. I;m sorry, this has been so long I don't remember which project this was exactly. Probably not the same hosting provider, as all the hosts our clients use are local Dutch companies. Most of them are fine but some make changes to their server structure and inform only the client... who them often neglects to inform us. Unfortunately we're not a full service internet bureau so I often find myself dealing with (surmountable) server differences. In that regard PW has been the right choice for me.
  9. Can I ask why that is not an option? Perhaps that issue is solved more easily.
  10. While this is a very unrefined script and I could always offload that line count to a method, I still think I'm abusing page class constructors a bit too much. Essentially treating them as MVC controllers. So when I got back this morning and had my What The Hell Was I Thinking experience I fully agree with that. However, I would like to handle incoming $input on a per-template basis so I'll move this code into some file and prepend it to the template. What I learned from this is that it's a hassle to get scope on API variables from these constructors. The intent here is to treat the actual template file as a "do whatever you want with it" file after install, so that's why I wanted to move parsing forms on the frontend anywhere but in the actual template file.
  11. I would recommend you keep your iframe seperate from your other content. Make two fields. Check the Settings for each. For the iframe, use a Textarea without any Text Formatters. You can echo this on the frontend and get the exact HTML code you put in that field. For content with HTML markup, use a Textarea with the HTML Entity Encoder Text Formatter. I use this approach all the time for any kind of embed codes. You can treat iFrames in a similar manner.
  12. I've taken a look at the actual line in PagesEditor.php that throws this error. It's in the isDeleteable() method, the first line of this snippet: } else if($page->id === $this->wire()->page->id && $this->wire()->config->installedAfter('2019-04-04')) { $error = "it is the current page being viewed, try \$pages->trash() instead"; }
  13. I had a very similar issue not too long ago, which pointed to some issue with the AdminUIKit module while upgrading an old site. You can find the topic here. Perhaps going through these steps will help figuring out what tweaks you might have forgotten. This assumes you've got the ProcessWireUpgrade module installed.
  14. I'm having a little trouble deleting pages from a page class context. My approach might be screwy as well, but I'm open for critique. I am very much aware I'm doing no validaton yet. My page class PageAccountPage has an extended constructor that runs through a switch in order to centrally parse forms from it's template. Afterwards it sets a couple of variables, such as $this->addresses (which will store all addresses associated with the users account). This all works pretty well and ensures all form data is parsed before the page is rendered. However, I run into trouble when I delete a page in the switch under the deleteAddress case. I get the following error: Notice: Trying to get property 'id' of non-object in C:\wamp\www\mydomain.com\public_html\wire\core\PagesEditor.php on line 317 This implies the PagesEditor class is trying to grab a page by id that no longer existst due to it's deletion in the switch case. I assign $this->addresses after the switch, at the very end when everything should be parsed. I've also removed it to check whether it was causing the issue, but a little var_dump-ing points out that the error is thrown after the $a->delete line within the switch. A small note: the template has a prepend file set under Files named _webshop.php. Here is the full code: <?php namespace ProcessWire; /** * This is the class tied to the page-account template. */ class PageAccountPage extends WebshopPage { public $addresses; public function __construct(Template $tpl = null) { if($this->input->post->action) { $id = (int)$this->input->post->id; $title = (string)$this->sanitizer->text($this->input->post->title); $street = (string)$this->sanitizer->text($this->input->post->street); $house_nr = (string)$this->sanitizer->text($this->input->post->house_nr); $house_nr_suffix = (string)$this->sanitizer->text($this->input->post->house_nr_suffix); $zipcode = (string)$this->sanitizer->text($this->input->post->zipcode); $city = (string)$this->sanitizer->text($this->input->post->city); $phone = (string)$this->sanitizer->text($this->input->post->phone); $email = (string)$this->sanitizer->email($this->input->post->email); // switch actions switch($this->input->post->action) { case 'updatePassword': $password = (string)$page->input->post->password; $this->user->pass = $password; $this->user->save(); break; case 'loginAccount': $email = (string)$page->input->post->email; $password = (string)$page->input->post->password; $existingUser = $page->users->get("email=$email"); if($existingUser){ $page->session->login($existingUser->name, $password); } break; case 'createAccount': $name = (string)$page->input->post->email . '-' . time(); $email = (string)$page->input->post->email; $password = (string)$page->input->post->password; $existingUser = $page->users->find("name=$name"); if(!$existingUser){ $new = new User(); $new->of(false); $new->name = $name; $new->email = $email; $new->pass = $password; $new->save(); // TODO: Implement email validation and login through link? $page->session->login($new->name, $password); } else { // User exists, cannot remake the account. // TODO: consider a safe implementation of this case. } break; case 'updateAddress': // find page $a = $this->pages->get($id); $a->of(false); $a->title = $title; // populate fields $a->webshop_address_street = $street; $a->webshop_address_house_nr = $house_nr; $a->webshop_address_house_nr_suffix = $house_nr_suffix; $a->webshop_address_zipcode = $zipcode; $a->webshop_address_city = $city; $a->webshop_address_phone = $phone; $a->webshop_address_email = $email; // save page $a->save(); break; case 'deleteAddress': $a = $this->pages->get($id); $a->of(false); $a->delete(); break; case 'addAddress': // create page $new = new Page(); $new->of(false); $new->name = $title; $new->parent = $this->pages->find("template=page-addresses"); $new->template = $this->templates->get('page-address'); $new->name = $title; $new->title = $title; $new->save(); // populate fields $new->webshop_address_street = $street; $new->webshop_address_house_nr = $house_nr; $new->webshop_address_house_nr_suffix = $house_nr_suffix; $new->webshop_address_zipcode = $zipcode; $new->webshop_address_city = $city; $new->webshop_address_phone = $phone; $new->webshop_address_email = $email; // save page $new->save(); break; } } $parent = $this->pages->get("template=page-addresses"); $selector = "template=page-address,created_users_id=" . $this->user->id . ",parent=" . $parent->id; $this->addresses = $this->pages->find($selector); parent::__construct($tpl); } }
  15. @OllieM Not long at all. Following the steps above (which is basically just doing the smart thing and backup up old files) it took me a couple of minutes at most.
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