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Everything posted by Karl_T

  1. I have a template that contains a select option field using fieldtype Page. I want to hide some options by some logics. How can I add hook to make the change? I tried every hookable method of FieldTypePage but no luck. Thanks.
  2. I also get this error and found that this is due to the lack of a core module called "Languages Support". The error is gone after install the module. I suggest to add "Languages Support" to the dependency of this module.
  3. Let me reply the above issue by myself. I have tried using this module with freshly installed php7 and php5.64 xampp. The result is that the Add and Update function using csv is not working in php7 but php5.64. However I am not smart enough to figure out why is this happening. I hope this information is useful to somebody.
  4. Thanks adrian for this excellent module! I used it a lot in my projects. Recently I upgraded my php version to 7 and found that the Add method and Update method for csv import(both by using textarea and files) failed. Only the title can be saved successfully but not other fields when I am using the Add method. However, I cannot confirm if it is the issue raised from the php upgrade. Just wonder anyone can use this module with php7? I tried upgrade PW and reinstall the module but no luck. Thanks for reading.
  5. Thanks a lot! It works now after setting Options Indexes ! I have to try hard to know more about htaccess.
  6. Thanks flydev and Soma for kind replies. flydev's solution can help listing the files but the subdirectories are not accessible, but I learn a new way to display files, thanks! And then I tried Soma's suggestion and disabled Options -Indexes It is working as before in my localhost. However, when I move it to the hosting, it gives Forbidden You don't have permission to access /test/ on this server. I have same setting for both and not logged in as admin. Any suggestion? Thanks a lot!
  7. My site is building for website together with testing purpose. Designers often use the directories to display jpg, pdf or files to let clients to download. After I move my site to be backed by PW, the directory URL is no longer accessible directly. (e.g. accessing mysite.com/test/ will display 1.jpg 2.jpg as a list) The structure is as the following. mysite/wire/ mysite/site/ mysite/test/ <-- When I access mysite.com/test/, I receive 403 Forbidden. I can only access file individually like mysite.com/test/1.jpg which is not user friendly if there are a lot of files. Is there any method to open up the access? After a brief search, I cannot find a solution for this. I have read through .htaccess but no luck as I am not familiar with it (tried adding like RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !(^|/)test/ [OR]) While I have heard that open up the directory access is not quite safe, any other best practice suggestion is appreciated! Thanks!
  8. Hi adrian, Thanks for your help. The skip works! However, the url generated from non English letter is still a problem. I read this post https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3000-non-alphabetic-page-name/ and know that non English letter title cannot auto generate the url. Is there anyway to keep using the PageTitleLanguage field while all url generated according to the default language (in my case English)? Right now, I can only think of one solution which is using PageTitle field and then add additional title fields for other language referenced from this example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq-9GQCT0lw. But I think PageTitleLanguage looks better. Any better practice for this? Perhaps I should ask this in a new post. Thanks!
  9. In my building site, there is a news section containing some news item generated from cms. I tried using page for each item and simply use repeater to handle it. However, both do not meet my requirement. I want the new item always on top for the easy editing, so I prefer page for this task as new item in repeater always at the bottom. However, when I add new item as a new page, a name is needed to generate the url for that page. I am using the multi language module. Some languages cannot generate the url automatically after entering the title of particular language. This confuses the editor and makes trouble. Actually, the url part is redundant in my case. Can I bypass it and directly go to editing new item? Or, what is the best solution for it? Thanks in advance.
  10. Hello everyone! I am a newbie and I am trying to use the forget password button on the login page. Before that, I added a random email for testing like this one "KerryOki@InboxProxy.com" in my admin setting area. After submitting the user name "admin" , an error message occur: WireMail: Invalid email address (processwire@localhost) and no email has been received. I tried to install an extension mailing module WireMailSmtp, same error occur: WireMailSmtp: Invalid email address (processwire@localhost) processwire@localhost is not what I have input. I used KerryOki@InboxProxy.com. I tried using other users, but same error occur. How can I fix it? I cannot google similar issue, please forgive me if I make repeated topic. Thanks in advance!
  11. Thanks kixe for kind helping! Yes I want to obtain the array of the value of chosen options in a page. I can then iterate the array for other matters easily like displaying them. Calling single value is quite clear for me, but for calling multiple values I stuck, so I loop through them for getting single value one by one and merge them in an array. Any API for doing so directly?
  12. Thanks kixe for this awesome module. I am new to ProcessWire. I am using this module to make a tagging system and I have a stupid question. I have two templates, "news" and "news_detail". "news_detail" contains the Select External Option field named "tag" with some option tags which come from the input of other pages, while "news" page display all "news_detail" pages with the tags. For some reasons I want to have the array of "tag" value. $news = $pages->find("template=news_detail"); foreach($news as $n) { $tag = $n->tag; //echo this gives SelectExternalOption|SelectExternalOption|SelectExternalOption $arr = []; foreach($tags as $tag){ $arr[] = $tag->row['data']; } ... I think it is not the correct way to do so. I tried $arr = $n->tag->row['data']; But this outputs nothing. Any clean way to achieve that?
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