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Everything posted by ngrmm

  1. Thanks @FireWire Actually the folder is already showing up in the error message above. When i do your quick fix i get this: fluency_tools.js:60 POST https://domain.com/_temp/_temp/fluency/data/ 404 moduleRequest @ fluency_tools.js:60 (anonymous) @ fluency.js:579 load (async) (anonymous) @ fluency.js:576 VM752:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onload (fluency_tools.js:53) xhr.onload @ fluency_tools.js:53 load (async) moduleRequest @ fluency_tools.js:52 (anonymous) @ fluency.js:579 load (async) (anonymous) @ fluency.js:576
  2. are there any known issues with pw-installations inside a folder? It works for me on a website like domain.com but not on pw-installation like domain.com/_temp/ I get this errors on a backend pageload fluency_tools.js:60 POST https://domain.com/_tmp/fluency/data/ 404 moduleRequest @ fluency_tools.js:60 (anonymous) @ fluency.js:579 load (async) (anonymous) @ fluency.js:576 VM287:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onload (fluency_tools.js:53) xhr.onload @ fluency_tools.js:53 load (async) moduleRequest @ fluency_tools.js:52 (anonymous) @ fluency.js:579 load (async) (anonymous) @ fluency.js:576 @FireWire you hardcoded the paypalme-PNG-Url into FluencyConfig.php (line:365). It's broken. /Fluency/img/paypal_me.png > /Fluency-Translation-main/img/paypal_me.png
  3. thx @BitPoet I guess there is Typo in your Snippet. Missing closing }? However I get a 500 Error. So I tried this: <script type="text/javascript"> <?php $jsConfig = $config->js(); ?> var ProcessWire = {config: <?php echo json_encode($jsConfig); ?>}; var config = ProcessWire.config; </script> and $config->js('mySettings', [ 'foo' => 'bar', ]); but console.log(ProcessWire.config); outputs an empty array
  4. I would like to pass over a string from PHP to JS. I guess thats the way to go: https://processwire.com/api/ref/config/js/ However when i try it i get the error: Uncaught ReferenceError: ProcessWire is not defined at HTMLDocument. I think it's because of missing ProcessWire object in my js file. How do I import it?
  5. Hi @wbmnfktr, look here: https://dr-dsgvo.de/ist-mailjet-datenschutzkonform-nutzbar/ I don't know if this is a reliable source but sounds legit. And did it work for you with the WireMailMailgun?
  6. hey @benbyf, as you see above i had/have same problems. Back then i read something about issues with SSL preventing tracking.
  7. i would say the name on a profile page lacks a bit of contrast
  8. I found another solution and it works for me. First I loop through my pages and save the needed content into a helper-textarea-field. I added this helper-field into the indexed fields and this works. I guess this is not the best for the performance but it works for me. Thanks again
  9. ok, I'm a noob but I'll give it a try. I will use my loops and add the needed content to the searchindex. But where should i place this hook to run it after a page is saved in the backend?
  10. hi @teppo, thanks for the module. it's great! i have pages which are selected through a page reference field from inside a table which is inside a repeater which is inside a repeater matrix item (matrix_repeater) -> (matrix_repeater_item) -> (repeater) -> (table) -> (table column [page reference field]) -> title or text_field the search_index has already the title of those pages in it. is there an easy way to also get the other fields of the reference page inside the search_index. those selected pages have also a search_index.just to be sure you know where the pages are, here's the route i go on the frontend: foreach($page->matrix_repeater as $matrix_repeater_item) { if($matrix_repeater_item->type == 'xxxxx') { foreach($matrix_repeater_item->repeater as $repeaterItem) { foreach($repeaterItem->table as $tableRow) { $selectedPage = $tableRow->pageReference; $selectedPage->title; // this is automatically in the search_index $selectedPage->body // this should be added to the search_index } } } }
  11. wow! processWire is just amazing, thank you
  12. i need to search inside an table which is inside a repater which is inside a repeater matrix fiels so this is the structure: (matrix_repeater) -> (matrix_repeater_item) -> (repeater) -> (table) -> (table column [page reference field]) -> title or text_field $matches = $pages->find("matrix_repeater.matrix_repeater_item.repeater.table.table_page_reference.title%=$q"); is that even possible?
  13. Is there a way to search in a multilingual-site only through default language values? My selector for my other languages work like this: $selectorEn = "seo_description.data1032~=$q, limit=50, template!='pw_child'"; $selectorFr = "seo_description.data1031~=$q, limit=50, template!='pw_child'"; 1032 is english and 1031 ist french and my default language ID is 1021. However this does not work $selectorDe = "seo_description.data1021~=$q, limit=50, template!='pw_child'"; and this selector searches all languages $selectorDe = "seo_description~=$q, limit=50, template!='pw_child'"; What i want is to search and get the results in different languages and show those results in the different languages.
  14. ? ok, is it possible to do this via php? $_COOKIE["cookieName"];
  15. thanks @horst for js-beginners like me here is my solution: function eraseCookie(name) { document.cookie = name+'=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/; Domain=.your-domain.tld;'; } var privacyWireCookies = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('privacywire')); if (privacyWireCookies !== null) { if(privacyWireCookies.statistics == false) { eraseCookie("cookiename"); } } Be aware that you have set the domain to be able to remove the cookies for google-analytics!
  16. great! thanks again @joshua But i wasn't able to find any info in the window object path you suggested. I found it here: window.localStorage.privacywire But this console.log(window.localStorage.privacywire) outputs a string, so i'm not able to check with if(window.localStorage.privacywire.statistics !== true) { // remove cookies } Am i missing something?
  17. @joshua is there something like a „clear cookie“ function? Let's say user clicks on „allow all“ and some google-cookies (statistics) are set. Now users changes his mind and will go to the cookie-options and unset the statistics-cookie checkbox and saves his options. Right now the statistics-cookies remain.
  18. Thank you all! I had the formatters not in the right order! So for all noobs like me: Textarea Text Formatters: 1. Video embed for YouTube/Vimeo 2. PrivacyWire Textformatter and i guess after updating to 0.4.3 then: 1. Video embed for YouTube/Vimeo 2. Apply options for embedded YouTube and Vimeo videos 3. PrivacyWire Textformatter
  19. Ok. Then i'm doing something wrong. I installed PrivacyWire and TextformatterVideoEmbed and added them both to my textarea-field as textformatters. After that i choosed ExternalMedia to as you suggest above. Now when i add a YouTube-Link inside my textarea and external-media-cookies are off, i still can see the Iframe. I also installed TextformatterVideoEmbedOptions and activated YouTube: Enable privacy-enhanced mode. All Modules are updated to newest version.
  20. @teppo & @joshua does this mean, that iframes generated via TextformatterVideoEmbed will use PrivvacyWite data-attributes and are hidden untill given consent?
  21. haha i see, you have already thought of that <button class='privacywire-consent-button' data-consent-category='external_media'>allow cookies</button>
  22. @joshua thx again. Works great for iframes. Is there also a solution to have it for external content which loads through scripts and divs. For example GoogleMaps. Right now i can do this: // this puts content into #myMap <script type="text/plain" data-type="text/javascript" data-category="external_media" data-src="gmaps.js"></script> <div id='myMap'></div> But unlike the your-iframe solution i cant have a ask-consent-button. It would be nice to have links like this integrated: <a href="#" class="privacywire-allow-category" data-category="external_media" data-ask-consent="0">Allow Cookies for external media</a>
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