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Everything posted by franciccio-ITALIANO

  1. I used Classic Template! Now I send you my access admin...
  2. Hello, I installed processwire and create 10 pages. But when I open it, the fields "Body" and "Sidebar" are empty, all blank. I can't write anything!! Must I activate anything or I must repeat the installation? thankS!
  3. Hi, I installed my new site with processwire with classic theme. My site is: http://www.permaculturaorganica.info and the photos-files don't appearing! If you click on image on right top, appear this page: http://www.permaculturaorganica.info/site/assets/files/1/westin_interior2.jpg It's normal? How can I to correct this? My permission that I put when I installed processwire is: 700 - 600. It's correct?
  4. Hi, I read this and I would like add it to my site. https://www.gavick.com/blog/scrollreveal-js-the-easiest-way-to-create-on-scroll-animations Excuse me if it's off topic! My probem is: I add the new js file in folder of the site (...assets/js/scrollReveal.js), then I add the code in the html page : <!--SCROLL ANIMATION SCRIPTS--> <script src="assets/js/scrollReveal.js"></script> Then I add: data-scroll-reveal="enter from the bottom after 0.9s" near the css class But the js effect don't start. I read this: https://www.gavick.com/blog/scrollreveal-js-the-easiest-way-to-create-on-scroll-animations where the chef say: Then, to include library, please open the template/layout/blocks/head.php file and use this code: 1 $this->API->addJS($this->API->URLtemplate() .'/js/scrollreveal.js'); That’s all you need to do, and the library is now good to go. Now, it's necessary in processwire add that api code in the head.php file?
  5. Hello, when I go in library I haven't internet, but I write and riediting my articles on my blog always. So, I before write on .doc, and after I move all on blog, at home where I have internet. My question is: There is a way to write my article directly on a copy of the blog on LOCAL, on PC, and after, for example after a week, to copy an move all my news articles online? How install pocesswire on local? Can I to cat-and copy articles offline-online? NB. Excuse me for the language incorrect but i hope I explain my question.
  6. ok Once again thank you for your comprehensive help!!
  7. Fantastic! Wonderfull! Now work all! I red your link and I put "/site/templates/" with "/" before. But I have an last question: In the Philiph Reiner's Guide, he put <?=$config->urls->templates;?> and not "/site/templates/". Why, in your opinion?? Perhaps, I would have to put: /site/<?=$config->urls->templates;?>/css/etc ? Thank you a lot
  8. Hi, Adrian. I take an holiday because I was tired. Now, my new site made with processwire for an experiment is: http://diofralealtrecoseparla.newageofcattolicesimo.it Excuse me but I don'understand where to replace css/style-wide.css with /site/templates/css/style-wide.css I did any replacement but don't work. In my Template File TF1.php into templates folder there is write: --> <html> <head> <title>Permacultura Organica 3.1</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="description" content="" /> <meta name="keywords" content="" /> <!--[if lte IE 8]><script src="<?=$config->urls->templates;?>css/ie/html5shiv.js"></script><![endif]--> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates;?>js/skel.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates;?>js/init.js"></script> <noscript> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>css/skel.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>css/style.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>css/style-wide.css" /> I replaced here "css/style-wide.css" with "site/templates/css/style-wide.css", but it did'nt working! <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>css/style-noscript.css" /> </noscript> <!--[if lte IE 9]><link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$config->urls->templates;?>css/ie/v9.css" /><![endif]--> <!--[if lte IE 8]><link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$config->urls->templates;?>templates;?>css/ie/v8.css" /><![endif]--> </head> I must change anything in it? There is any wrong? I must change the blu words, the green sections or the red phrases? In file: init.js into js folder, there is write this: */ // Skel. skel.init({ reset: 'full', breakpoints: { 'global': { range: '*', href: 'css/style.css', lockViewport: true, viewport: 'minimal-ui' }, 'wide': { range: '-1680', href: 'css/style-wide.css' }, I replaced here "css/style-wide.css" with "site/templates/css/style-wide.css", but it did'nt working! 'normal': { range: '-1280', href: 'css/style-normal.css' }, 'mobile': { range: '-640', href: 'css/style-mobile.css' }, 'mobilep': { range: '-360', href: 'css/style-mobilep.css' } } }); I must change anything in green part? There is any wrong? I hope someone help me...
  9. Thanks Adrian! I removed the folder "TFhome-assetto" and I moved "css" "font" "js" "sass" into the folder "Templates". But I see that don't work neither and the image of background don't start. All white and black always. Have you another suggest for me please? DaveP. I write "urls" this word exactly, but peraphs I must change it with any true url?? Peraphs, must I add the background image by panel of processwire? Peraphs, must I add <?=$config->urls->templates;?> in ALL href of the ALL css and js files of the theme?? In the panel I create the Template with 3 field: "title, headline, body"; then I associated this Template at homepage. The template "TFhome.php" is a cut-copy of the index.html that I found online in package CSS Framework free, with the folders "css" "font" "js" "sass" of the theme "ARIEAL".
  10. Hi, I see this tutorial (but not listen it because I'm italian and don't understand english speaking). I choose this CSS Framework for my homepage, but in my homepage don't appear any image. It's as it not exist, and it is as don't exist any css or js. But in my pc on my browser all work very well. As I see in the video tutorial of Philip Reiner, I create a new Template File, new page, new folders by ftp with css, jss, images... Then, in my Template File I copy the index file of CSS Framework Package and replace the old url with this: ... <script src="<?=$config->urls->templates;?>js/skel.min.js"></script> <script src="<?=$config->urls->templates;?>js/init.js"></script> <noscript> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$config->urls->templates;?>css/skel.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$config->urls->templates;?>css/style.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$config->urls->templates;?>css/style-wide.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?=$config->urls->templates;?>css/style-noscript.css" /> </noscript> ... My page is http://www.casbook.org The words there are, but there aren't any css-js! To Philip happen this too, but then in an istant he risolution all and appear menù and colours and css. When he change href! I changed href but all is remain as before: white and black, less images. Anyone can help me?? I can pay too for this problem, but only a little quantity of money!
  11. Hello, I went in this tutorial where Joss Sanglier says to put the new folders of CSS-JS directly inside the folder templates of PW. With ftp. I did it. The guide also says to add: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>css/bootstrap.min.css" /> for the css. and for the js: <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> but I did not understand exactly WHERE I must add it. Perhaps in the Processwire's index.php file? Perhaps within the file of the template that I am using? Perhaps inside the new folders CSS-JS? If so, WHAT I must substitute? I would like to understand if the replacement of CSS/JS standard processwire by a plane CSS-JS that I choose by internet, is an operation that I can do well, or I must pay a professionist. Thanks Francesco
  12. I saw that the personal page of the forum, one of the members, it seems a facebook page. Wonderful! But I would like to know if this new type of forum is an installable plus with a PW module, or I have to think I personally write the code? Thanks so much!
  13. and where may I see this example about this css?
  14. Thanks for your reply and thank you for the video, but I do not understand English so well to understand a guy who speaks English! So if you could explain to me writing? Step4 In the guide says that I have to go in the <head> section of each html page, but how do I trovarlae to put the suggested string? There are 4 default installation classic template. How do I change the <head> section of at least one template pre-installed, such as "basic-page"? The guide says to add <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "<? Php echo $ config-> urls-> templates; ?> Css / bootstrap.min.css "/> I did not understand what folder and in what file I have to add this code! Credo che si dovrebbe guardare questo video realizzato da Philipp:
  15. Hi, I red this: http://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/installing-a-css-framework/page2 and Perahps I don't understand anything. Excuse me! But, I gone here: http://www.free-css.com/free-css-templates/page198/istria-1 and I downloaded the package. In this package there is 4 directory: "css", "js", "img", "images" and out it some html files. Then, I gone bye ftp filezille in to my site, and I charge those 4 directory on .../site/templates. But my site is as before. The aspect is the same. How I wrong? Question two. I seen the new forum with personal homepage for all members, that seem as facebook! There'is a modules "forum" for do same wonderfull thing in any site PW, or I must write all code by my hand? Thank you for any replace!
  16. Thanks, but since I'm new, I do not know if a "new" problem is similar or related to that of the first. Also, I need many specific details even trivial, as they are just beginners. Is there somewhere a forum other than this to make even trivial questions about processwire? As for the theme of this post, I have to say that I've created a Template File EMPTY directly on the server, I saw it on PW, I associated with a Template, and despite being empty I have written a post in! Okay now I will try to understand why I did not need to write any code php / html File Template to view this Template ... Thanks!
  17. 1. Hi, I find this guide: http://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/but-what-if-i-dont-know-how-to-code/part-1-pages-templates-fields-files/page4 here there'is write: "Open your template file which at the moment is completely blank and let’s write some PHP using the ProcessWire API to output the title field. For the moment I am not going to bother with niceties like html. Here is the breakdown of what we will do." <? Php echo $ page -> titolo ; >? But I don't understand how and where write this php code. Must I open the file .php on my desktop and write from there? Must I write on it by ftp, go into the server by filezilla? How to create a file .php in my pc? If I use notepad, the extension remain .txt and not .php Can I write the File Template on ProcessWire plattaform? 2. The guide to tell than: put the php code "You should now have a new link on the menu called Miy First Page." BUT I HAVE THIS NEW LINK TO NEW PAGE JUST CREATED, WITHOUT PUTTING NO CODE php anywhere. My .php file VACUUM THAT HAVE LOADED, is REMAINED EMPTY AND I SEE ANY LINK TO THE NEW PAGE PAGE OF DIRECTORS. So why DRIVING ADVISED TO WRITE THAT CODE ON FILE PHP TEMPLATE? 3. The guide to tell than: To prove that this is actually a proper page, go back to your template file and add the normal HTML page coding to it (You know, head, body and so on), leaving your little bit of PHP in the body tag. Maybe add <H1> tags before and after the PHP statement? Save that and refresh your browser and you now have a proper html web page with the page title displayed as H1. In case you are feeling lazy as hell, you can copy and paste the following, though why I am being so kind to you is beyond me! <html> <head> <title>Hello</title> </head> <body> <h1><?=$page->title?></h1> </body> </html> But Now, I write something in my new page, and I see all without having written anything in the Template File. I have to skip this part of the guide?
  18. Thanks now proceed to study the tutorials because now it's all turkish
  19. Thanks! But then I have to write my own hand the "Template Files" and upload it via ftp to / site / templates? See I do not understand anything about programming languages and markup for the web browser! I should learn to write a "File Template" to do readable templates created by me or any of processWire Template is already automatically readable by the web browser? Sorry if it seems is not understanding anything, but I started a few days! you can create and / or load the "File Template" platform ProcessWire instead of from the outside via ftp?
  20. Hi, I read this: http://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/but-what-if-i-dont-know-how-to-code/part-1-pages-templates-fields-files/page3 but I don't understand how create Files Template by the amministration pannel. I must create the files .php on my pc and charge it by ftp on server? Thanks, I'm italian
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