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Everything posted by cb2004

  1. Thank you for your time on this. Just thought I would post it as I couldn't find anything similar on the forum so it may help future users.
  2. I am displaying calendar entries by using a datetime field for the start date and I will later be extending it by also displaying an end date. What I wanted to do was have the year as a heading and then all results for that year will be displayed. What I have below is actually working great, I was just wondering if it was a good technique? $results = $page->children; if (count($results)) { $years = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $years[] = strftime("%Y", $result->date_1); } $years_unique = array_unique($years); foreach ($years_unique as $year) { echo "<h3>{$year}</h3>"; $start = strtotime(date("$year-01-01") . " 00:00:00"); $end = strtotime(date("$year-12-31") . " 23:59:59"); foreach ($page->children("date_1>$start, date_1<$end") as $child) { echo "<p>{$child->title}</p>"; } } } Cheers all.
  3. There is a new development release of Processwire every week that you can download. The upcoming version 3 (currently in alpha) will allow for composer support and lots of other things. Its a good time to get involved. I made the switch about 6 months ago and I haven't looked back. I feel I have only just scratched the surface with what this system could potentially do.
  4. Bit confused why this would be removed, considering you now have to go into the page, go to the delete tab and all this does is send it to the trash anyway.
  5. Interesting issue here. I have the setup: Articles page which is hidden. This has the template 'articles' which does not have a file. The children of the Articles have the template 'article' which does have a file. When I change $children = $page->children; to $children = $page->children("template=article, include=all"); these are not displayed. I am using 2.6.19.
  6. This thread is jumping all over the place now. The link you posted about Drupal scalability is describing the job of a good server. The notable users Wordpress link pretty much mentions blogs. I have only used PW for 6 months and I have used it on government websites because I have confidence in it. A brand/household name does not equal a good implementation of a piece of software or hassle free running of that site. That is complete miss-selling.
  7. Wordpress already caters to those people, why try and compete? Most of the modules it has look like they are built by non-developers as well, there is no quality control. It is a non-developers world all round I don't want to turn this thread into a Wordpress bashing. As Martin pointed out you can Google developers views on it without even comparing it to another CMS/CMF.
  8. But that is the market that Wordpress caters for, I disagree strongly that every CMS should be geared towards the non-developer. Is Processwire easy to use for a non-developer once it is setup, oh yes, easiest thing ever. Question; what does a non-developer do when they cannot progress their Wordpress site any further? They have installed so many plugins trying to do what they wanted to do, its crawled to a halt and made it vulnerable turning the agency they hand it over to into a Wordpress maintainer. What does somebody who is using Shopify do when they grow too big for it? Point being there are tools which are great for starting something, and there are tools that are great for starting something and finishing the job properly. I like where I am going with tools. Wordpress is a screwdriver, Processwire is a power drill . Processwire will go wherever your imagination takes you, quicker and easier, right here, right now [citation needed]. What the future holds nobody really knows. What if some great developers left Wordpress and screwed it up, that could happen, there is no crystal ball. Lets not forget that Wordpress is a blog, and will always be developed as a blog. Even in the activity link you posted, they comment heavily on blogging. I would love to see how many Wordpress installs are actually active and not just sitting on a server getting auto updated. Wordpress with the ACF plugin kind of turns it into a CMS, but ACF is a hog. I go back to my previous post and extend it. Long-term, my personal choice right now is to use Processwire, it seems perfect for my business model. Once setup I can let most of my clients run away with it with no manual, telephone calls or handover meetings. Not really sure on the Windows, Unix, iOS comparison, or how iOS took over?
  9. Wordpress is number 1 because so many people install it, add a theme/plugins and call themselves a web developer. Remember that is number 1 for the amount of websites it is running, not number 1 voted for by every developer in the world, it would no doubt be a different story then. Does Wordpress have a place running websites, sure, but I like to think of myself as a web developer, not a Wordpress maintainer, which is what so many people become when they take on Wordpress sites, and why I steer clear of it (if I can). This conversation comes up a lot, but stick to what works best for you for a project at the end of the day. I know what my projects will run off for the foreseeable future.
  10. Those numbers to me prove 1 thing, less is more. I have tried and tested many CMS platforms. I was guided in the direction of PW and started using it about 6 months ago. My search for an extremely feature rich, easy to use CMS seems complete. It only took 16 years.
  11. A lot of my clients know what they are doing and they know that a 404 page can be important to direct people to other pages of their website within the content. I think there should be a setting to enable the 404 page to be visible in the page tree for roles other than the superuser. Using the permissions scheme and allowing editing for say the template related to a 404 page has no effect.
  12. Fantastic module. Huge shame that it removes the space between tags at the moment. <p><strong>Text</strong> <em>(text)</em></p> The above would then be right next to each other. Will check out the parser code when I get a mo.
  13. Think this problem does exist in 2.6.14. I have to call my file in site/modules/InputfieldCKEditor/ anything but mystyles.js, but I have to use the keyword mystyles in my file.
  14. Is there anyway to do this? I setup a 404 template and gave the permission to the role but no joy. Thanks.
  15. Just tried doing this but it doesn't seem to work anymore? Error: Exception: our-history.jpg - not a recognized image (in /home/sites/MYSITE/public_html/wire/core/ImageSizer.php line 260)
  16. The latest dev version of Processwire uses CKEditor 4.5.1.
  17. story-of-the-month?article=9 is not actually sent off to jumplinks, my guess was because Processwire sent it off to story-of-the-month/ internally?
  18. Yes, story-of-the-month does exist in the page tree, which is why I was pretty sure anything after that wont work. No worries, I will just attacked those with .htaccess.
  19. Great module, but having a minor issue. story-of-the-month set to redirect to story-of-the-month/ is redirecting fine story-of-the-month?story=9 set to redirect to story-of-the-month/$mystory is redirecting to story-of-the-month/ Could this be because of Processwires normal behaviour to add a trailing slash? Tried removing the first redirect but no joy.
  20. I have a template which has a page selector. In the cache settings for that template, how can I delete the cache for the page selected in the page selector. I am using 2.6.10 and have been through all the selectors. This area seems a bit buggy to me in this version. Cheers all.
  21. So I have the requirement to have all pages selectable in a page field. My custom selector is 'template!=admin, sort=title' which works well, however this still displays stuff in the dropdown like 'delete pages', 'edit pages'. How would I stop these appearing?
  22. Hi Diogo. Yes I did try that. No joy, seemed to set the default. The CSS solution is good enough for now. Thanks.
  23. Pagination in Processwire is so simple, however it would be so much better if you could set numPageLinks to 0 and this would just leave previous and next links. At the moment I have to code this myself.
  24. Spot of output buffering did the trick.
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