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Everything posted by Orkun

  1. Hi everyone, Have any of you tried building a side project with PW to generate some extra income alongside your main job? Maybe some of you have already done so and wouldn't mind sharing? Do you have any ideas for other side projects? KR Orkun
  2. The customer needs the arabic language for their REST-API. So I added the new language and it is activated now by default for every page. Is it possible to add a language in a way so that it is deactivated by default for every page?
  3. Nevermind. I solved it by also checking the "language" argument when some is present.
  4. Hi Guys I have made this hook here to "deactivate" the default language with a click of a toggle/checkbox. The thing is my hook here works only when I am on that specific page. How can I make it work inside e.g. inside a foreach loop where I output the language switcher (when the user language isn't english)? KR Orkun
  5. Hi @kongondo Found this thread https://processwire.com/talk/topic/24718-create-field-with-tags-enabled/ And I could fix it by disabling the tags option on the mm fields and then re-enabling them. Looks like the mm version (0.1.2) I had installed on my old installation is not the latest one because it looks like you fixed the issue https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/1287 Is there a new version of MM (0.1.3?) available? KR Orkun
  6. Thanks @kongondo I will try that. Now I have encountered another problem with the media manager upload itself. I have installed it on the new system and also did all the access related adjustments. PW Version: 3.0.194 PHP Version: 7.3.33 When I try to upload media it shows that it was successfull in the console (Ajax POST Request). But when I switch to Tab "all" it doesn't show any media. It looks like it creates the media pages but there is no actual media uploaded. When I edit the media pages I get this warning: Did I forgot some setting that is causing this? KR Orkun
  7. Hi @kongondo What is the easiest way to transfer all Media from one processwire installation to another processwire installation where media manager is installed? What I thought about is the following: 1. Create a JSON Feed with all the absolute URLs to the PDF Files (Our customer only needs the PDFs from the old Installation) in the old Installation. 2. Create a little Importer Script which imports the data from the JSON Feed into the Media Manager in the new Installation. For Step 2 is there any appropriate API Methods from MM available which I could use, or do I need to setup a native pw import script where I set parent, template and value for the file myself? Additional Questions Is it possible to fetch the locations (used on the field (CKEditor or MM Field) on this page) where each media has been used? KR Orkun
  8. Hi @Robin S Thank you! It now uses the page which the repeater lives on. Have you ever witnessed this? Perhaps I should add it to https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues ? KR Orkun
  9. Hi Guys PW-Version: 3.0.183 PHP-Version: 7.4.25 When I try to insert an Image inside a CKEditor Textarea Field (inside Repeater Field), the ProcessPageEditImageSelect View always looks for the images inside the first repeater item page and not on the one I am inserting to. Is this intended behavior or a bug? And Is it possible to tell ProcessPageEditImageSelect (e.g with a hook?) to use the page which the repeater lives on instead of the repeater item page? KR Orkun
  10. I have a PageTable Field called "Inhaltselemente" which is placed twice on a template. Once normally and also inside a FieldtypeFieldsetPage Field called "Sidebar". When I try to create a new Element through the Pagetable inside the FieldtypeFieldsetPage Field it doesn't work. After closing the Modal it will render the current ProcessPageEdit inside the pagetable Field instead of the created Elements. And when I refresh the Page I only see a empty pagetable field. KR Orkun
  11. Hi @Zeka Have you found a solution for this? We also have a hook to Page::path. After the upgrade to PW3 the view links inside the processpageedit page doesn't work anymore or better said the hook doesn't have an effect there. KR Orkun
  12. Hi Guys Is it possible that the pages::publishReady Hook is not triggered for repeater Pages? The pages::unpublishReady Hook works fine on my site for repeater Pages. KR Orkun
  13. Am I right, that when I attempt to change the default value of a Select Options Fieldtype, that it will only change the Field Value (or better said the displaying of the selected Radio on the Page Editor) of Pages that were created back in the days but were never saved afterwards? Every Page that was saved back in the days with the old default value will remain as it is now am I right?
  14. @kongondo I know that the page will be cloned to the right parent. But what I am trying to achieve is, that the cloned item should appear in the pagetable table itself (see screenshot). There is no real connection between the pagetable field and the pagetable item.
  15. @kongondo The Form is rendered by the ProcessPageClone Module, this is natively and I haven't created the form or the logic behind it. It was already there.
  16. @kongondo My idea was to add a Hook to renderTable() where I use str_replace() to replace this part of the return string: <td><a class="InputfieldPageTableDelete" href="#"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i></a></td> with: <td><a class="InputfieldPageTableDelete" href="#"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i></a></td> <td><a target="_blank" class="InputfieldPageTableCopy" href="/processwire/page/clone/?id=xxxx"><i class="fa fa-clone"></i></a></td> And then also add a little bit of JS to replace the "xxxx" part with the right Item/Page ID by looping through the items. I would get the ID from the parent HTML tag (<tr>) where it is placed as a data attribute: <tr data-id="2133"> <td> <a class="InputfieldPageTableEdit" data-url="/processwire/page/edit/?id=2133&modal=1&context=PageTable" href="#"> <i class="fa fa-edit"></i> </a> </td> <td><a class="InputfieldPageTableEdit" data-url="/processwire/page/edit/?id=2133&modal=1&context=PageTable" href="#">News</a></td> <td>News Teaser</td> <td> <a class="InputfieldPageTableDelete" href="#"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i></a> </td> </tr> When I would click on one of these "new" clone urls it would open up a new window with the rendered clone form where you can submit it to clone the corresponding page. But this way the new cloned page won't be added to the pagetable. KR Orkun
  17. Hi @kongondo Sorry but I don't quite understand for what I should need the parent_id when I would clone the items pages with /processwire/page/clone/?id=xxxx Shouldn't the url above already clone the corresponding page in the right place? What I meant is, when I would clone such a page it wont be added to the pagetable table here (see screenshot) and that is what I am trying to achieve. KR Orkun
  18. Hi @kongondo Thanks for your answer! I have also another Question. If I have set a specific parent page (where the pagetable items are stored) for the pagetable field. This means the items aren't saved as children of the page where the pagetable field lives. How do I need to setup the clone URL, so that it also gets automatically added into the pagetable table, is that even possible? I mean the normal clone url would look like this: ..../processwire/page/?action=clone&id=xxxx But that would just clone the page without the connection to the pagetable field am I right? KR Orkun
  19. Hi @ryan Can't the title be skipped inside the CSV when the defined parent page has the childNameFormat set? KR Orkun
  20. Hi Guys How can I achieve, that editors can clone pagetable content items? For example displaying some kind of icon/link right after the trash icon inside the pagetable table to clone the respective content item/page. As far as I know the method where the trash icon gets added is not hookable. What would you do? KR Orkun
  21. Hi @kongondo I am using this field also inside the lister. But when I add it as a Filter it only shows me this search operators: I taught it would be handled like a normal textfield where "contains text/phrase" would be also supported? KR Orkun
  22. Hi Guys I am trying to output a warning message in the admin to the user if he unpublishes a page which has children pages. This is the code I have inside my autoload sitehelper module. $this->addHookBefore('Pages::unpublishReady', $this, 'notifyOnUnpublish'); public function notifyOnUnpublish(HookEvent $event) { $pages = $event->object; $page = $event->arguments(0); if($page->numChildren > 0) { $this->warning("You have unpublished a page which contains sub-pages. You need to move these sub-pages or unpublished them."); } } It works when I am on Page Edit Screen. But how can I make something like this work for the Pagetree Actions with ajax refreshing? KR Orkun
  23. I have a find statement where I am doing sort=doctors_last_name The field is a multi-language text field. It is not required. The doctors should be ordered alphabetically. The problem is now, that the field is sometimes empty in the default language and because of that the doctors with the empty lastname get prepended to the beginning. Sorting in memory is not an option, since I am using pagination and there are also over 2000 Doctors. How does the sort in selector exactly work? Does it look first in the current language and then as a fallback to the default language? KR Orkun
  24. Ok i solved it, by moving the hook into init.php under /site/.
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