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Chris B

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About Chris B

  • Birthday 12/01/1984

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  1. Hi, May I ask where you are in the publication of this module ? I am very interested, and it would bother me to have to delve into programming such a function on my own if it is about to be released. Thank you in advance.
  2. Hi! I have the same problem ! Do you have a solution ? I have a 404 error when I click on the download link into the mail.
  3. Hi, I have to develop an e-commerce for a client who sells trips. He wants the customer to be able to enter the contact details for each participant in the order process. Ex: if I order a stay for two participants, then in the order process, I should have two information area for each person (firstname, lastname, address, birth, etc.). Then I will have to store the data in the order. Can we customize padloper like this? thank u
  4. Hi! It was a cache problem. I leave this topic for any similar issues.
  5. Hello everybody, Why do I have two different versions of links in the admin? In the main menu they point to the root of the server "/" and in the pages, they point to the root of the subfolder "/__dev/" !? Thx ?
  6. Hello everybody, I contacted the SendInblue technical department. Nobody can tell me why it does not work. So I chose to go through the API which makes it easier for me to send SMS and manage Hooks. Thank you for your help ?
  7. Thank you @horst! I will test that. Why does not the module propose this directly in the "test" part?
  8. @dragan Thank you for your answer ! I'm waiting the return of SendInBlue. I asked if on their side everything works with these parameters. I will keep you informed. @Adrian I would like it a lot! For the moment I am not yet advanced enough in Processwire to make this. But I will come ... and so I could contribute to the modules too ?
  9. I'm trying desperately to configure SendInBlue with this module, but I'm getting the same error: "SMTP settings did not work". Can I get more information on what does not work?
  10. Hi, I'm using FormBuilder for a front-end form. I have a "postulate_job" parameter corresponding to $page->id where is this form. This field is intentionally not displayed in the embed. When, I send the form, I will send the value to this field. Is it possible ? Thx ?
  11. Thank you all! I waited a few hours before pronouncing the verdict ^^ The problem was indeed the change of IP. I added this line in: /site/config.php $config->sessionFingerprint = 1; /* 1 or true: Fingerprint on default / recommended setting (currently 10). */ by $config->sessionFingerprint = 8; /* 8: Fingerprint only the useragent */ I was able to test this solution on all the sites I created. It works. Thx you to everyone !!!
  12. Thank you!!! What an amazing community... ? I'll keep you informed
  13. Hi, My name is Chris, i have been using Processwire for several months. I had the opportunity to create several sites with this one. Despite being great tool, I often encounter the same problem in the administration. I am continually disconnected (logout) for no specific reason. It's every time: after a page change. Ex: I send a form or simply a page change via a link. I checked the logs, messages, etc. but there is nothing related to this problem. Thank you for your support ?
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