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Everything posted by thomasaull

  1. I recently started to build Vue SPAs with ProcessWire as the backend, connected with a REST API. Thanks to code and the help of @LostKobrakai (How to use FastRoute with ProcessWire) and @clsource (REST-Helper) I got it up and running pretty quickly and now have put all of it in a site profile for others to use. It includes the REST API with routing for different endpoints, JWT Auth and a simple Vue SPA which shows the process of logging in a user (nevertheless, you don't have to use the Vue part, the API will work on it's own). Check it out here: https://github.com/thomasaull/RestApiProfile I'm pretty sure, it's not the perfect or most sophisticsted solution, but it gets the job done for me… Feedback or Improvements are very welcome Update: This site profile is a module now: https://github.com/thomasaull/RestApi
  2. I Just played around with it a little. Looks awesome so far! It would be great if PageTable was supported, or is it already possible with a workaround?
  3. Thx for the hint to this tutorial @microcipcip and sry for my late reply. No progress so far… ? Storing the users at an external server is no option in this case, but maybe there's usefull stuff in there anyway GraphQL seems to be really nice, but I'm not sure if it's to early to adopt it. If, the way to go seems to use the Vue-Apollo: https://github.com/Akryum/vue-apollo Any other pointers from your side?
  4. Thanks @Robin S I'm aware of these modules, but I thougt why not use the Inputfield which is there in PW anyway?
  5. Sounds good. I recently read some stuff about JWT, maybe I'm gonna give it a shot trying to implement it with a default REST Api… Not sure if I got the time though… This articles has some overview info: https://www.sitepoint.com/php-authorization-jwt-json-web-tokens/ And this is a library for doing the stuff in PHP: https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt
  6. I was wondering if it's possible to use the slider ProcessWire uses (see attached screenshot) e.g. for the width of a field for my own fields? The markup says it's a "Fieldtype Integer". However if I use this fieldtype there is no other display options except "Text" and "Number (HTML5)"
  7. Awesome site profile. I'm about to integrate it with Fast Route (https://github.com/nikic/FastRoute) and would love to see an integration with GraphQL and an example with JWT Login
  8. My personal/professional website as designer (UI/UX, motion graphics) and developer. The process of this thing took ages and there's still a lot of content missing, it's always a hassle with your personal websites. But building it with PW was a breeze, I really love all the flexibility the system provides. I can't imagine using any other cms in the future… Check it out: www.thomasaull.de
  9. Feature request: Would it be possible to define an aspect ration (16:9, 4:3, …) instead of using px values? I have a case where I want to output different resolutions for retina/desktop/mobile/… and want to avoid a loss of resolution due to cropping (putting high px doesn't make sense either because not always the client has high resolution images at hand…)
  10. Does anyone of you guys has a working example of generating own markup for a comment form? Its more or less skipped in the documentation (altough it says it's possible) but I'm curious how this would be done. Thanks!
  11. Hey guys, I'm having a problem when I want to output images of my portfolio in a foreach loop, this is my code: foreach($page->child("name=works")->children() as $i => $work) { echo $work->single_image->url } even tough the code outputs the proper path I get the following error: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /Users/thomasaull/Websites/www.thomass-imac.local:5757/site/templates/work-study.php on line 33 My page structure is basically Portolio -- Works ---- Work01 ---- Work02 Any help is highly appreciated Best, Thomas
  12. First of all, I have to say: this module is great! The best way to give content managers control over the cropping of images I can imagine I was wondering, if it's possible to prohibit upscaling of images, e.g. if I upload an image with the dimensions of 300x400 and want to "crop" it to 500x500. I couldn't find any setting for that, is something like that in discussion?
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