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Rajesh Khanna

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  1. @elabx I tried this method inside _init.php file but it didn't work.. Plus I need to link the Checkbox field label to the privacy policy page
  2. Hi @BitPoet , I had another question to ask, how can I add the "multiplyLimit" function in the frontend. I have an input field where the user can add the number of input fields he/she wants to populate. Do check the attachment for reference.
  3. Hi @BitPoet , I added the script within the <head> section and it worked. It'll be better if the jQuery gets loaded directly by the module. Thanks a lot for your help, Cheers!!
  4. Thank you for your help!! FormBuilder version is 0.3.2 and FormBuilder Fieldset Multiplier version is 0.0.6 . I even tried the Custom embed method, but still can't see any event listener on the Add button. In the console, I found this line "ReferenceError: $ is not defined FormBuilderMultiplier.js:5:1 " don't know what this is.
  5. @BitPoet I have used the Template embed method. <?php $form = $forms->render('demo-form'); ?> <?php echo $form; ?> This is how I have embedded the form.
  6. Hi @BitPoet , I tried your module but have a few concerns about it. The field type Fieldset created for the forms works fine while trying out in the Preview section but on the frontend the Add Row button submits the form, I couldn't find event listeners on submit of the Add Row button to add the created Fieldset. I'm currently using the module on ProcessWire 3.0.123.
  7. Thanks a lot for your help @elabx Is there any way I can directly save the form entries as contact on Mautic without using Zapier ?
  8. Can anyone help with PW form to integrate with Mautic for marketing automation or that matter using Zapier to connect ?
  9. I am trying to add "layout manager" plugin to a CKEditor. Field is named as "Extra_plugin". I have uploaded the unzipped files in plugin folder of CKEditor inside site folder, enabled check box, added the name in toolbar. But on the Processwire page I am getting only the title of the field.There was one 404 error at "/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldCKEditor/ckeditor-4.4.6/plugins/basewidget/plugin.js?t=2015030801.143". So I checked "wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldCKEditor/plugins" there was only three folders named "pwlink, pwimage, sourcedialog". Then I uploaded layout manager as well as dependencies here also. Now there is no error. But still the field is blank. Also in firebug, style appears as visibility hidden on textarea. Please help me. Regards Rajesh Khanna
  10. Hello, I completely renamed the module directory but even after doing so the page showed 404 rather than showing error. Also, all the existing pages are viewable except for the new pages getting created.
  11. Hello Sir, thanks for your assistance. please find below code which i wrote to test if the page is viewable or not . I got page is viewable and user has the permission to view the page for both guest and admin but still once i go through the url i get 404. $page_is_created = wire("pages")->get("url/of/the/page"); if($page_is_created->viewable())echo "{$page_is_created->id} : page is viewable"; else echo "Page is not viewable"; if($user->hasPermission('page-view', $page_is_created)) { echo "Yes"; }
  12. Hello , We are developing a website where we have been facing a 404 Error on all new pages those are getting created. We are able to view all the pages those are already created. When we create a new page and try to access the page we get 404 , but we can access all the fields of the page in another page. Url of the page is also correct. Below are the troubleshooting steps we tried but failed to resolve the issue : a) We had procache enabled , so we were having the modifed .htaccess , we changed our .htaccess to original version didtributed alongwith processwire. b) We tried deleting few pages and then recreating them but didnot help in resolution. c) We also tried changing the server but it also didnot resolve the issue. * Rememeber the status of page is publish. Please assist in resolving the issue
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