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Everything posted by bernhard

  1. Maybe I mixed something up in my head?! I thought this was solving your problem. If not, could you please describe the problem again and with more details. Steps to reproduce, etc. Thx!
  2. This powerful module has been under ongoing development for several years. The history dates back to the year 2016 🀯 Back then it was built on top of https://datatables.net/. Later I switched to https://www.ag-grid.com/ and finally settled with https://tabulator.info/ to do the heavy lifting. With RockGrid you can display any kind of tabular data on the ProcessWire backend. It helps you structure your code in a way to keep it maintainable and it comes with a lot of helpers that customise tabulator to the needs of ProcessWire. Download & Docs: baumrock.com/RockGrid
  3. Hey @gebeer would be nice to mark this topic [solved] thx πŸ™‚
  4. Hey @nurkka I've added a setting for you some time ago and think I forgot to mention that πŸ™‚ Please check out v5.9.1 and mark this [solved]
  5. Congrats to all of you πŸ’ͺ Great to see you had a good time πŸ™‚
  6. I also like the "cowboy coding" term, but I want to add that VSCode remote can not only be used for cowboy coding but also for - I don't know how to say - regular tasks! I'm using it on a regular basis to do different things on my servers that I manage. It's great, for example, for editing files that are not part of the automated deployment - eg /site/config-local.php Browsing files, moving folders, searching for keywords in the codebase, temporarily adding something to the codebase, etc.; All of that is extremely comfortable to do with VSCode compared to doing it on the command line. So it's definitely a tool that is worth to have and worth to know!
  7. Hey @zoeck thx that helped a lot. I hacked together an example for you that shows how you can use AlpineJS for that: public function buildForm() { $form = $this; $form->setRockFormsRenderer('UIkit'); $form->setHtmlAttribute('x-data', '{ lines: 2, init() { // update lineData when lines input changes this.$watch("lines", this.lineData.bind(this)); // monitor inputs and update textarea document.addEventListener("input", this.updateTextarea.bind(this)); }, // return an array that we can use for x-for lineData() { return Array.from({length: this.lines}); }, // update textarea when inputs change updateTextarea(e) { // find all .linedata elements const els = document.querySelectorAll(".linedata"); // get their values const values = Array.from(els).map(el => el.value); // join them with newlines const text = values.join("\n"); // set the textarea value to that document.querySelector("textarea").value = text; }, }'); $form->addInteger('lines') ->setHtmlAttribute('x-model', 'lines'); $form->addTextArea('times') ->setHtmlAttribute('rows', '10'); $form->addMarkup('<template x-for="line in lineData"> <div><!-- must have one single root element --> <input type="text" class="linedata uk-input"> </div> </template>'); } The idea is to create a textarea (that would be hidden) that holds the data and to build the UI based on another input via AlpineJS x-for directive:
  8. Nope, it doesn't. This has probably confused many of us πŸ˜‰ It's a bug. These mails can be ignored. Maybe @Pete can look into it one day?
  9. Interesting thread. I'll add RockMigration deployments to the mix. I'm working on a video about it πŸ™‚ And I'll probably improve the process along the way...
  10. Hey @olivetree my site profile uses NPM to install tailwind and tailwind is used for all the utility classes like "mt-5" or "py-2" etc.; Whenever you run "npm run build" this process is started and it creates a css file that you can then load on your webpage. In my profile this is usually done whenever a file changes (from /site/livereload.php). If you don't modify your markup on your production system this file will never ever change, so you can just upload that file and that's all you have to do. If you don't need to recompile the file you don't need npm on the remote server.
  11. I still don't understand. Could you please describe it with an example from start to finish?
  12. Hey @Sanyaissues thank you very much!! πŸ™‚ Hi @zoeck thank you for your question - I have not had the need for that so far but looking at the docs of your link it looks like a great match. If you only need a simple repeating element it might also be an option to use AlpineJS! What is the exact use case?
  13. Hey @FireWire thx for the message. I think that sounds like we should do another video call πŸ˜‰ PM...
  14. Hey @zoeck thx for your question! Sure πŸ™‚ RockCommerce is built like ProcessWire. You have several modules that help you build what you need, but you need to put your pieces together yourself. That means more work upfront, but you can build exactly what you need. Just like building a website with ProcessWire - you don't need pagination? Don't add it to your site... You don't need payment? Just don't add that step to RockCommerce. But it sounds like the product and cart functionality plus the (multi-step) checkout via RockForms could save you a ton of time already. Nonetheless please be sure to check the minimum requirements in terms of all possible features like shipping, variations, stock keeping etc. and check if RockCommerce supports all that (yet). BTW: We'll launch my first real-world RockCommerce project today 😍πŸ”₯ I'll then try to work on the docs to make it as easy to understand and use as possible! Official launch should then be end of November. If you need something earlier let me know. Hey @Sanyaissues that looks great! Didn't even think to display the cart side by side with the products but great to see that you are able to use the module in your own way!! πŸ™‚
  15. Thx @zoeck seems I made a mistake when refactoring! Should be fixed in v3.23.2 πŸ™‚ Thank you!
  16. Hi @zoeck thx for the report. That's definitely not intended. Otherwise I'd bumped the version to v4.0 to indicate a breaking change. There should be no changes necessary when upgrading the module. Could you please look into this and let me know what you can find?
  17. @herr rilke please provide step by step instructions what you did. Provide every file name you created, every file content you put into it, every url you put into your browser. Every important detail about the pw installation (eg is it in a subfolder or not)... @dotnetic just confirmed that it works for him on windows + in subfolder installation
  18. Another module that was created through the development of RockCommerce 😎 Ever needed a list of all countries of the world? Wanted to show a subset? Needed to translated them to other languages? Check out RockCountries, which can help you with these things: // using tracy debugger's bd() bd(rockcountries()->countries()->get('alpha2=aut')); Download & Docs: baumrock.com/RockCountries
  19. Just download it from github and remove /site/modules/RockFrontend and then add the new files there https://github.com/baumrock/RockFrontend/archive/refs/heads/main.zip or https://github.com/baumrock/RockFrontend/releases I've found an issue on my project but let me know if the new version works for you nonetheless. Please use v3.23.1 !
  20. Hey @herr rilke there was an issue with the ajax feature both on windows installations and on subfolder installations. I think they should be fixed now! Please check out v3.23 PS: Thx for your help with the windows path issue @dotnetic, the final fix was a little bit more complicated though πŸ˜… https://github.com/baumrock/RockFrontend/commit/0cf84be630050d212b334e52477d97039823de4f https://github.com/baumrock/RockFrontend/commit/c9fbd2430e166d304cae9af943510cb8a391bcdf
  21. No, I haven't. I tried a Mac once and the app window buttons location on the left (instead of the right) just confused me πŸ˜ƒ. Thanks for the suggestion thoug. I can second what @szabesz said. I was never a fan of mac. I even installed windows on a macbook air when I once bought one and could not work with it for the same reasons that @kongondo mentioned. But then I had to use one in an agency I was working and I switched the hard way. I did intentionally not change and keyboard mappings and I did intentionally not change mouse wheel direction. It took about 2 weeks to get used to it, but it worked. Now it's the new normal for me and I have to say with MacOS it's a far better experience than what I had with windows. Many things that seem to be "better" on windows are just a matter of habits. But MacOS is so much more polished and less chaotic. And things run so much more reliably. I can't remember when I rebooted my mac the last time. Just leave it after work and in less than a second it's back on the next morning. No more fear of running out of battery life on a 2h meeting. And no sound of annoying fans (on MacBook Air). Nothing. So much better! And last but not least: It's UNIX. rsync, htop, wget... whatever... all there! And no problems because of "wrong" file path delimiters. BTW: If any of the windows users could help me with debugging this RockFrontend issue I'd be very happy: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/27417-rockfrontend-πŸ”₯πŸš€-the-powerful-toolbox-for-processwire-frontend-development/?do=findComment&comment=245336
  22. @dotnetic as you are on Windows could you please have a look? I can't debug this on Mac...
  23. That's a good hint! So maybe we are just missing a normalisation for the path separator somewhere. Can you place bd($rockfrontend) in site/ready.php and tell me the output for ajaxEndpoints?
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