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Everything posted by bernhard

  1. Tried it on 2.6 and can't find the "show edit links?" option looked for it at page body field edit screen in "global" and in "template specific" mode...
  2. hi blackeye, tested with 2.6.0 and works! don't think it will be different in 2.5.29
  3. the best blog-post i found so far: https://megalytic.com/blog/how-to-filter-out-fake-referrals-and-other-google-analytics-spam i found out that segments are REALLY helpful! you can define filters and apply them also to your historical data. it's also very few clicking if you use REGEX like this (taken from https://github.com/piwik/referrer-spam-blacklist/blob/master/spammers.txt): 4webmasters.org|7makemoneyonline.com|acads.net|anal-acrobats.hol.es|anticrawler.org|best-seo-offer.com|best-seo-solution.com|bestwebsitesawards.com|blackhatworth.com|brakehawk.com|buttons-for-website.com|buttons-for-your-website.com|buy-cheap-online.info|darodar.com|econom.co|forum69.info|forum20.smailik.org|free-share-buttons.com|get-free-traffic-now.com|googlsucks.com|hulfingtonpost.com|humanorightswatch.org|ilovevitaly.com|iminent.com|kabbalah-red-bracelets.com|kambasoft.com|makemoneyonline.com|masterseek.com|o-o-6-o-o.com|ok.ru|priceg.com|ranksonic.info|ranksonic.org|savetubevideo.com|semalt.com|sexyteens.hol.es|social-buttons.com|theguardlan.com|webmaster-traffic.com you can then analyze what all the spam-bots are doing on your site: and you can easily switch your filter to EXCLUDE all spam-bots and compare your data: i've not found out how to deal with segments via ga-api. maybe some day i find the time. as a note for myself: https://developers.google.com/analytics/solutions/articles/hello-analytics-api i'll give a more detailed insight on my blog, when it is finished EDIT: it get's even better!! you can share segments and have it available in ALL your properties for ALL your data (also historical)! here is my segment: https://www.google.com/analytics/web/template?uid=ns25vIZpSj2NpRFk371g3Q just visit the link and enjoy spam-free analytics does it work for you?
  4. me too! i did some testing on blueimp back in my joomla days and liked it. unfortunately the budget for this job was too small so i didn't realise it and have no "real world experience". it is also capable of uploading very large files in smaller chunks (eg videos). would really be great to have a client side resize in PW 2.7
  5. Pete, you are right. That's why I'm using the PW trend only as a very first WOW catcher. of course i'm honest to my clients and show them the comparison to wordpress. and i explain them why wordpress is so famous and why i trust in processwire for this special project. this does not mean that tv is far better then smartphones maybe this comparison does not match 100% to pw<->wp, but at least i experienced that the WOW-chart made my clients feel more confident to "try" something new and made them hear my explanations with other ears then before. and at least it may kick out 50% of his competitors that are offering them a drupal-based solution
  6. hy DaveP, thanks. you are / he is right, but that's not what i want:
  7. there are always countless arguments for/against any product. i often hear from clients: "one says this, the other one says that" then i show them what google says and they get big eyes: I've also a setup of a simple former joomla site converted to PW and show them the difference in direct comparison. that's the arguments they will understand - at least in my experience. most of them don't understand what we are talking about when we go in detail, so the trust a name they know, because they are afraid of making a mistake. that's psychology use this thinking for your (and PW's) benefit! make them aware that they can make a mistake by backing the wrong horse: good luck! PS: also make them aware that they don't only have to trust the product but also YOU as a developer/agency! the product is only one part - the other part is your work and what you make of it.
  8. hi mattcohen, welcome to the forum! your code looks like you have not yet fully understood what processwire is and can do for you to make your life easy the key to success is structuring your content, then you can easily access all your data by simple foreach ($page->children() as $review) { echo $review->title ... $review->body ... $review->rating ... and so on } maybe this is a good read for you: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3579-tutorial-approaches-to-categorising-site-content/ did you go through the hello world tutorial? https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/hello-worlds/
  9. hi fliwatuet, welcome to the forum! 1) you can get really far with processwire and IF, FOR and ECHO 2) you do not need to know a lot about modules. you can handle almost everything in your template files. that's easier in the beginning, where of course later on modules can have advantages over writing all your logic into your templates. 3) as all the others have already said: you don't need them. but personally i also have never regret buying one! have fun with PW and PHP! if you need help, the community here is really helpful and fast. i'm the 5th reply to your post within a day and it's almost always like this. I'm very happy that gebeer showed me PW one year ago, thank you once again! ps: i would recommend you to start with the hello world planets tutorial (do not only read it. install pw and do it!): https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/hello-worlds/ or with comments here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/693-small-project-walkthrough-planets/ on page 4 of the first link you will see how far you can get with ECHO - imagine you also know IF and FOR
  10. hey grumpy, it seems you are using the default intermediate profile? you are mixing code in your map template php file and your _main.php file! thats some very basic PW stuff and not related to mapmarker, so i think it would be a good idea to start a new "general support" thread and stop messing this specific thread up (sorry) as long as there is no extra thread, i'll try to help you here once more. have a look at this posting, thats the intermediate profile workflow: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9690-sub-templates/?p=93247 so everything you echo in your map template will be placed BEFORE all the code in _main.php to get something into the body of your _main.php you have 2 options: 1) create a whole new map template (i think you named it postcard.php) like this: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> ## your javascript here ## </head> <body> <?php ### render map here ### ?> </body> </html> but that would remove all the other site elements that you already have on your website (menu, sidebar, search etc) 2) populate the $content variable with your map markup postcard.php $map = $modules->get('MarkupGoogleMap'); $content = $map->render($page, ## your div id here ##); note its not echo ... but $content = ... _main.php should look somehow like this <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> ## your javascript here ## </head> <body> <h1><?php echo $title ?></h1> <div> <?php echo $content; ?> </div> </body> </html> so in the second case your map will be placed wherever you put your $content variable in your _main.php file. please take your time and read this thread carefully: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/740-a-different-way-of-using-templates-delegate-approach/ thats a lot of useful information and explanation of what's going on behind the scenes when you are using one file to handle all the markup. especially this thread of ryan should help you: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/740-a-different-way-of-using-templates-delegate-approach/?p=6174 good luck
  11. that's what diogo said - totally agree! but as you can see i have LOTS of spam traffic on my sites and definitely switched ON googles "remove known bots and spiders" option. what's your experience about spam referrals on analytics. do you have any? what do you do against it?
  12. offtopic: if anyone else also wonders what OP stands for: http://netforbeginners.about.com/od/internetlanguage/f/What-Is-OP.htm OP = original poster
  13. you can filter out unwanted entries BEFORE they are stored in your view or AFTER that (before presentation of data). if you filter them out before storing it, all your reports are free of those unwanted entries and they don't deform indicators like bounce rate and session duration and so on. if you filter them before presentation you would have to apply all those filters on every single report. of course you could do that and you could even save your reports as shortcuts so that you do not have to do this work over and over again, but imagine what happens if you have several shortcut reports and you notice there has a new spider come up... kind of a best practise is to filter data before it gets stored and have one unfiltered view as a backup. @wanze did some research on this but for the moment it's beyond my scope. seems to be not that easy with all the authentication and so on so i thought it would may be a simple and very useful addition to your module. sorry for honoring nico instead of you but you are right - it's not directly what your module was made for so a seperate module would be good... maybe i find the time some day or anybody else what makes me puzzle somehow is that i can't find any howtos or codesamples for this... seems i'm the only one on the web concerning about it ^^
  14. you have some code before your <html> that should be in the body! <script type='text/javascript' src='/site/modules/FieldtypeMapMarker/MarkupGoogleMap.js'></script><div id='mgmap1' class='MarkupGoogleMap' style='width: 100%; height: 300px;'></div><script type='text/javascript'>if(typeof google === 'undefined' || typeof google.maps === 'undefined') { alert('MarkupGoogleMap Error: Please add the maps.googleapis.com script in your document head.'); } else { var mgmap1 = new MarkupGoogleMap(); mgmap1.setOption('zoom', 16); mgmap1.setOption('mapTypeId', google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP); mgmap1.init('mgmap1', 51.606968, -0.552179); mgmap1.addMarker(51.606968, -0.552179, '/postcards/chalfont-st-peter/chalfont-st-peter-001/', 'csp-001-f', ''); }</script><!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta name="keywords" content="home improvement, home, improvement, improvements, plumbing, plumber, electrics, electrical, electric, tile, tiling, tiles, joiner, joinery, carpentry, door, doors, stair, stairs, wardrobe, wardrobes, cupboard, cupboards, kitchen, kitchens, bathroom, bathrooms, bedroom, bedrooms, chalfont st peter, buckinghamshire, UK, genealogy, family tree, family, history, tree, ancestor, relative, relation, postcard, postcards"> <meta name="copyright" content="Worldwide, Simon and Thelma Dawson, 2015"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> <title>View over Chalfont St Peter</title> <meta name="description" content="" /> <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway:500' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/site/templates/styles/main.css" /> <script type='text/javascript' src='https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false'></script> </head> all before <!DOCTYPE html> has to be anywhere between <body> ... </body>
  15. of course i mean wanze! i'll get wanze in here... thanks for the link, makes me confident
  16. thanks arjen! is it possible to set google analytics filters via API? that would be great. you could then automate this process using piwiks referrer spam list and update all your analytics IDs on the fly. maybe a very useful update for nicos analytics module? how can i invite nico to join this discussion? is there anything like @Nico Knoll ? or do i have to PM him?
  17. hi everyone! my google analytics for my personal website looks like this: you see two things: i have very few visitors 90% of them are spam! on this site, i tried using htaccess blocking like this: http://blog.raventools.com/stop-referrer-spam/ but as you can see: no success of course i have also activated the analytics-built-in option to filter known bots and spiders: also useless. only way that seems to work is to manually create filters in analytics. but that's a lot of stupid work if you manage more websites... and with every single new spambot you have to update ALL your websites one by one. that feels so ancient! how do you guys handle this? wouldn't a module be great that has a global library of known bots that we could update with one click? maybe with an option to use the global list of bots and explicitly allow some of them, if there is a need? thanks PS: for search indexing some other keywords: semalt, darodar, buttons-for-website
  18. yep, i'm here $map = $modules->get('MarkupGoogleMap'); echo $map->render($page, 'map'); did you read the section "how to use" here http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-map-marker/ ?
  19. any news on this? or is this obsolete now that wireshell exists?
  20. https://www.google.at/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=google%20maps%20calculate%20distance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7997627/google-maps-how-to-get-the-distance-between-two-point-in-metre/7997732#7997732 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1502590/calculate-distance-between-two-points-in-google-maps-v3
  21. once more outstanding support in the forum. thank you! also thank you pwFoo but a simple if($page->id) did it
  22. hi guys, i have the following saveReady hook: public function createCodeFile($event) { $page = $event->arguments('page'); if($page->template == 'code' OR $page->template == 'treenode') { // create file if textarea is not empty if($page->code) { $filename = "tmpupload/code" . $page->id . "_" . $page->name . ".inc"; file_put_contents($filename, $page->code); $page->codefile->removeAll(); $page->save('codefile'); $page->codefile->add($filename); unlink($filename); } else { $page->codefile->removeAll(); $page->save('codefile'); } } works great for editing pages, but when i create a new page, i get the error New page '/simple-map/functions/test-test/' must be saved before files can be accessed from it the problem is in the else-block: else { $page->codefile->removeAll(); $page->save('codefile'); } how can i check if "codefile" is accessible? or should i use another hook? if i hooked after "saved" i would have to save the page on my own and that would lead to an endless loop, wouldn't it? thanks for your help!
  23. since 2.5.24 OR-dependencies are possible: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-core-updates-2.5.24/#field-dependencies-upgrades
  24. nice! also a good read: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1799-routes-and-rewriting-urls
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