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Everything posted by saml

  1. PW is productivity!

  2. Ah, cool, fixed! Ouch, must have been very tired the last days (indeed, I was) ... Heh, true We have a new one in fact, but we just haven't yet managed to make sure our forward-box works correctly (seems things are getting stuck in some spam filter still). Many thanks for the hints and feedback, it is much appreciated!
  3. I finally got to a somewhat finished state of a low-budget project I've been working on besides my main job at the university. Enjoy it at shallahotel.com In short, Shalla Hotel is a small hotel in Shashemene, near Awasa 250 km south of Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. The aim of the website for now is to just provide a simple presentation page for the Hotel. The website will be improved continuously from now on.
  4. For a recent (low-budget) ... would instead become: echo ul( li( 'Home' ) . li_foreach_page( $page->children ) ); I have collected the code I'm regularly re-using so far in a github repo: https://github.com/samuell/pwutils'>github.com/samuell/pwutils I'm sure many of you are doing things like this already, but I was just thinking that this kind of thing could be a good idea help each other improve upon. I was thinking that having a common such micro-library with all the common cases covered to speed things up, should be a productivity booster that we all can benefit from. What do you guys think? Maybe there is something like this already, that I just missed?
  5. Many thanks! it seems this module might be able to solve the problem for us, although, we will probably want to just use the id-based urls as is, without redirecting to the full urls, but maybe that is configurable anyway?
  6. This might sound backwards in terms of SEO optimizations, but we have a use case where we would prefer using unnatural ids (such as the page id) for certain page types. I was wondering how I would most easily implement that? Is there a module for customizing url path behavior, or some simple setting somewhere? Have googled / browsed around a bit but couldn't find it mentioned anywhere how to go about this.
  7. JFYI, the packaging is now ready, and ProcessWire is available as bitnami images: blog.bitnami.com/2014/02/processwire-added-to-bitnami-library.html So, now it's time to share share share!
  8. I have the same "problem" that others have mentioned that I can hardly listen to anything while coding. Although it is not really my kind of music, I think maybe the only piece that was non-distracting enough might have been: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJ6Mzvh3XCc
  9. Of course I hope all the best for ProcessWire also in this contest, and it would be a shame to scrap all of our hard work too! ... I just was a bit disappointed with Bitnami's decisions. They could have made it so that votes last since they are voted. I think then the ordering of packages would be more according to the actual size of the community, and they would then be worked off by Bitnami in a reasonable order ... promoting a good prioritization rather than bloodshed competition ... much like how StackOverflow got so incredibly successful. As it is now, it just encourages the respective communities to turn themselves inward-out and do massive campaigns to try to break the patience of the others ... and if you fail, all your time is wasted - worth zero. I think it will bite back at them in the end. But of course, for us others, we just have to live with it :|
  10. Thanks for the info, then I know! BAD decision by Bitnami, just to get more shares ... But anyway ...
  11. There we go! But do you, or anyone else, know if they start from scratch every month? Would not be fun to scrap the hard work of the ERPNext guys gathering all those votes, if that happens ... Hope that anyone being #2 will at least make it next round. After all we're all in open source, and it'd be nicer to have friendly and mutually spurring and promoting relation with other projects, than die hard winner-takes-it-all competition ...
  12. And THERE it goes ... PW is #2! Only one more to go https://bitnami.com/contest
  13. An idea, when you don't want to spam your twitter followers any more, is to dust off your Google+ account, and share there too. I think the http://bitnami.com/product/processwire link counts as a vote there too.
  14. Just done another tweet to my handful of followers: https://twitter.com/Joss_Sanglier/status/423744548498464769 Cool. Recommended to include the link as well! I also realized yesterday that if linking to the processwire page (http://bitnami.com/product/processwire), the tweet is sometimes counted as a vote (which they indeed also say), while of course the main contest link (http://bitnami.com/contest) is not. Made the mistake to only link the contest page, a few times.
  15. Just 40 votes to pass # 2 now ... and 119 to pass #1 ...
  16. @fmgujju: Thanks for the kind words It could use some refinement by a real graphic designer though ... ... and, just to get back to the topic for a moment (no pun intended, logo discussion is interesting ), PW is making quite some progress on the bitnami contest ... could use a few more votes and sharing though, to get past the no 1 and 2!
  17. Just throwing in something here, to spur the idea process[wire] ...
  18. Ok, now PW is 3rd To get past that, would probably need a share by twitter.com/processwire I guess ... or a few folks using the embedded vote-button on their website(s).
  19. Indeed And now, processwire is already at 6th place, and should be able to get to at least 3rd place with just a dozen more votes, so I think doing a little concerted sharing around this might well be worth it. (Better to do it all one time and win the contest, than spread it out and never win ) (Bitnami is quite well known among Amazon AWS cloud users, btw, being one of the most active AWS image producers)
  20. Awesome list there! Goes straight to my Evernote web clips
  21. Ah, I thought it was one single contest, defining the order in which they will implement these later ... Doing multiple contests must indeed make folks give up on this :/
  22. Just saw (via Gertrud Schrenk) that BitNami (Company that packages popular open source apps into easy to install images in various formats, including AWS cloud images) is having a contest for which apps to include next as a package, where you can vote for ProcessWire. To quote the site: Please, all go and vote for PW at: bitnami.com/contest ! Cheers
  23. Many thanks for the pointer, Ryan! That is very useful info and snippet!
  24. Ah, thanks for spotting that! I must have messed something up there, will try to fix immediately!
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