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Everything posted by saml

  1. Many thanks for the info pwFoo! I really should go about test this myself asap, but have been busy developing my first PW site I'm not sure the .htaccess file should be a too big problem. For rilpartner.se, .for example, we are successfully ourselves using nginx, which has its own URL handling, and I could easily add the single rewrite rule needed to get it to work ... and I from what I've hear, hhvm should be able to run with nginx, using fastCGI / fasterCGI. Will also report if I get the time to test this out more!
  2. I was incredibly intrigued when I found PW two days ago! A lighter-weight Drupal, enabling a much more agile way of working, is exactly what I have desparately needed for the few side projects I'm doing in my limited time besides my developer work at Uppsala University. My first PW site ever produced is now up (although somewhat a work in progress): A humble little site for our humble little firm: RIL Partner ABAttaching a screenshot as well, for your convenience.
  3. Interesting discussion! Just wondering, what happened to this? Is this functionality now available in core somehow (couldn't find it in the 2.3 version), or should I use the version control for text fields (and for reference, the relevant thread) module for now?
  4. Hi, I watched the "Taking PHP seriously" talk by Facebook engineer Keith Adams at StrangeLoop conf, and got interested to try out the HipHop PHP VM, which seems to be able to speed things up by quite a lot. According to this blog post on the HHVM blog, it also seems to have gained very good unit test coverage for a lot of frameworks (Drupal and Lavarel to name two), so I was interested to hear if anyone has tried it with proceswire? (Not that ProcessWire is slow in itself - the opposite! - but with all these high performing frameworks today like node.js and golang, it would be nice to see how far we could take PHP so we can use existing awesome PHP code like ProcessWire )
  5. Hmm ... I was wondering the same, but rather about how to create a CRUD system accessible from the front end (after login) ... much like how you can create custom content types and views in Drupal, and let various user roles (even non-logged in users) add content through the ".../node/add" interface. Should I start a new thread for this, or could someone elaborate a little on what it would take to get something like this working?
  6. Ok, I guess I just found the answer in this other thread: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4014-zurb-foundation-4-site-profile/
  7. I was wondering if there is anything like a base theme, supposed to work as a blank canvas for developing custom ProcessWire themes? (I have been used to use such ones (like the genesis theme) in Drupal, for custom theme work, and thus was wondering) On the other hand, custom theme development might not be that hard anyway just customizing what is there already ... but just wanted to know. Or otherwise, what would be the "best practice" strategy for developing custom processwire themes?
  8. Excited to have found ProcessWire! :)

  9. Had the same problem, and it turned out to be a classic: On Ubuntu, the default Apache configuration has turned off the "AllowOverride" setting for /var/www, so I had to edit my /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default file like this (the changed part in bold text): From: <Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny allow from all </Directory> To: <Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride All Order allow,deny allow from all </Directory> ... and then restart apache with: sudo service apache2 restart (Didn't even need to change the RewriteBase setting in my .htaccess file, although I have a subfolder named "procwire") Hope this helps!
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