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Torsten Baldes

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Everything posted by Torsten Baldes

  1. RT @processwire: New module: Mobile Detect by @justb3a provides API-side tool for detecting mobile devices – http://t.co/8On3ECqNcW

  2. @bea i was about to bring up the the same concerns about caching. how do you handle this? do you even cache?
  3. Oops! SQL Injection für Drupal 7 leichtgemacht https://t.co/umkkwmo7cC

  4. RT @staedelmuseum: Stendhal-Syndrom: psychosomat. Störung, die im Zusammenhang mit kultureller Reizüberflutung auftritt http://t.co/VHwEiGt…

  5. RT @processwire: Introducing ProcessWire ListerPro – A powerful new way to browse and manage your pages – https://t.co/BxfHF9Qbj2

  6. Sushi-Restaurants sind die Dönerläden der Innenstadt. Man kann keine 5m gehen, ohne über einen zu stolpern. #Leipzig

  7. RT @nshelsinki: Great advice for setting up a #CMS for clients. And another reason to love #processwire. http://t.co/F7qHQmOmA0

  8. RT @DAVID_LYNCH: Dear Twitter Friends… it is happening again. http://t.co/r0l9rhK4eB #damngoodcoffee

  9. I think he changed that. It's also working again for me.
  10. RT @nnamrreherdna: Die heutige Literal Version aus #ComedyMitKarsten: Robbie Williams - Feel. https://t.co/jDAYiPfXcH

  11. Meine Superkraft: Kurz vor Feierabend die produktivste Phase des Tages starten um dann Schluss machen zu müssen …

  12. just a note: if you set a limit higher then 350 in the module settings, the module manager only displays 10 modules. shows all 283 modules: http://modules.processwire.com/export-json/?apikey=pw223&limit=350 shows only 10 modules: http://modules.processwire.com/export-json/?apikey=pw223&limit=351
  13. RT @nnamrreherdna: So, nochmal: Unsere Literal Version von Tokio Hotel - Durch den Monsun bei #ComedyMitKarsten http://t.co/ia7cnnaGno

  14. yeah, think of similar products with almost the same information, but some differences. basically it's cloning and inserting of a page. but technically i have no idea, how i could implement such function.
  15. for multiple (ok, two) reasons: I want to modify some contents not only display a copy I have hundreds of PageTable pages, some with auto generated titles and selecting the right one would be a pain in the a…
  16. hi there, is it somehow possible to copy/duplicate one PageTable entry from one page to another page? I have some similar entries on, which i also want to use/insert and modify on other pages, without adding all the content again and again. Thanks!
  17. RT @bdkjones: In Europe? Stay away from http://t.co/oosoIF6pO4. They filed a false credit card dispute to scam a free copy of CodeKit.

  18. RT @pxcoach: Just blogged about using Google Async Analytics using LocalStorage http://t.co/54Ioj0jMTdPlease visit, help test, and share.…

  19. RT @lightningpw: Don't forget, that the coupon code PROCESSWIRE will give you a free credit- so does every bug report

  20. I thought this would be fixed with one of the last commits from ryan (https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/commit/63692bdda65090032d4d5a0c29475263ea707bf7) I also have some other languagefiles in use, so i have to be careful, about what i delete.
  21. Ähm, how do i update the languagefiles? I tried to upload the zip from Github on the default language page (PW 2.5.1 dev) but got the following error message for a whole bunch of files: Thanks!
  22. RT @twostraws: iOS 8 is here, which means web developers now have a View Source button right in Safari thanks to my extension: https://t.co…

  23. the cookie setting script should be placed as high as possible in the dom. if you place this line at the bottom, the images on the first page load will load normal, as the php-script can't read the cookie, because it's not yet set. once the cookie is set, it will work as intended.
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