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Torsten Baldes

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Everything posted by Torsten Baldes

  1. RT @processwire: Short screencast/video demonstrating the Live Preview feature of ProcessWire ProDrafts: https://t.co/SxP0hunZ6Fhttps://…

  2. This looks so great! Thanks Ryan! Are there any plans to support Repeaters and PageTable (if possible)? I use these quite extensive for building pages with different content blocks. Sometimes i even don't have a textarea directly in my page template, only in a PageTable block. Thanks!
  3. X-Files S10E03 WTF?!?

  4. RT @bueltge: The popular #wordpress plugin Search & Replace is rising from the ruins https://t.co/9Q54rytwVH Important hint, require php 5…

  5. RT @speakerinnen: „’Wir haben keine Frau gefunden‘ gilt mit https://t.co/f0h0xIrmbb nicht mehr!" @NiniaLaGrande über @speakerinnen https://…

  6. Kulturreise in Ghana, Togo & Benin – Von der Goldküste zur Heimat des Voodoo https://t.co/INhxLkSC5W

  7. RT @processwire: New post: ProcessWire 2.6.21 adds new 5-star ratings to comments + more on PW 3.x multi-instance support– https://t.co/xrJ…

  8. ehm, ok, i found the culprit. it was me respectively me adding this image field to a fieldcache field, which i intended to use for search. so please ignore my incompetence and close this thread.
  9. hi, i'm going crazy right now and need your help. i'm working on a site and all went smooth, when suddenly my pagetree doesn't load anymore. the error log shows this error: Error: Cannot use object of type Pageimage as array (line 295 of /Users/site/modules/FieldtypeImageFocusArea/FieldtypeImageFocusArea.module) 295 is this line: https://github.com/phlppschrr/ImageFocusArea/blob/master/FieldtypeImageFocusArea.module#L295 i used ImageFocusArea the last weeks without problems but now i'm getting this error. if i try to modify the function to check if $v is an array the error is gone, but then i can't save any images anymore. i don't know what i or something else changed to get this error. my current Processwire version is: 2.6.19 dev were there any updates which changed the behaviour? thanks!
  10. @LostKobrakai thanks! i think this would work. the only edgecase could be other plugins which auto generate a list of links (e.g. sitemap.xml)
  11. this would work on the homepage, but not on the childpages. if the language on these childpages is active, they are still available with their slug in this language.
  12. i think i found a possible solution: i could modify (only activate the desired language) this recipe, to activate the language: https://processwire-recipes.com/recipes/activate-all-languages/ if someone knows a better/faster/easier solution, i'm all ears.
  13. Thanks diogo, that works partly. the pages are now not available anymore in the hidden language, which is good. but now there is no way to fill in the contents for the hidden language, which is bad. ;-) i want to disable the language for all frontend users but i also want to be able to fill in the contents for this language, and when i'm finished, i just want to flip a (one) switch to make the pages in this language public available.
  14. hi, is there a way to build a multilanguage site but disable one of the languages globally and not page by page? thanks!
  15. Hm, immer noch 0% beim Projekt »Greek Bailout Fund«. Dabei war es noch nie so einfach, ein Land zu retten, wie hier: http://t.co/qgdNiWDGvO

  16. »Spotify-Gründer Daniel Ek entfuhr per Twitter ein “Oh ok”, das kurz darauf wieder gelöscht wurde.«http://t.co/Xfd481WRkv

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