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Torsten Baldes

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Everything posted by Torsten Baldes

  1. Hi there, I just installed PW 2.4 from the dev branch and Modules Manager. It works, but it just shows 10 modules with no way of paging. Category filter is not set and the show entries select box is set to 100. What i'm doing wrong here? Thanks!
  2. Nur, weil ich kein WinXP nutze, ist das doch kein Grund, mir ein knapp 2MB-Hintergrundbild zu laden, @Microsoft http://t.co/eYe7unrdB7

  3. LaunchrocketA Mac PrefPane to manage all your Homebrew-installed serviceshttps://t.co/uj75fHKNdj

  4. Das hier ist sicher das ideale Accessoire für das @detektorfm Büro http://t.co/YM7avcF3ps

  5. It’s @alfredapp's birthday this week! Celebrate with 10% discount & giveaways #alfredbirthday http://t.co/KvSva5R4er

  6. RT @getkirby: Tower (@gittower) is by far my favorite Git client and for a chance to win one of three licenses just retweet this.

  7. Tja, das war’s dann wohl mit dem Internet … http://t.co/E4N0sJJS8G

  8. hm, no sorry, i think i failed to explain my reasons clearly … i don't need a thumbnail. i need the exact same image or at least an image with the exact same dimensions. it doesn't show up in the frontend. it just defines the dimensions of a div, which has to be the same width and height as the image next to it. something like this: the div on the right side is set to position: relative; the image (visible here for explanation) is display: block and defines the dimensions of the div. the red div is set to position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; this way, the text div will always be the same size as the image. but, never mind, i figured out another way, so this question can be closed/deleted. i just wanted to explain my weird wishes …
  9. oh, long story … it's for sizing (width, height, ratio) an element equal to the image next to it. this was a last minute request from my editors shortly before the launch of the website. kind of a dirty hack, but the the only way out, without a major revamp of the templates and fields.
  10. Is there any way to overwrite a file instead of appending a counter (filename-1.ext)? I have to use an image multiple times in a multiimage field and don't want to load several versions for the same image. thanks!
  11. RT @inuitcss: A sneaky peek at some pre-alpha proof of concepts for the new, distributed inuitcss: http://t.co/hZz1Zm5lLK

  12. hi there, is it possible to use a textformatter on a string/field in the template without applying it to an inputfield in the field settings? i searched the forum but didn't found any solution … thanks!
  13. My week on twitter: 1 Replies, 1 Retweets, 204 Retweet Reach. via https://t.co/a6s3mkzPcC

  14. RT @iTunesMusic: For a limited time, get @U2’s new song “Invisible” free, and Bank of America will give $1 for @RED. http://t.co/qRoBUR4XzQ

  15. KodingKostenlose 4Gb VMÜber diesen link werden es sogar 5!https://t.co/Aj9ZJUl43k

  16. My week on twitter: 1 Mentions, 223 Mention Reach, 2 Replies. via https://t.co/a6s3mkzPcC

  17. Nicht schlecht, Amazon!http://t.co/JCQckU4QTaKein komplettes Kostüm vorhanden, zeigt stattdessen die Einzelteile um es selbst zu machen

  18. Lust auf guten Kaffee?Über diesen Link gibt es 50% Rabatt auf das erste Päckchen Kaffee bei kaffeebitte.de!https://t.co/rQDP38zdVD

  19. My week on twitter: 3 New Followers, 1 Mentions, 254 Mention Reach, 1 Replies. via https://t.co/a6s3mkzPcC

  20. RT @ArghJoshi: Look, I just don't like eating things that contain chemicals. http://t.co/hF0RE7qHCk

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