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Hari KT

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Everything posted by Hari KT

  1. RT @mwop: Listening to @grmpyprogrammer finish up talking on Hack, and about to start talking on #PSR7 during @daycamp4devs

  2. RT @dhrrgn: Love starting from scratch on a new API. Using @slimphp and some @auraphp packages as a nice starting point.

  3. RT @Dries: Breaking news: out of the box, Drupal 8 is 2x to 200x as fast as Drupal 7 for anonymous users http://t.co/FvN16grdOc /cc @wimlee

  4. Sometimes I am confused about semversion. Isn't minor version should always work. 2.0 - 2.x without any issues? https://t.co/VSWi45NcFa

  5. RT @phptodayorg: Improving Readability of PHPUnit Data Providers https://t.co/k8go78c40c

  6. You have a captcha that don't validate when clicking submit & when it validate, it have another validation with time saying no user activity

  7. Anyone knows any benchmarks for ORM's like cakephp3, eloquent, phpixie3, doctrine etc ?

  8. Hey @CalEvans voicesoftheelephpant seems down :( .

  9. Learning well => Laravel ;-) .

  10. RT @_m6w6: Just released #pharext v3.0.1 fixing a minor issue with the progress notif. when downloading package sources:https://t.co/NALvC…

  11. RT @phptodayorg: Security vulnerability - upgrade your WP-Super-Cache plugin now! https://t.co/XUAH2zs40Q #wordpress #security

  12. Annotated Version of the Original jQuery Release http://t.co/P4pmnKcmWW

  13. Hey marcus, all, Is there anyone played with the importing / exporting of the fields and templates via json and keeping them on the module. May be we can make that a wireshell command . I was looking at continuous integration of fields and templates.
  14. Hey @mindplay.dk, I like to have a look at code, and if possible will try to contribute . Thank you. Like @joe_g mentioned, I was also having a similar thought of exporting the json via API and keeping on the module. And later exporting via the api than doing via the GUI . May be we can somehow add it to Wireshell ?
  15. RT @dr4goonis: If you can’t build/ship #php software using #composer, because of the recent @github DDos - buy @toranproxy and it will save…

  16. RT @jeremeamia: Dang, I wish @zendcon was 1 week earlier, then I could just stay in Vegas after @AWSreInvent. The CFP is open though: http:…

  17. RT @nomadphp: Community member you need to know:@savant

  18. 3 years at Namshi...and still counting! http://t.co/rricBKqe50

  19. RT @ninjagrlstuff: Stop by and say hi at my opening reception next Friday! @hatcharthouse #ninjagrl #madison #art #willystreet http://t.co/…

  20. RT @gnomeontherun: April fools is a bad day for users of technology. I wish it would stop.

  21. RT @funkatron: I had no idea you could do full text search in sqlite. Thanks @JeremyKendall http://t.co/OCSYnzyYYJ

  22. RT @koriym: @ocramius nice. I ask @pmjones to be more serialize friendly on next version @auraphp v3 :)

  23. RT @zfdevteam: Just released: Zend Framework 2.4.0! Now featuring LTS and PHP 7 support! http://t.co/ZaEsYyJUaQ #php #zf2

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