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Hari KT

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Everything posted by Hari KT

  1. RT @PHPTownHall: PHP Town Hall Episode 36 has been posted. PSR-7 and the World of Tomorrow with @mwop and @harikt http://t.co/qU4m1Z2zS0

  2. RT @beberlei: Compiled php7 with scalar type hints to see what all the fuzz is about. Blogpost forthcoming

  3. Congrats @AamAadmiParty for the tremendous victory. Paanchsal @ArvindKejriwal :) .

  4. RT @thatpodcast: We discussed the launch of #ossart, a joint project w/ @beausimensen & @ninjagrlstuff, on Episode 14! Buy some art!http:…

  5. RT @ashygan: @dadamssg GG making http://t.co/4gaQHVNNXO ! Lots of time saved for generating Symfony's entities ! :)

  6. RT @Crell: OH: "We always look to Ruby.""We usually Rail against it." #ssp15

  7. Hi @Soma, That seems you need to be on a page right ? I was mainly looking for an option to turn on / off from the field settings.
  8. Hi, I was trying to show the system template on Selectorfield as asked over : https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9026-show-system-templates-on-selectorfield/ Is there a way to make a hook like this work? public function init() { $this->addHookBefore('InputfieldSelector::render', $this, 'selectorField'); } public function selectorField($event) { $inputSelector = $event->object; if ($event->object->name == 'field1') { $inputSelector->allowSystemTemplates = true; $event->return = $inputSelector; return $event->return; } } Though I did this, it seems not working properly .
  9. Hi, Is there a way we can make the Selectorfield to choose system templates ? Currently I have created a Selectorfield and added to a template. Now when I create the page, the selector only shows the templates that are not system templates. I would like to show the system templates also in the list if possible.
  10. RT @juantreminio: RIP scalar_type_hints. We hardly knew ye

  11. RT @codeguy: @mwop Would love to chat later about your decision to use value objects in PSR-7 and how I can implement them in Slim.

  12. RT @Josewebdesign: Using DI from @auraphp has been really good! now lets use the Filter!

  13. RT @MarcJSchmidt: I'm looking for php/symfony ninjas in Hamburg for a new team. Want a new job with young and highly skilled devs around yo…

  14. dev-master is considered harmful mentioned earlier https://t.co/s8P81Ie3nJ and now I see a release with dev-master https://t.co/FuDvLzENK4

  15. RT @philsturgeon: @brandonsavage only so much space in a tweet. :)

  16. Just noticed a json generator http://t.co/kRh971jriC

  17. wow it is nice to have a few seconds of internet and half an hour down time :) .

  18. I wonder why people need apigen or phpdoc in the require-dev . What benefit are you seeing if put?

  19. RT @mwop: I was recently interviewed about @phpfig and PSR-7 by @phpmagnet : http://t.co/ghyeZqTsFk

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