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Everything posted by teppo

  1. RT @Moz: "In 2004, good SEO made you remarkable on the web. In 2014, good SEO is a result of being remarkable on the web.” - @randfish

  2. RT @chrisduncan81: Just in case you were wondering how #java relates to #javascript http://t.co/TRMvEYfxHc

  3. @LostKobrakai: right, the polling frequency was explained on the site after all -- 15 minutes "or even faster". I guess I didn't read the site carefully enough.. and the details being so scarce could be a result of each channel being so different from others. Might have to take another look One thing that's still unclear to me is whether using the service costs anything and if there are any kind of limitations etc. to it's use? Also, is it possible to add things like new channels, or are these provided by the developers themselves and/or their official partners? Just noticed that they've got specific channel for WordPress, but couldn't find a channel that would allow me to do something less specific via web, i.e. trigger an action on a ProcessWire site based on email. I might be misunderstanding something here, though, so perhaps I don't even need a channel for that?
  4. You're right. Each field requires a table of it's own. "Templates = tables" is figurative speech -- that's just roughly how they function from the developers point of view. The main point here is that each template is a collection of fields and in this way resembles table in database. Each page is connected to one template, and thus that template defines what data this particular page can store, and that's also why some people prefer to think that "pages = rows". Does this make any more sense to you? One noteworthy difference from database concept is that each field can belong to multiple templates. This is done so that fields with identical configurations (such as "body" field with same tools) can be used in many templates without having to add and configure new field for each template. As a side note, most developers using ProcessWire never dive into the real database structure. You don't have to do that to work effectively with ProcessWire. Don't get stuck at those things since that's something that the system handles for you (and, in fact, it's never recommended to perform direct SQL operations on existing tables).
  5. Great thing about Pushover for my use case is that you can configure critical alerts to disregard things like phone being on silent mode.. and, of course, those can also trigger an alarm-sound that's sure to wake you up in no time. That combined with it being real-time (push, not pull) and a common hub (account) that all messages can go through (making it possible for one email or API request to trigger notifications on multiple devices simultaneously) make it pretty awesome It would seem that IFTTT might supports something similar, but from different point of view: receiving an email (or text message or any other supported trigger) can trigger an event, which are apparently provided as applications of sorts. Interestingly one of those events is Pushover, so I'm guessing that "Pushover-like" functionality probably isn't built-in in IFTTT. @Diogo (or anyone else with experience using this), am I getting this right? IFTTT website is so incomprehensible ("marketing-oriented" might be the correct word here -- a teaser with "join now" buttons everywhere) that I couldn't be really sure about anything. Being more than a bit stubborn, I refuse to install an app just to see what it does (or, better yet, "join" something that doesn't even explain what the heck it really is that I'm joining..)
  6. As a quick heads-up I've just updated the module (twice, as it turned out that Joss' problem was related to certain regexp not expecting .co.uk TLDs..) and it should now work with the new Google Maps URL format. The problem is that this new format is more difficult to work with than earlier one, so I'm doing some ugly tricks (such as relying on old maps URLs) to keep things working. This is not a good solution in the long term, which is why an extensive rewrite of this module is going to be required soon, unless there's some solution I just haven't thought about yet. I've added a new checkbox to module config, titled "use coordinates". If this is checked, new maps URLs will be embedded based on coordinates, which is accurate but also replaces place name with those same coordinates. If it's not checked, location name will be used instead, which is far less accurate and for Finnish place names, for an example, practically didn't work at all. Like @Hani pointed out above, old Maps URLs still work -- which is a very good thing, since at least it means that old content should (for the time being) remain intact
  7. RT @DMTintner: wise words from a young steve jobs https://t.co/gDHpSv7rZ8

  8. Not really. Identifier in can be any valid label. This, for an example, is entirely valid: <?php echo <<<TEPPO Hello world. TEPPO;
  9. Try http://processwire.com/about/sites/categories/blog/.
  10. RT @stevefaulkner: Intro to and srcset, explaining the problems they solve and how to use them. http://t.co/JN02RXVXUZ #HTML5.1 @…

  11. RT @adrocknaphobia: Opportunity is recursive. It leads to more opportunity.

  12. teppo

    Hanna Code

    Is this still a problem? Does anything else work, i.e. is this the only place that's broken on this site? Sounds like your database wasn't reachable at this point, but I'd imagine that causing issues elsewhere too. Unless, perhaps, it's somehow related to PHP's mysqli extension on that server (just about all core features have already been migrated to PDO instead). Only weird thing I can spot in your code right away is that you've got $image = ... commented out, yet on the next line you try to use $image->url, which obviously won't be available here. I'm assuming that this was just something you did for testing and forgot there. When you're saying that only output is the product description, it's coming from this Hanna Code snippet, right? Are you seeing empty <h3></h3> tags and then <p></p> tags with product description inside them and nothing else, or..? I'm not really sure what you're referring to when you say that all other content from the "body" disappears; <body> element of your page, $page->body, or something entirely different? If you view the source of the page, is there anything weird there -- or in your log files, either in site/assets/logs/errors.txt or Apache logs?
  13. Thanks! There was an issue in PageSnapshot.module preventing it from working properly unless FieldtypeRepeater was installed too. I've just pushed fix for that to GitHub, so if you could fetch latest version and see if it works any better?
  14. RT @benbyford: Why I choose @processwire CMS article: http://t.co/IPg21p9lm5 My thoughts on #CMS’s and why I use PW over WP or Drupal

  15. Not really a ProcessWire wish, but related: Currently it's only possible to state a supported ProcessWire version for a module in the modules directory, and that has to be 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 or 2.4. Anything beyond that has to go to comments (where it's rather easy to miss). The most basic thing I could think of would be the ability to provide required ProcessWire version as '2.4.1' etc. in case that nearest minor version (2.4 in this case) isn't supported. I'd also like to specify any other modules that are required -- and perhaps even more specific things than that, such as PHP version or specific extension (Imagick comes to mind first).
  16. @sid: sounds kind of like you could have an earlier version of Page Snapshot module installed. Could please you check that you're running version 1.1.18 of it? I'm sorry for the confusion about supported ProcessWire version. Dev branch is really needed to run this module. My original post mentioned that the module requires "2.4.1 or later, i.e. current dev branch", but since modules directory doesn't allow submissions unless you define a version ranging from 2.0 to 2.4 as compatible.. well, I can see how that could happen.
  17. teppo

    Rubbish at Regexp

    If you just need to remove those specific parts (i.e. all URLs start with index.php/news/11-latest-news/) then try this: RewriteRule ^index.php/news/11-latest-news/(?:[0-9]*-)([^\/\.]*).html$ http://www.domain.com/news/latest-news/$1/ [L,R=301] If that's just one example and you're looking to remove index.php and all sequences of [0-9]*- from beginning of pages, you might have to do something like this instead: RewriteRule ^index.php/(?:[0-9]*-)?([^\/\.]*)/(?:[0-9]*-)?([^\/\.]*).html$ http://www.domain.com/$1/$2/ [L,R=301] RewriteRule ^index.php/(?:[0-9]*-)?([^\/\.]*)/(?:[0-9]*-)?([^\/\.]*)/(?:[0-9]*-)?([^\/\.]*).html$ http://www.domain.com/$1/$2/$3/ [L,R=301] Note: that last one is pretty ugly and requires new rewriterule for each level of content. I'm not aware of any sensible way of implementing string replacement via rewriterules, so if this really is the case you might benefit from actually doing this with PHP -- just point all index.php requests to custom PHP script (or page or whatever) and do 301 redirect from there after a bit of preg_replace() magic.
  18. @muzzer: markup cache is definitely a great tool if you've got otherwise highly dynamic pages that can't be cached as a whole. If, on the other hand, the page stays pretty much same on each page load, I'd suggest looking more into template level caching -- that way you'll have entire page cached instead of caching separate regions and then combining those on the fly. If you're really interested in speeding up your sites, ProCache is the ultimate solution. For the most part it'll be serving static pages without involving PHP or MySQL at all, which will always beat the speed of any page built on the fly (regardless of what CMS is used). Just saying.
  19. teppo


    What Ryan and Antti are saying here definitely makes sense (and they're the ones to know the module best anyway) but this was exactly what we were wondering too when that first Lister screencast hit our office. For 90% or more of all product, news, event etc. lists and/or tables Lister views would be more than enough. No custom, site-specific code and even being able to allow customer decide exactly what is visible and where.. and then modify that whenever needed -- how damn cool would that be? In case you ever decide to take Lister to that direction, it'd be a killer feature for a lot of sites (and an awesome time-saver for people building those sites), but I totally understand that this was never your intention and it would probably require a ton of extra work. Perhaps even so much that building another tool just for that would make more sense. Still, +1 for this idea from me/us
  20. RT @idiot: Finally, a programming language consisting solely of Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes:http://t.co/oFqilzFyAG

  21. RT @processwire: Great new admin theme "Modesta" by Nikola for ProcessWire 2.4+ https://t.co/6KfjHou7GA

  22. While testing I had mostly similar results to those of Soma for the basic site profile out-of-the-box (on localhost), but some actual production sites took a bit longer to load -- around 200-300ms. If we really wanted some comparable results, we'd need all the details of aforementioned tests (including a test site to run those tests on on) just to rule out different measuring methods and side-effects of installed modules
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