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Peter Knight

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Everything posted by Peter Knight

  1. @adrian Thanks so much for building this. I just installed this for a site I'm building which features a ton of vids. I'm not familiar with YouTube's image settings etc but in general out of the following, which is most commonly used? maxresdefault, hqdefault, mqdefault, default, 0, 1, 2, 3 I'm tempted to pull them all in and allow my client to tag a thumbnail they wish to use. However, equally, I'd rather not take up bandwidth if I knew that by dafault, YT always has a default thumb etc. Obviously, 0, 1, 2, 3 are also good defaults.
  2. Can someone assist with some SEO Module questions I have? By default, the SEO tags are outputting by default just before the </head>. I'd like them to render instead right after the opening <head> If I want to choose exactly where they render, someone posted that this work <?php echo wire('page')->seo->render; ?> On my site, this works but renders the SEO fields twice. In the default location (before the closing HEAD) and in the preferred position after the opening HEAD. My second question is if the following (and only) How to use is still correct? I might be doing this wrong but including any of the following renders nothing <?php echo $page->seo; ?> or <?php echo $page->seo->title; ?> or <?php $page->seo->render; ?> Thanks - appreciate it.
  3. I have the Title Format option set to {title}, {sitename} How would I make the module use a filed called Long_Title instead of title but only is Long_Title is set I tried the following using a pipe {Long_Title | title}, {sitename}
  4. Hangs for me too on a test server. Great Module though. Love the ability to run the check directly in the Admin.
  5. Soma has a Module called Page List Image Label. Would that work? You could also try the ListerPro module (paid but very reasonably priced) where you can create a custom view of lists of pages arranged by columns. One of those columns could be an image associated with a page. Next column could be the title.
  6. Do you mean that in the Admin you want a thumbnail beside the title?
  7. Did some further reading. Google have confirmed they are working on a global solution. Launch TBD
  8. I've been reading up on Referral spam in Google Analytics and wondered what others were doing to counter it. It's such a new problem that Google themselves have so far failed to deal with it effectively leaving us web developers to figure out solutions. Some of the guys on the forums are using .htaccess tweaks to block the domains in question etc. What (if anything) are you doing? I saw a WordPress plugin which I think is a good idea. It pulls in a central repository of known referral spammers and blocks them. Might be a good idea for a PW Module?
  9. @Horst - thats what I thought too. Hopefully Ryan can clarify.
  10. Skitch. It's great for taking quick screengrabs and then saving them to a dashboard of all your screenies.
  11. There's a relatively new Config module which enables setting basic config options directly in the admin. Was wondering if you could clear up some points as I'm a bit confused regarding the process and which files take precedence. Q1: Risk of wire/config being overwritten If we want to add a custom Configuration property under the Core tab, we are supposed to edit wire/config.php. For example, I made a new test property in wire/config.php. Refreshing the Config module successfully displays my custom property. Yet on the official docs it states that wire/config.php should not be edited as it'll be overwritten. Q2: Precedence or inheritance of site Vs wire config So, should custom settings instead be setup in site/confing.php? I don't think they should as adding new Configuration settings here has no effect on wire/config.php or the available Config Module properties Q3: New Site tab Again, adding anything to the site/config.php has no effect on my Config Module and the tabs are only. Core | Custom and Remove. Yet the documentation differs here.... I'm wondering if the Custom tab is what you meant instead of Site? Q4: Site Title In the current Custom tab, there is a Config property called Site Title. Where is the Config Module reading this from? It's not set in Site or Wire config.php that I can see.
  12. Reminds me of the old Scooby Doo cartoons and their cut-in sequences
  13. Could be something related to .fa-spin { -webkit-animation: fa-spin 2s infinite linear; animation: fa-spin 2s infinite linear; } located in wire/templates-admin/styles/font-awesome/font-awesome.min.css or one of lines following it which handle some rotation. Commenting it out removed the problem. No, nothing. I'm pretty sure it's only happening on this site. Definitely an edge case and noone else seems affected.
  14. @renobird Here's a Vimeo recording from the moment after I click Login. Do not adjust your sets!
  15. I have something real weird happening with my RenoTheme. If I log in, the entire theme rotates 360 degrees. When I expand a tree the sub-pages also rotate 360 degrees. On PE 2.6.8 and Chrome 43.0.2357.132 (64-bit).
  16. Thanks both for your help. @LostKobrakai - that worked and more importantly (for me) makes sense. I had thought that ->count was mainly only useful if you wanted to output an integer. Hadn't thought of doing it like this.
  17. I'm trying a twist on a simple if / else statement. If the blog_category field is populated (page select), display the categories. If not, don't output anything. This works: <?php if ($page->blog_category){ foreach($page->blog_category as $cat){ echo"<a href=\"{$cat->url}\">{$cat->title}</a></li> ";} else { echo"";} ?> But I've an added complication that the Categories need to have a "Posted under" before the very first Category. I've tried variations on the code below and the first part works but even if there are no categories selected, I still get "posted under" appearing on the page. <?php if ($page->blog_category){ echo"Posted under: "; foreach($page->blog_category as $cat){ echo"<a href=\"{$cat->url}\">{$cat->title}</a></li> ";} } else { foreach($page->blog_category as $cat){ echo"";} } ?> Have run my PHP through an online syntax checker and it's not showing any errors so it must be an issue. Any tips?
  18. Thanks Pete. I'd be interested in seeing that although I wouldn't attempt it myself. I was thinking of dumping all 1200+ into a containing page called "to be sorted" and that way my client can then manually move them into their correct locations over time. I know it's still quite a bit of manual work but the new structire and templates are still being designed so I need a holding bay for them until we're ready to figure out where they go. I've created a temporary field in PW called "old URL" which contains the previous full url (folder/folder/pagename) so he can easily identify where a post sat originally.
  19. Yes, I have page IDs. I presume that's good for creating a new PW page with matching ID as the old one. The Page IDs are some kind of bridge or reference for fetching images? Yes, I have page IDs. I presume that's good for creating a new PW page with matching ID as the old one. The Page IDs are some kind of bridge or reference for fetching images?
  20. I'm redeveloping a site from MODX to ProcessWire. The client has about 1200 pages and exporting the current database to a CSV and then importing content has been relatively easy using the CSV to pages module. Client is fine with manually porting over 1200 images but as he's just had his 3rd child and is a busy man, i was wondering if there was a way to somehow pull in images from each MODX post and import into each new PW pages a Images field. Looking for general thoughts. I'll have to outsource this as my own database chops are minimal but having some insight can help me brief a dev. Many thanks Peter
  21. Guys - what (for you) is the benefit of Leaflet JS Vs Google maps?
  22. @Pete I noticed you're using Marker Clusters on the map for simplifying and combining large numbers of markers. Did you do this within the MapMarker module or was it some custom programming? https://github.com/googlemaps/js-marker-clusterer
  23. Whats the process from here. Does Ryan need to add it to GitGub and it then becomes available?
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