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Everything posted by owzim

  1. If you use the template aproach the user could then reenable the option to create children, so limiting it via roles is the safer route.
  2. Ha, the awesome Soma made this autoload module which adds the properties to the page: https://gist.github.com/5166076 so you can do: $page->is_hot =D
  3. So I asked in the irc channel, and Soma was so kind as to list a ton of solutions, the best being (imo): $page->status->has("name=is_hot")
  4. Hi, I have a page field, called status. In there are 3 pages with the names of let's say is_liquid, is_translucent, is_hot. Since it's checkboxes, "Multiple pages (PageArray)" has to be activated in field options/details. So How to acces it? Do Really have to look into the array to see if the option is there? That's cumbersome, even with in_array (since I would have to pass the actual page objects): foreach ($page->status as $status) { $status->name; } I'd rather have something like: if($page->status->is_hot) { // something } Please help! =)
  5. A quick an dirty fix would be to comment out line 39 in the PageListBetterLabels.module, but this would activate formatting for all other fields as well, which is not ideal. // $page->of(false); I have not yet found out how to do it only for that specific date field type in that module, because I am not yet familiar enough with the API.
  6. Awesome module. That's what I wanted the other day, looked if there is a module for that, and yep there is =) One thing though: A date field is output as unix timestamp and not in the format which is set in the field settings.
  7. Of course, I was a bit frustrated about and it was late =) I then kind of had the notion that I have to be logged in to acces any content. Silly me.
  8. Putting the reset into the home.php template did not work for me. How is this page even loaded when I am logged out? I appended it to the admin.php, then it worked.
  9. Wow that's great, yet more flexibility. Thanks
  10. I was wondering why that is and how I would alternatively show the user name on the frontend on a "created by"- or "modified by"-notice without showing only the db-key-like $user->name. I know I could create a custom user template and manually connect it somehow with the user name, but perhaps there is something I am missing.
  11. Hi, great module. Filed an issue on GitHub: https://github.com/NicoKnoll/MarkupShortcodes/issues/1 when there is content but no attributes $atts is empy.
  12. That's more convenient and seems to work even better, thanks. Just for the people who also use this kind of solution and want to strip all "index.html" from the urls: find . -name '*.html' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i '' 's/index.html//g'
  13. Apache HTTP Server 2.2.21 PHP 5.3.6 MySQL 5.5.9 OSX 10.8.2 I exported via Profile Exporter from a 2.2.9 installation. I then installed 2.3 dev with the following issues: After I provided the database info: multiple times "Unknown column 'data1011' in 'field list'" See: http://d.pr/i/cQtg Then I had to switch back the PageTitle field to PageTitleLanguag. All the titles were lost, had to reenter everything. cheers
  14. Joss, Interesting approach with the page field and it shows yet again how flexible the system is. It might not be too convenient for clients though. But nice to know what's possible =) Not a fan of delimiter fun ;D I used to do that ...
  15. Tested it and works quite well, this solution is the best for me right now. Looking forward to see what might be coming to the ProCache module.
  16. Oh damn, sorry, I somehow assumed that cropImages is an extra object added by the module, but it is OF COURSE the name of the field. Then again, I could swear I tried it before =) Works now, thanks!
  17. Hi, the module looks very promising. I am having trouble using it though. In the backend everything looks fine. I can crop and all but in the templates ... $repeater_items = $page->repeater_items; foreach ($repeater_items as $repeater_item) { echo "<p>{$repeater_item->images->eq(0)->url}</p>"; echo "<p>{$repeater_item->cropImages}</p>"; } $repeater_item->cropImages gives me a NULL What's wrong? I am on PW version 2.2.9 and module version 1.0.1
  18. Thanks, @apeisa I thought of repeaters as well. I guess I could use child pages, which I would add with different templates and then treat those child pages as content, but this would break the page and content paradigm. I saw this feature somewhere else, I am not sure how popular it is but I would consider it quite useful. @Pete tho wrap it up it's like stitching together a page of an unspecific count and type of fields.
  19. Hi, so I know you can create templates with many and very versatile field types but is there also a way to add field on a page per page basis without creating various page templates before? Let's say I want to add a page with: title body some great other field type body yet another field type (and then on the bottom a button which lets me add more fields) [ + add another field type ] - [ body ] - [ some great other field type ] - [ yet another field type ] and also be able to control the sorting of those. It's kind of like the template creation but within the page creation/editing Is there something I am not getting? Is there a way? thanks, Christian
  20. I didn't work for me either until I read "Also you need to create a empty language_gateway.php file." in Soma's comment in here. Now it works like a charm, great module. I added a pull request on Github for this notice to be included in the readme. https://github.com/mcmorry/PW-language-localized-URL/pull/17
  21. Yes, Pro Cache might be an option, but the pages are still passed through php, and the .htaccess is necessary to mimic the static site structure. Perhaps I will use Pro Cache to make a module which takes care of that.
  22. Hi, is there something like that, or would you consider it useful? Maybe there's another way but I think it would be great. Since I tinkered around a bit with Jekyll (static site generator) I love the idea not depending on php or database acces for clients who don't want to change content that often (or even almost never). Still there would be the huge benefit of pw letting me organize the data in a very comfortable way, when finished, push a button an the site is output into a directory, ready to be used in a static way. Also if a client didn't pay for cms integration, they should not get it =) On a side note: I have so many initial questions, but I don't know if I should ask them each separately (better in my opinion) or all in one post. cheers
  23. Agreed nice work so far, some minor front end issues (best practice wise) though. @Nico any chance getting this site on github and let ppl make pull requests? @thomassausen Get well soon!
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