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Everything posted by Jeroen_1980

  1. RT @modx: Our tweet to edge out @Processwire was interpreted as an insult, not the intent. They are in the lead, they deserve to be, too. @…

  2. Guess I was one of the few that misinterpreted this tweet, as that is exactly what I got back from the MODX team a few minutes ago. It was indeed about beating the one in the lead, not about PW at all. Sorry folks, let's carry on with whatever we were doing and forget about this nonexistent issue. edit: clarification here: https://twitter.com/modx/status/425235379185541120
  3. RT @veravrandwijck: Top 11 grootste leugens van de reguliere voedingsindustrie/ http://t.co/dT5ikc9WoE

  4. Sure. Just no need to mention PW that way. Not the nicest way to ask people to vote, is it?
  5. Just for the record; I, a MODX Ambassador, don't agree with this tweet at all. Already told the MODX core team not to do this again. I love both MODX and ProcessWire and hate tweets like these. These two CMSs should work together to improve both products and not start fighting each other...
  6. Please, let me know if you're still looking for someone. I'm not a Shopify expert, but I do work with APIs a lot (currently building a PW based VPS management system using DigitalOcean's API) so I guess we'll be fine. I'm not US-based (The Netherlands), but work a lot with US-based clients. Thanks to Skype and me being used to "freelance times" location is hardly an issue these days. Since you mentioned US-only I thought it would be better to post here instead of contacting you by mail though...
  7. Acquia and Automattic will sponsor MODXpo 2013 too, right? https://t.co/dRcMmK0erB #modx

  8. Guess I already clicked the 'favorite' link by accident 5 times while scrolling my timeline. Those 'show on hover' links suck @twitter

  9. Love #modx! Client doesn't want to login using MODX pass. So I created plugin to log them in using their Egnyte accounts. Totally awesome!

  10. MT "@PolitieGLZ: Tiel, vermiste meisjes zijn weer terecht. Twitteraar herkende beide jeugdige wandelaarsters." Social media werkt echt! :)

  11. heeft zojuist online eten besteld bij Istanbul Kebab via http://t.co/jeTK0m3qD0 @thuisbezorgd

  12. Zojuist online eten besteld bij Istanbul Kebab via http://t.co/jeTK0m3qD0 @thuisbezorgd http://t.co/snQPoTm1C8 2e dag op een rij. Slecht :-)

  13. Zojuist online eten besteld bij Istanbul Kebab via http://t.co/jeTK0m3qD0 @thuisbezorgd http://t.co/dyvJ1OUVCG Net al geleverd en heerlijk!

  14. You can use plain PHP, so there is no need for output filters in PW?
  15. Another example of how awesome the #modx community is. Need help? The community has you covered! https://t.co/RLxVrREmaL

  16. Does PW have something to replace MODX Revolution's "Contexts"? I really love to work with contexts when using multilingual sites (or even 2 different sites sharing a single install for some reason). It's really easy to set the URL/language/other settings per context and have all pages of that context respect those settings automatically.
  17. .@mark_hamstra @modmore We'll consider this to be your press release. Congrats! :-)

  18. Finally got the audio setup right. Should save a lot of time recording #modx tutorials. Expect to release the next one early next week.

  19. The "Ikea Lamp" mic stand now also supports pop filters :D#modx tutorials will be even more awesome! http://t.co/D50lMH9Sm3

  20. going to use the siphon... euh... toilet now and then off to bed. Goodnight #modx folks :-)

  21. In case you're wondering what that last tweet was about: just announced I am the new moderator of the dutch #modx forums. :-)

  22. Thanks for all the RTs, favorites and mentions folks! Already working on second tutorial :-)#modx

  23. Bedankt dat jullie me even een reminder per SMS sturen @postnl maar jullie chauffeur is al lang geweest. Mosterd na de maaltijd...

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