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Everything posted by Jeroen_1980
RT @modmore: Five (!!!) new speakers confirmed for the #MODX Weekend this week: @TheBoxer @gel_studios @dvstudios_jason, @jantezner & @b03t…
RT @processwire: If you like using ProcessWire, please vote for us in the @bitnami contest at: http://t.co/kTzs2Fcerg – just 2 days left
Almost done with #java basics course. Next up: even more Java courses
Funny how similar to PHP it is so far. Really not that different.
RT @mark_hamstra: The internet just went down for a full 8 minutes. Still in shock, trying to recover.
Looking for a solid #java basics course? You want this: https://t.co/BGlIvqCcLn Tip: for some reason it's cheaper in @udemy's Android app...
RT @jmhvKnops: Job opening: Planon Marketing Manager North America http://t.co/TR44D48yAJ
RT @jmhvKnops: Leuke nieuwe vacature bij Planon voor enthousiaste Campaign Marketeer met 2 jaar ervaring! http://t.co/srbtclogwB
RT @rodoneill: @modx you guys should probably word that differently. That sounds like "if you're going to use MODX you're insane" LOL
RT @MODXSimpleCart: #SimpleCart 2.0.2-pl for #MODX Revolution just released.. With a couple of bug fixes & some new features as sorting pro…
RT @Planon_NL: Top 5 kantoorergernissen Nederland versus België via @FMM_nu - http://t.co/C0rqSiQHT9. Wat zou u adviseren om ergernissen te…
RT @MODX_nl: #MODXMeetup: demo van @hugopeek: ElementHelper. Package: http://t.co/IHzqgBr1kv Docs: https://t.co/GAMwHdXomq
RT @bitnami: In case you missed it, #MODX Revolution added to the Bitnami Library http://t.co/lrCNle2mSX Check it out!
RT @modxtraining: Komende zaterdag 25 januari #MODX #Meetup tijdens de #NLLGG bijeenkomst in #Utrecht http://t.co/qTxiDOxaE6Ook voor parke…
RT @cmscritic: All-inclusive "MODX Weekend by Modmore Conference" Set for September 2014 - http://t.co/PbpLxUm5pG #CMS #Conference @modx
RT @michaelpryor: ProTip™: In @Trello, hit ? to bring up all the great shortcuts (like spacebar assigns yourself to a card)
I love pizza, but please: use at least some English when writing code/comments and not just Italian. #php #modx #projectdenied
RT @modx: Need a MODX Professional in The Netherlands? Find one here: http://t.co/ob1tzJYyy9
RT @modmore: Early bird tickets give you €100 off on an awesome #MODX event you wouldn’t want to miss. Info & Tickets: https://t.co/GYfk4Q…
RT @modmore: News: Early Bird Tickets now Available #MODX #MODXWeekend https://t.co/m9XrB6fPld
RT @modmore: September 19-22, 15+ Sessions, All Inclusive. And early bird tickets are now available! https://t.co/GYfk4Q8VUp #MODXWeekend #…