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Everything posted by Jeroen_1980

  1. #modx Ambassador and doing tutorials? Check the Ambassador forums!

  2. An amazing #modx project day comes to an end. Thanks for all the help and nice words folks! All of you really make it worth the effort!

  3. Finally started on a totally awesome #modx related project. #teaser @modmore style:p http://t.co/gsL53zU1EG

  4. Created cloud, opened manager, and gone is my cloud? WTF just happened? I want my cloud back! :-)@modx

  5. #inboxzero great feeling! Thanks to @trello of course. :-)

  6. Downloaded Camtasia Studio today and went through all their tutorials. Awesome program. Will be fun to record lots of #modx video tutorials!

  7. Note to self: think, think again, check facts, then tweet. In that order only. Sorry #modx folks. Tweet removed.

  8. #modx FormIt not attaching your file to emails? Check if the hook before 'email' doesn't use move_uploaded_file. Change to 'copy' fixed this

  9. (2/2) and that second (same) invoice is sent exactly 2 days after the first one. Big #fail once again @Adobe

  10. Hej @Adobe, you're still using the wrong translation. For the second time: THIS IS NOT DUTCH! #fail http://t.co/ZILdjb1Cln

  11. Just canceled my Adobe Creative Cloud membership. Which developer needs all these tools anyway nowadays?

  12. $pages->find('template=article, article_images!=, sort=random, limit=10, id!='.$page->id); Quite simple (as most things in PW)
  13. Hey @Adobe this is not dutch. I want to "annullere" (cancel) this btw. Howto? #fail #adobe #creativecloud http://t.co/iYs7OaITBe

  14. .@nuonwebcare Waarom schrijven jullie de jaarafrekening niet ook automatisch af? IDEAL knop inactief, maar wel aanmaning sturen. #fail

  15. Beste fietsers in #Culemborg; dat ledlampje op de arm helpt echt niet in de stromende regen. Neem fatsoenlijke verlichting. #bijnaongeluk

  16. No matter how awesome your CMS is; you can't beat the #modx community. Nice chatting with you @mindeffects & @silentworks !

  17. Not sure if this will be the best idea ever (just getting started with PW too), but maybe you can simply add a "Page" field to the project template (single page selection will do just fine)? If a page is selected, just replace any empty field on the current page with the selected page's field. This way you can decide per page what you want to translate and what can be taken from the original page.
  18. The markup depends on a few factors (page the user is on, current time, etc) so caching the data as a PHP array saves quite a bit of database lookups and even some processing (like price calculations etc), while still allowing me to do the needed markup changes per request. Regular markup cache would not work in this case or would require many markup caches per page. Still using MODX (I'm even a "MODX Ambassador") so maybe we indeed met at a meetup or MODXpo in Utrecht last year. Having both MODX and ProcessWire really makes web development fun. Both are great systems to work with.
  19. I know this is an old thread, but it was one of the first results when I searched for 'ProcessWire Object Cache'. I wanted to store a lot of objects in the cache, so I just converted the MarkupCache module to an ObjectCache module. Nothing fancy; it just adds (un)serialize to the get/save methods. But that alone saves me quite a but of time in this project and results in cleaner (less logic) templates. The code is available for free (and at your own risk ) at https://gist.github.com/jkenters/5019089
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