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Everything posted by Manaus

  1. I'm trying to make a navigation menu, for fetching all the subpages of the root I use this selector: $menu_pages = $pages->get("parent=/"); But I when iterating on the array and printing the pages url I get a "Notice: Trying to get property 'url' of non-object" error. The array is fetched through this code: $menu_pages = $pages->get("/")->children I'd like to know why the first selector is failing. Thanks!
  2. Interesting, the page()->title syntax is not working for me though.
  3. Hello, I'd like to make sure that some value comes from a specific page. I can send a uuid or something via post, and that value is checked and validated against on the landing page. This value should always change randomly, but always be linked to a passphrase I choose. How could I implement this? Thank you very much
  4. Hello, app architecture-related: does it make sense to have pageOne for the form, and pageTwo for checking fields value. If not suitable, redirect to pageOne, back and forth until pageThree for entry creation etc. I've seen many times the validation logic on top of the form page, but I'd prefer to keep the two elements separated. What are your thoughts about this idea? Thank you very much
  5. Hello, I'm wondering if it makes sense to use the built-in users functionality for managing -- hopefully -- thousands of users who should not have access to Processwire admin pages? Thats like saying I need users of my app, not my cms' installation. Are there pros-cons of creating my own users management system, from a security point of view? Thank you very much
  6. As far as I know there are these two methods: adding it to each templates via the 'Files' tab, or including it on every .php template file. Are there other ways? Thanks
  7. Hello, is there any template displaying the template associated to each page? some to inspect on the fly, without entering each and every page in the tree? Thanks
  8. Hi Toni, I'm having the same problem, could you be more precise on you solved this? Thank you
  9. Hello, I'm using the Smarty Template engine, and I would like to include a 'variables' file in each page, without explicitly including it in every file (I'm lazy and dry ?, either .php or Smarty template. Something like functions.php in WP environment. If not possible, what is the best way? Thanks
  10. Hello, I made one page in a way that it gathers content from its children, and displays them all as paragraphs of a text. Now, having used one of those crawlers who find errors in websites, I discovered all the children pages are reachable (can't say from where, maybe a sitemap). Loading them with their own Url, the result is a blank page. How can I make them hidden as children, but loaded in the parent page? Thanks
  11. Is there a module or hack for editing markdown code, within the text field, having buttons for bolds, syntax highlighting etc? Thanks!
  12. For the sake of brevity, I'd like to just duplicate a previous article I published, instead of copying/pasting the content and just change a couple of details. Is it possible? Thanks
  13. Hello, I'm trying out TemplateEnginePug, and I get a blank page. I have a empty home.php and a views/home.pug. This one has a very basic paragraph. Still I get a blank page, without any error. Same with TemplateEngineJade. Can't manage to see a byte on screen no matter what. Tested other template languages (twig, processwire, latte), and it works fine. Config debug is `true`. Thanks!
  14. As I read from the Cheatsheet, $page->get returns a field, not a page. Is this correct?
  15. Hello, I have a parent holding two children, whose name can be foo|bar. Both can have children, but usually I have foo or I have bar. What is the selector I have to use when coding in the parent page? I'm trying $mypages = $page->find('name=foo|bar')->first()->children() But I get a Call to a member function children() on a non-object. Oddly, I managed to get this selector working $mypages = $page->get('name=foo')->chilren() But this is not working when I put a foo|bar OR selector. Thanks
  16. I tried a bunch of combinations in the key=value range, but I see nothing changing... Title=Title|template.name page.title=page.title template.name title="hello"
  17. Thanks Dragan, at the moment I'm on 2.7.2...
  18. Hello, is there any plugin to show the template assigned to some page, as navigating the pages tree? Usually I have to go to pages details, then settings, I'd like to skip that.. Thanks
  19. Hello, I have a local development website, holding the skeleton, and the production website, where articles are being published regularly. I developed a new section locally, creating templates with fields, family rules and so on. I'd like to know if there is a quick way to copy such templates and fields on the production site, or do I have to create them manually one by one, and check their family relations etc. Thanks!
  20. Thanks Wanze, sorry I'm a bit dumb, what do you mean by "behind the $view API variable"?
  21. @wanze Global file should make {extends} useless if I understood right. That's because in child templates {extends} works also if no Global File is specified in the admin pane. I hope I clarified the issue...
  22. Thanks Wanze, still I noticed that if I use the Global File instead of the {extends} instruction, no block is being passed. Anyone tested this happening?...
  23. Hello, in the settings page I'd like to know what "Global Template File - Filename of a template file that is used as main template behind the API variable" is for. I tried to make up a layout.tpl and use the file name as field setting, but looks like {block} contents are not passed to the file. Thanks!
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