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Everything posted by Manaus

  1. Hello, browsing through Pw's admin pages on localhost usually has some disadvantages, loading pages or saving values requires 5-15 seconds each. Doing the same on the remote server is much faster, 2-3 seconds. I'm asking if there is some catch for fixing config or something... I'm using MAMP with php 5.4.10 Thanks!
  2. A client of mine asked me if there exists a service like wordpress.com for processwire, where the host takes care of patches, updates and security. Thanks
  3. Hello, I have a files repeater, containing two fields: file and counter. Sill I cannot access many values in the field, save url. The structure is thus: files [repeater] file [field] description [text] counter[field] I'd like to make the file downloadable, and display the description associated with it. Many thanks!
  4. RT @meladoodle: The new options on Facebook look like the life cycle of every relationship I've ever had https://t.co/LOwqS3vF8w

  5. RT @Independent: TTIP will let corporations sue governments that challenge their tax avoidance https://t.co/oWnRwD9QwO

  6. I think I got it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9373023/how-can-i-get-a-summary-string-around-a-search-query-within-a-longer-string Thanks!
  7. Thank you very much Sérgio for your suggestion. I'm half done: how do I display the small part of text, usually a paragraph, surrounding the searched term? Is it built in, or I have to make a js/php function etc?
  8. Hello, I need to display the small chunks of text where the searched term resides, generally in the body of the article, like I am doing in this paragraph, so to speak And I don't have a clue Thanks!
  9. RT @WeFixYourAdvert: The new @TfL campaign bluntly addresses the woes of commuting. https://t.co/d5yn3jlWGs

  10. Hi, I need to export from a Joomla website some pages/articles, and move them to Processwire. A bit of tweaking (creating parents, batch adding categories) is allowed. Any suggestion on what way worth taking? Thank you very much
  11. RT @tomwalkerisgood: Humans aren't perfect but they're the only way we have to convert cosmic energy and stardust into cruelty and apps

  12. Got it, it was echo $page->render()
  13. Hello, I have a page with children pages. Pages have parent.php and child.php as template files. I'd like to use child template in parent page to render the content, I tried foreach ($children as $child): $child->render(); endforeach; but it did not work. Tried also foreach ($children as $child): include 'child.php'; endforeach; without appreciable results. Thanks for any suggestion!
  14. RT @apeisa: Padloper is out now! Damn it feels great! @processwire has #ecommerce now: http://t.co/dUVcrTEg0h

  15. RT @thenation: Austerity Has Failed: An Open Letter from Thomas Piketty to Angela Merkel http://t.co/9bXbQkGO8o http://t.co/w6tGXfSAFv

  16. No it does not unzip. Curious it is working on the production server...
  17. Both at 32mb... Trying with a smaller size file (2mb) I get a note "Pagefiles: Removed 'file' temp file(s) for page /mypage/mysubpage/ - archive.zip" Thanks
  18. RT @MeanwhileScotia: The bailout Greece needs, put in some context...#Greferendum http://t.co/95b49fWH5u

  19. Hi LostKobrakai, that's unlikely, the uploads happen on localhost...
  20. Hello, I created a template holding a file Field, accepting zip files. If I try to upload something via admin on the local machine, I see the advancement bar stuck at 99%, or 96% and so on, not completing the file upload. The zip is about 20Mb, and php max_post_size is set at 32. Thanks for any suggestion.
  21. Thanks guys I'm talking about the php files with business logic PW is using for generating pages. @Macrura good question, are they? I'm trying to comply with the law of the land. You might say "It depends on the contract". Well the fact that there's a possibility means that there is a global shared tendency to consider the use and the property as different business models. Sincerely I'm curious about what you guys would suggest.
  22. Hello, the client is asking for template files, is it possibile to ofuscate the code enought to protect my work and keep the website usable? If so, what's the way? Thanks!
  23. RT @BenNadel: Friction. Metaphorically, it makes life harder. But, literally, it's what makes walking possible. Chew on that for a little w…

  24. Hello, I'd like to adapt a search page to searching for dates, like ?q=1428166659 Do I need to sanitize this? If, so, how? Thanks!
  25. RT @sehnaoui: HTTP status ranges, in a nutshell:1xx: Hold on2xx: Here you go3xx: Go away4xx: You fucked up5xx: I fucked up

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