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Everything posted by Manaus

  1. Thanks Adrian, I thought about it, but each user has his view of the page, according to his last visit...
  2. I stumbled upon this issue again, but it's getting curious developments... It might happen that posts are often modified [adding or removing users from them], so the posts are now appearing 'new' quite often. Is there another way to use a per-user state of the posts? Just thinking: I might add a list of this-user-has-read linked pages to each post, and everytime the user reads the post, flag the checkbox. Thanks for any suggestion...
  3. Hello, I have a series of parent pages which have $users, and a series of children pages which inherit such $users. Now I'm making a template with a list of pages where I can toggle the users from the children pages. I think I should get the users from the parent, and match against the values sent by the form (the form sends only checked buttons). Remove all users then add the confirmed ones?... Thanks for any suggestion...
  4. Great, Wanze! Tried following all the steps, but after Authentication I get a "Errore:invalid_client no application name" What do you think it might be? Thanks!!
  5. RT @jensimmons: Today, flexbox flex-wrap comes to Firefox.Which means we get this: http://t.co/EohTdeEDcY instead of this http://t.co/n…

  6. Hello, I have a page using this schema: /myhost/mypage/?p=1015 I would like to add pagination to this page, but I do not know how to configure the url: /myhost/mypage/page2/?p=1015/ should I use url segments? /myhost/mypage/1015/page2 ? Thanks!
  7. Kudos to the new Mailchimp editor…

  8. Hello, I need to delete a cropimage field content [a single item field], tried $page->image->remove(), $page->image->delete(), $page->image->deleteAll() but they do not work. Thanks for any suggestion...
  9. Hello, I was [locally] tweaking with the code, just wanted to delete an image, I run $user->delete("avatar"). Done. Can I update another user from the database to superuser role? Thanks!
  10. Thanks Horst, what I mean is what is setMaxFiles for? I can't get it from the docs (indeed I think the Wireupload is missing from the API docs)
  11. Hello, I have the setMaxFiles(1) function in a script for file uploading, but the field is set to 3 for Maximum Files Allowed. Is there any conflict between the two? I guess the field definition wins, but why using the function then? Thanks!
  12. Hello, I cannot completely understand the of() function. The field is text, textformatter is, say, Markdown. On saving, I put markdown code, why the need of setting of(false) on writing? Why the need to format values in input? Thanks!
  13. Thanks guys, sorry, late night, slow thinking
  14. Thanks Soma and Pierre-Luc, The query roles=utente, roles!=superuser|guest returns an empty array, I need to keep users having guest+utente, and exclude users who have utente+admin role (I don't think changing the password to a guest bears consequences, does it?)
  15. Hello, I have a list where users can have two or more roles: guest+utente, guest+utente+superuser, guest I need to find all users having 'utente' as role, but not admin, nor guest. Tried this $u = $users->find("roles*=utente"); $u = $users->find("roles=utente")->not("roles=superuser")->not("roles=guest"); $u = $users->find("roles!=superuser")->find("roles=utente"); But without success.. Thanks for any suggestion
  16. Hello, I'm trying to hack this thing, witout success... echo $page->documents; // selfie.jpg echo $page->documents->description; // no echo $page->documents->get("description"); // no $f = $fields->get("documents"); echo $f->description; // neither Thanks for any suggestion...
  17. Hello, I'm trying to create a Page with a uploaded file. What I'm wondering is Do I have to create the Page first, save, then add the file? Or can I create the page, add the file then save? Just to understand the Cms logic... Thanks!!!
  18. Hello, I need to add the guest role to so many users I just added [using a csv] to $users pool, is there any way to make it from the backend? I'm also trying to code it, but I don't know how to make up the selector $usersWithoutRole = $users->find("roles*=gooduser,roles!*=guest, roles!=superuser") Thanks
  19. Hello, I need to send the password to the $user, but $user->password returns blank. Is this a security concern? Should I use the tmp_pass workaround? Thanks
  20. RT @grittygrease: Dear everyone: do *not* use Safari until Apple patches their SSL code in Mac OS X. Man-in-the-middle exploits are already…

  21. Sorry, dumb/newbie question, I can't find how to use this module, should I rename all the templates to .twig and put the logic (selectors, expressions) between <?php ?> tags? Thanks in advance
  22. Hello, I've seen from different forum posts that the password field is never sanitized. Isn't it subject to malicious code? Thanks!
  23. Hello, I have a form where there are many input[text] and one input{file/image}. How can I check whether the file/image was submitted, since it doesn't show up in the POST array? Thanks!
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