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Everything posted by Manaus

  1. Hello, I need to access a page provinding a specific url parameter, such as ?project=14 Before accessing, the user should authenticate. Is this doable? If so, can you provide some hint? Thank you very much
  2. That was easier than imagined: $progetti = $pages->find("parent=$parent, user=$user->id");
  3. Hello, I have a template where there's a Page field "utente" containing a user. I want to query the pages like this: $progetti = $pages->find("parent=$parent, utente=$user->email"); But I'm getting a Internal Server Error. Thanks for any suggestion.
  4. Oh I see now I'm starting to get a grip on this Thanks and sorry for the dumbness
  5. Thanks Ryan! I'm wondering how to query the pages so to find all pages with user = loggeduser... I'm trying this one: $annunci = $pages->find("parent=/bacheca/, sort=-date, title!=new, limit=20, createdUser=$user->id"); But it doesn't seem to work. Thanks!!
  6. Hello, I'd like to add the user who wrote the post to the page data (either guest, or the logged in user), this is the code I'm currently using $form = $modules->get('FormTemplateProcessor'); $form->template = $templates->get('annuncio'); // required $form->requiredFields = array('title', 'body'); $form->parent = $page->parent; // optional, saves form as page echo $form->render(); // draw form or process submitted form Btw, using this code I get all the fields I put in the template, so rendering the user field generates a dropdown selectable list of users... Thanks for any advice!
  7. Looks like removeStatus does not exist either..
  8. Thanks adrian, I'm seeing this though: "Error: Exception: Method FormTemplateProcessor::addStatus does not exist or is not callable in this context"
  9. It works very well!! I see the new pages are unpublished by default, is this tweakable?.. Thanks!
  10. Hello, I'm trying to hack some code for the FormTemplateProcessor module. I have this page structure: posts post 01 post 02 post 03 post 04 new post I'd like to add the new post as a sibling of 'new' but I get the page always as its child. This is the code I'm using: $form = $modules->get('FormTemplateProcessor'); $form->template = $templates->get('contact-form'); // required $form->requiredFields = array('title', 'body'); $form->email = 'my@email.com'; // optional, sends form as email $form->parent = $page; // optional, saves form as page echo $form->render(); // draw form or process submitted form Thanks for any suggestion!
  11. Aha great community thanks guys
  12. Well found it if $page->path == "/"
  13. Hello, simple question: how do I check whether the viewed page is the homepage? if ($page->parent == "NullPage") or something like this? Thanks!!
  14. RT @muurgheria: @birraGilac spettacolare! Questo è quello che che i clienti della @muurgheria dicono...

  15. Hello, I need to make some site where the admin can assign projects to users (many to many). Users can write to specific areas, but cannot delete their messages (this is done by the admin). All of course should be protected by login and pass, with all the features of password retrieval etc.Can PW do all of this? If so, can you give some suggestion? Thanks!!
  16. Filmpan a #free bundle of #photoshop film presets from @colorgradeit check it out! http://t.co/RyhHSr0d

  17. Thanks, I noticed there's a Select and Select Multiple fieldtype in the Modules>Inputfield page. Are these for internal use, or usable in the admin?
  18. Hello again, I need to set up a template in which I use a field with a limited number of option (so to avoid misspelling). Is there any plugin or way to do this? Thanks!
  19. Hello there I'm newbie so be patient I need to set up a website for real estate company, whose need is to add a building, and for each building *many* apartments. Each apartment has a ID, features and so on. It this feasible with PW? If so, do you have any suggestion? Keep in mind that although each apartment is different, they have pretty much in common, so the problem for the person who's entering data, is to have the task as easy as possible (i.e. replicating the data already entered with a button and so on). Thank you very much
  20. Does anyone know of a #sublimetext plugin for #textpattern available somewhere?

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