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Everything posted by Soma

  1. Thanks Ryan for the good news! Keep up the good work, and congratulations on pw21! So far I'm really starting to love PW! I've done quite some things now and I just love how simple but very powerful this nice little software is. I'm prototyping a new website and it's just amazing how simple and fast the PW part is, so I can concentrate on the html, js and css. Building this way is actually fun! github is great , I'm quite using it alot and I've just submited an issue to PW21. I wish you and PW all the best for the future, and I hope many many other developer and designer will join "us"... let the crowd in
  2. Soma

    moms online gallery

    Thanks Ryan, I will inform you when it's going live again.
  3. Hey cool, I'm from Schaffhausen and do work in Zurich. So yes, we're neighbours. Nice to meet you here on a "US" forum!
  4. Sounds great, this can be very helpful for creating multilanguage sites. Many thank for working on that. I surely would like to help test when a first release candidate is ready. I'm working here in Switzerland. Having 4 native languages, most projects require multilanguage sites.
  5. That looks great so far, seems very useful for prototyping... thanks for this great new inputfield, I will try out and help test.
  6. Ryan is an animal Also wanted to say thanks, I will surely check this out soon.
  7. It's not live yet I'm still working on it at some parts, but I'm porting a selfmade online art gallery I did for my mom to PW21. I'm loving it how easy I could transfer all the images/content via bootstraping the API. Even the guestbook is imported using "comments" module. http://dev.urlich.ch
  8. Maybe I'm missing something, but whether I turn on or off the option "Show filtering options in Fields list?" under /processwire/module/edit?name=ProcessField I can't see it makes any difference in the setup field list... the "Filters" are there always.
  9. I understand your point and agree, but are you really making assumptions if the user encounters the page tree as it was as he left it? If, then it should be not overriding the breadcrumb navigation behaviour, just when the user goes back or klicks on "Pages". I think it may best to have it as an option.
  10. Again, although it seems obvious and makes sense to use breadcrumb, but still it's something that's "hidden" (that tree open functionality) to the user until he knows how to best navigate in pw. I'm just thinking if there could be a way to make it more obvious... (lol may it's really just poor me failing to see the most obvious)
  11. Just looked at the ProcessPageList.js and seen that there's already something: // ID sof the pages that we want to automatically open (default none) openPageIDs: [] I thought it's especially useful in general at the page tree in the admin, everytime the user returns from editing a page to the page tree he often needs to do something in the same place or edit the next page in a sublevel or create a new page below... now going back and thinking about it again... now as you mentioned it, I discovered that clicking in the bradcrumbs parent link it gets me back to the page tree and opens it... really nice! Haven't payed enough attention to that yet I guess - I must be dreaming, cause I thought last time I klicked on the breadcrumb parent it got me to the parent page's edit page!?.. Anyway this puts it in a different light. I'm not sure anymore if state saving would really help as much as I thought, or as to not support this bad behaviour of returning to the admin page tree via top menu or breadcrumb "Pages"... and forcing the user to use the breadcrumb may makes sense. What are your thoughts? Would it be distracting from the "good practices"? Edit: It may sometimes comes in handy, many people (as me) are used to use browser back intuitively ( you may enter a page editing just to look and use browser back button, or backspace)... it's just people are so used to something it's hard to train them differently... Also seeing it from a end user perspective it could help.
  12. I think the admin page tree would benefit from a state saving feature. In jsTree for example you can on state saving which uses cookies to save a hash with open nodes. If there's already a option somehwere I missed, I'm sorry. Else do you think we can implement this feature?
  13. what if one could specify "editable pages" and "working dirs" on a user and or role basis? I've yet to come across a user management system that's simple to understand, logic, enough flexible and still working bugfree/solid... , so i'm excited about what is there already even I understand, ... buuut maybe also there could be a little more... I work with a CMS that does allow to define access controlls on a per user, role, page and template basis. Whilst it gives great power it can get very complicated and out of control quickly... something's always not working... I think there should be at least a way to additionally give single pages users acces or give users access to single pages/dirs, without the need to create duplicates of templates just for single users.
  14. I encountered a similar problem when putting a local codeigniter project to a server. I think I had to generate a new user pwd, although using same name/pw... and it worked again. but never couldn't make up what the problem was,must have been a encryption key / salt problem somehow...
  15. Soma


    This is not implemented like this in PW. Either make a checkbox for each option and put them in a fieldset... or, use pages for creating the options that can then be selected in your page using page reference field and a multiple select inputfield. check this thread: http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,359.0.html
  16. Ryan, thanks for your time. I'm glad you like it. No I don't mind, that would be cool if you could implement something like this, as you said it's already there just not suitable yet for image type fields. Tell me if you need any help or suggestions/ideas. I could imagine something along the lines of a "fieldname[0,30]" to specifiy thumb width? Or a seperate config setting to specify it somewhere.
  17. Hi lesliec I'm not sure about other parts, but especially the hierachical page tree list in the admin uses json since it's ajax driven. I don't think there's an easy workaround for this.
  18. Thanks Ryan, but that must be a long dinner...
  19. Hey since I'm porting a site to PW2.1 I were thinking about what could help my mom managing her online art gallery. The current gallery is custom coded, and had a table list view approach where one would see thumbs of the images. This helps to recognize the image without open the entry. Since PW doesn't support this (yet), I thought that it may be cool to have the possibility of a label of type image in the page tree. I went to look for simple a solution and hacked the ProcessPageList Module to check for a custom label of string "image", then getting the image and return a img tag. Although I had to comment out the strip_tags and htmlspecialchars that's done before added to the label string (I think they can be configured to allow <img>... ). But it seems to work pretty well and sorting still works well. I'm sure there's a better solution and this is just sort of a proof of concept. Ryan, would of course know how to implement this far more convenient (possible to make a module for this, Ryan?) may with some additional configurations for thumb size etc. May this whole thing will be obsolete once Ryan implements a raster table view alternative for page navigation... (thought I've read it somewhere that it's planed) then thumbs would be much easier to handle. Here's a screenshot: with a little more styling: Here's where I modified the code a little: <?php foreach($fields as $field) { if(strpos($field, ".")) { list($field, $subfield) = explode(".", $field); } else $subfield = ''; // modified this part if($field == 'image') $v = '<img style="display:inline;" src="'.$page->image->size(0,30)->url.'"/>'; else $v = $page->get($field); ?> I would love to hear some thoughts on this subject. OT: Apart from that I think I spotted a problem with the page tree drag and drop sorting... Unfortunately it isn't possible to move pages around in a paged sublevel. Like moving from page to page. Are there any thoughts made on this issue? EDIT: Just found the "more" link at the bottom of the paged list, which makes it possible to... not very obvious but possible, and manual sorting on very large lists is anyway silly
  20. Thanks Ryan for the additional infos. Yes, I also used strtotime to convert the dates to a timestamp in my case. You're right, ip, use_agent and created_users_id aren't needed, just wanted to list them here for completion. BTW: I tried to change a comments text from within the page in the backend, and it doesn't save it. Is that a bug or intetional.
  21. May someone else finds this helpful. I wanted to create comments (using built-in comments fieldtype module) via API, as I needed this is for an easy migration from an existing site. I figured following does the job: <?php // get the page that you want to add comment(s), contains a "comment" fieldtype $p = $wire->pages->get("/guestbook/"); // create new Comment object $c = new Comment(); // fill the object with values $c->text = "Hello World!"; $c->cite = "John Average"; $c->created = time(); // timestamp, if you got to migrate a existing datetime you can convert using strtotime("2011-04-09 15:14:51") $c->email = "john@average.com"; $c->ip = "..."; // not needed (only for akismet) $c->user_agent = "..."; // not needed (only for akismet) $c->created_users_id = "..."; // not needed, automaticly set by pw // set status (Spam = -2; Pending = 0; Approved = 1; ) $c->status = 1; // add new comment object to the page "mycomments" field $p->mycomments->add = $c; // save page $p->save(); ?>
  22. Thanks Ryan for clarifying things. I just ran another search and found a post has already been made on this topic... http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,401.0.html I think I forgot to add the additional save before adding pictures... I already knew as I figured that out from another post. Thanks for fixing the code. Something I came across when importing the image itself using: $p->image = "path/to/image.jpg"; I first had tried like you mentioned here: http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,341.0.html But using external URL like http://domain.com/images/image.jpg didn't work. So I had to use local server path (document root).
  23. Just wanted to post it here for others that might look for an example. I'm currently working on importing a Site to PW2.1. Following code I figured is needed to create pages using the Bootstraped API: <?php include(./index.php) // bootstrap PW $p = new Page(); // create new page object $p->template = 'page'; // set template $p->parent = wire('pages')->get('/about/'); // set the parent $p->name = 'mynewpage_url'; // give it a name used in the url for the page $p->title = 'My New Page'; // set page title (not neccessary but recommended) // added by Ryan: save page in preparation for adding files (#1) $p->save(); // populate fields $p->image = 'path/to/image.jpg'; // populate a single image field (#2) $p->images->add('path/to/image1.jpg'); // add multiple to images field $p->save(); // testing echo 'id: '.$p->id.'<br/>'; echo 'path: '.$p->path; Note: in PW 3 with multi-instance support adding new Objects https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.21-upgrades-comments-more-on-pw-3.x/#more-updates-on-processwire-3.0 [Edit by Ryan #1] Added first $p->save(); [Edit by Ryan #2] Changed $p->image('...') to $p->image = '...';
  24. Hi and welcome not sure if this is what you looking for: http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,171.0.html
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