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Everything posted by Soma

  1. Now even the NPC's are hacking!? :) haiyack playing #TOMCLANCYSTHEDIVISION #xboxdvr https://t.co/Xpp1cTitLZ

  2. What do you mean by disable? Some of them seem to need links to work. There's many approaches to archive something like outputting different markup for items. For example the xtemplates 'xtemplates' => '', // specify one or more templates separated with a pipe | to use the xitem_tpl and xitem_current_tpl markup 'xitem_tpl' => '<a href="{url}">{title}</a>', // same as 'item_tpl' but for xtemplates pages, can be used to define placholders 'xitem_current_tpl' => '<span>{title}</span>', // same as 'item_current_tpl' but for xtemplates pages Or a hook might do it.
  3. That's the jQueryDataTable plugin loaded in PW for easy use, so not every module that needs jQueryDataTable would have to include it. What you wanted was this earlier ajax implementation in PW I did before that: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/data-table/
  4. What about leaving the outer_tpl => "||". Then add the first ul and the first li yourself? Do you mean the "parent" class that gets added by default to all active parents?
  5. RT @processwire: New post: ProcessWire 3.0.17 brings major upgrades to images fields – https://t.co/rPAiny9UQn – with thanks to @Renobird &…

  6. Even if required it's still possible to empty a field and save it.
  7. As with most code in this forum this is not real and best practice code as macrura also points out. Once there's no image it will fail. Also body I asume is a RTE field and will have a <p> already.
  8. I'm planning to support ProCache and AIOM. But not sure I want to mess at all with image variations. I also don't see that as a cache and think the developer should take care of that depending on the project.
  9. Nice error log with all the info's..m
  10. RT @Its_CCHogan: Keep up to date with the what is happening with #Processwire 3 #CMS https://t.co/P1rPJBwaRN #webdesign #webdev

  11. I got a length of 301.8 in https://t.co/jq8oWBuEkw! Can you beat that? #slitherio

  12. Thanks for the hint, it's fixed. I thought I tested the link! Considering this module and future development of PW. Yeah, I was playing around with that yesterday, but couldn't see a solution. Unfortunately I knew this would one day lead to complications. :/ After little experimenting I think we need to rethink $page->url rewrites Multisite does in the admin and consequently in the front-end. I always feared it was maybe dangerous/adventurous and would lead to problems sooner or later. There's so many things to consider it's crazy. So, after long thinking and testing, I'm heading towards letting the $page->url alone, to not get in the way as much as possible. Then we just have to make sure 2 things: 1. when an url is viewed containing a "domain" in its path that is recognized, to redirect the correct domain/url. So a view link will just work. 2. to have correct url on the front-end output, we can parse the $page->render() output and replace/fix those urls output from templates and RTE's. This way such new features like the "View" options work out of the box. Also cross Domain linking in RTE would work also. I got a test version working so far but not sure about what to further consider with this new approach.
  13. Bea, thanks so much for your work here, very appreciated! I pulled the R. https://github.com/somatonic/Multisite/tree/dev I'll have a go and add a note on the first post. Sorry for the confusion.
  14. Just to make sure, this doesn't have anything to do with roles, you can't save anything else too? Well I don't know, since the message shows up, the problem lays right there. Maybe somehow your host resolved is different than what you enter.
  15. I'm not sure but I think protocol isn't needed here (http/s).
  16. New update to v0.0.5. Lowered minimum required PW version. I just tested it on a install with PW 2.6.10 and fixed some small issues. Added support for WireCache entries using a selector as expires instead of a date.
  17. Yeah https://github.com/somatonic/ClearCacheAdmin/commit/88da90563991b7e156d0738143be7b17dc43249b I'm running php 5.3 and it works.
  18. Thanks for the report. I commited an update that fixes this. I hadn't thought about it and was runnning php 7
  19. Not at all. Yeah why not. But I originally just wanted to be able to trigger the various caches by simply using their own API. I wasn't doing any real operations or deletions just delegation. I now added support for "Other files and directories in the site/assets/cache/ dir". For now they will now show up in menu and on admin page and you can delete them recursively. Version 0.0.2 is commited.
  20. RT @processwire: New post: ProcessWire 3.0.15 adds new quick-tree panel, debug panel, new view options, utf8mb4 support & more– https://t.c…

  21. This might come in handy, it's still hot: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/13042-clearcacheadmin/
  22. ClearCacheAdmin Module Since there's so many asking how to clear cache. Here comes a helper module that let's you clear caches directly from the admin menu. Additionally it has its own admin page that's a collection of the various caches available in ProcessWire in one place. See some infos and clear them. WireCache (using $cache) caches in the DB and there no way to clear it from the admin. Now you can delete the entries individually or all in one go. Supports following cache types: - Template "Page" Cache (disk file cache) - MarkupCache module (file cache) - WireCache (DB) - Other files and directories found in assets/cache/ path Wanted to do this for a long time. It was also great fun to do it and give something to the community to also learn something. For now it's on github only. Requires ProcessWire 2.6+. https://github.com/somatonic/ClearCacheAdmin
  23. Well this message, behaviour and error only shows if your domain isn't in the hosts config.
  24. The module core -> PageRender does have a button.
  25. Have you entered your host in the config?
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