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Adam Kiss

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Everything posted by Adam Kiss

  1. Hi Ryan, I just noticed, that if you have programatically changed a page (via API), system seems to ignore this change; Example: I created page holding some JSON data Although every 12 hours script changes this page, Page still has 'last modified' datestamp of the moment I created it, because every changed from that moment since now was done via API I'm not sure whether this is intentional, or bug, but it would be nice if system modified the timestamp of last edit via API I think. As for a user, which is shown (in 'modified ... by USER), there could be anything really – 'API', name of a template via which was this page modified, URL which modified this page... anything would be more helpful then ignored API modification.
  2. re: max size – I forgot the original topic. It's not my fault we jump from topic to topic in these posts! re: 'thumbnail' field – I must say I'm stunned a little. I haven't expected such a horribly complicated solution from your often brilliant mind. Can't you imagine me doing this for 200, 300+ galleries? This is what I mentioned later in my most – The problem isn't in programming the solution (any solution), problem is how to introduce it to Admin UI and/or API AND keep current simplicity.
  3. Adam Kiss

    Community Gamers

    Did I just kill this conversation?
  4. On topic: The problem I currently see with this (not to be negative, but that's my first things on mind) is that in PW, every on-page image scaling is done via templates, in code, therefore this scaling in administration just doesn't make sense. Sorry, but it doesn't But there are few features, that might be in ideal CMS, or rather PW with more features (which = ideal CMS : maximal size – I don't know if this is currently possible, but some "if larger then resize" function would be nice, so users won't upload 3000px wide pictures – you'd load pictures with call like this: $image->maxSize(XX,YY) rescaling upon first load – together with previous function, large pictures could be deleted and replaced by the 'maxSize' version The original 'select one of 9' resize method – this way, you have fair control over what is cropped when you need smaller version simple recoloring functions The problem with the recoloring function is when the question 'is it important enough?' comes, the answer is no As for the select corner cropping, the only problem I see with this (currently), is how to do the UI flexible enough to translate this option to both fields with few images and fields with a lot of images. That is actually often a problem, when it comes to user generated ideas – subjective 'I would do it like this' is often not the best solution, while coming up with UI for majority is (almost) impossible. Note: I almost wrote 'almonk impossible'
  5. Little OT: Ryan, while my design taste is little different than yours, I must say you have exceptional eye for colors & their combination, and looking at your past work, it seems that this ability evolved and was top notch even in 2003 (except all in all taste changed a little).
  6. Adam Kiss

    Community Gamers

    I was always more for action here. I remember some tank simulator on Amiga (don't remember the name), where it all started. Lately it's CoD4 & Borderlands mostly, although I'm trying out Battlefield 2: Bad Company a little
  7. Hey all! We started to write quite a bit about games, so I split the topic and moved the gamers part into Pub: Gamers in PW community 1, here: http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,353.0.html
  8. Shhhh. Let Ryan think it's a car!
  9. I would leave it that way. After all, passwords are always (unless site is visited via https) sent as a plain text (first time). The only thing the 'password' input does is that it hides the password, so anyone looking over your shoulder can't see the password. And you would hardly install CMS on your server on a public computer.
  10. Yeah I meant CSS framework (probably), except I don't really like jQuery UI CSS. Whatever, I'll have to comply.
  11. I'm not saying it's hard as in tough to come up with solution, I mean it's tedious and might be complicated.
  12. ^ that. It also always shattered, when I installed it. Anyway, Pete: the strategycore is actually pretty much ideal thing you'd do in PW; you just create datasets, and then, with simple PageField (either single or multi, depending on the data) check whatever you want; The only 'hard' part is data import, because you'll need to do that transfer by yourself. I would actually advise you to start with this page – an hour a day maybe, lay down the data structure, fill in the data... and the templates will be a breeze.
  13. I actually think there is no need for any message – I don't know about you, but I'm not expecting from software to have and/or allow differently cased users (e.g. Pete, pete, pEtE). I would just change it to lowercase and leave it as it is, i.e. create and continue, without any message.
  14. Yes, this car is reason enough to create off topic subforum!
  15. As I'm watching this Antti's demos (great work Antti!), I'm thinking I should finally finish up the new design and move to admin, which would be supercool if we (I) created some 'frontend' UI set for all kinds of stuff, so it would be easier to these things with design pre-configured, so, let's say, Antti would just put something like 'input with button next to it' and it would be CSSified (is that a word) already, so it would fit the design out of the box.
  16. Soma, welcome to forums! There is currently 2.1 in underway, plus some other PW stuff we're working on, but once we release the 2.1 (by the end of the summer, august maybe?) we're going to focus on multilinguality, both of content and of administration, so that's when we'll contact all the people that posted in this topic, and we'll try to release at least a few languages (for administration) together with 2.2 (I see this one released maybe by the end of the year or later)
  17. Well, the problem is, that the PNG are managed by WP, so both originals and resized versions are in one folder (save for one image), so actually this might be quite easy – just export file name... and there we go... I'll go and lookup programmed fieldtype file/s population.
  18. Hi all, I need to transfer 150+ page website from wordpress to PW CMS, although there are things that I'd like to change in PW (but that is another topic). Anyway, since I used two or three plugins with page-specific content and WP export is not very nice (It basically exports internal values, rather than computed values, e.g. if tag 'news' is nr. 7, it exports 7 rather than 'news'), so I'll write my own WP wrapper to create my own XML format. 95% of these pages contain PNG image (exactly one), and I'm too lazy to create 150 pages and 150 times import images, so my question is this: Could anyone come up with code, which basically does this: get image URL from XML (dead-simple) transfer image into some temporary location set the value in the $page object save page delete temp image The major problem I have is this: I'm not sure about all the mechanics of PHP-populated imagefields, e.g.: will the image be stored in the files/page-id/ dir, or will it be just linked? is the population operation 'move' the image (no delete of tmp image needed) or is it rather 'copy' (need to delete orig. tmp image)? This question goes probably to Ryan or Antti, although any other power users here are welcome to join the discussion.
  19. Isn't Fieldtype required for Inputfields (or maybe other way around – inputfields mandatory for fieldtypes... no doesn't make sense). Any way, there shouldn't be way to have inputfield without corresponding (i.e. hardcoded) fieldype, should there? Edit: Bah, I read it again... I understand your need for different inputfield for image/file fieldtype now
  20. Small OT: Ryan, I did not see this coming from you. It's "they're" or "they are", not "their".! BAH
  21. I apologize, I somehow missed what the big news are. It's written in fairly glorified way about itself, bu the only thing I noticed so far is another CMS with different UI, this time with another in-page editing, though I must say this type of inpage editor looks fairly well working. Then again, whole blog post is about backend, while demo shows only that it's possible to make working in-page editor, allowing some modification with few clicks.
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