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Adam Kiss

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Everything posted by Adam Kiss

  1. [rap voice] We be rolling this forums now baby! Have a great time Ryan, don't think about work or PW please, we've got it covered
  2. I actually don't drink beer But if we ever meet in person, I'll keep tabs and I'll let you buy me a Cuba Libre
  3. Has anyone noticed this? Open subforum marked as unread Notice more than one (2 and more) unread topics/posts Read one topic go back to forum index (via main menu, for instance) the subforum is no longer marked as unread Has anyone noticed this? (I often use the site main manu to get to forums index), so I'm often pissed because of this. Ryan, isn't there option for subforums to 'be marked as unread until all unread threads have been opened'?
  4. Ryan, should I give you my post address so you can send me that beer?
  5. List of OK settings I tested (or, in quirks mode's case, wildly different result): [edit] FF 3.5.6, w7 – Everything ok FF 3.6.8, wXP – Everything seems ok FF 3.6.13, wXP – Everything seems ok IE 8, wXP, browser mode: any, document mode: standard for each b. mode, everything ok IE 8, wXP, bMode: IE8, dMode: IE 7 std: two boxes in a sidebar (first & last) are hidden, probably due to positioning IE 9, w7, browser mode: any, document mode: standard for each b. mode, everything ok IE 8/9, wXP/7 respectively, bMode: any, quirks: it does not look OK, but different way than your client's (it's actually not even centered) I was able to reproduce the IE issue, using following settings: Win XP, IE 8, bMode: IE 8 Compat, dMode: IE8 – dMode has to be set manually Win 7, IE 9, bMode: IE 9 Compat, dMode: IE 9 – dMode has to be set manually Result IE issue: able to reproduce FF issue: unable to reproduce note: your masthead.css contains mysterious 0 on the first line (in attachments) note: you seem to ommit -moz-border-radius, is it correct? I did such an intensive testing because you're magnificent person and I've got mad respect for you. OT: Interesting, my computer (macbook 4.1) seems to be very unhappy running two virtual machines (Win XP & 7 apiece), Word, Netbeans, Photoshop CS5, FTP client, QT and bunch of smaller programs... Huh...
  6. Regarding modules and its licenses: There was a beef between one of the famous theme framework for WP and WP itself, let me google some links. List of links: Sum up by mashable: http://mashable.com/2010/07/22/thesis-relents/ This interview opened it all – http://mixergy.com/chris-pearson-thesis-interview/ And this is the culmination point – http://wordpress.tv/2010/07/15/mixergy-interview-pearson-mullenweg/ I remember that I couldn't decide between them – while on Mullenweg's part was too much sentiment & pathos for my taste, the other guy was a douche at best, quite arrogant and also haven't got all his thoughts and notions synchronized ,so few times went against himself. Not to mention that against him were copypasted parts in the Thesis framework. But as far as API go (if we ignore the copypasted parts), I believe that the licensing comes down to whether you think that using API is building upon code (then every module must be licensed as GPL), or is it rather independent entity, only using its own code and author-provided tools to connect to core (API) – then it can be licensed whatever the hell you please. Somewhere in all the article reacting to this particular feud, there was mentioned that all of this is theoretical – most of the OS licenses have never been tested in court, not to mention international courts. The one point people seem to use the most was, whether the problematic part (in this case the Thesis framework) could work by itself. If not then it's not independent entity, thus it uses parts of WP and must be licensed. I don't agree with this, but that's for longer dispute. So it depends on: How authors of core and/or modules see using API & modules API – is it 'building with' or 'building on' the core? Will Ryan (or PW Foundation ) allow split license for PW, thus licensing Core GNU/GPL and API & modules API some other license? Although the above statments and with question mark, those are not questions, rather something to think about * – I wrote this really fast, so I apologize for any mistakes and/or english butchering that might have occurred. As for the marketplace itself, I say we take it as it comes – first, there is new release, new website, and it's going to be hell of a test of how are we capable of 1.) marketing the system (with new, a little more user-centered website) 2.) informing about news/new releases 3.) communicating with (hopefully) larger audience Of course, we also need to think a little ahead.
  7. OT: Ryan: Okay than, it's really slow as hell, clumsy and unusable for 300+ pages... but it still feels blazing fast, and that's what matters when it comes to administration and user perspective.
  8. OT: Everytime I read things like this from Ryan, I realize how magnificently efficient is processwire. And then I remember one company I worked for, which had in-house LAMP CMS. On one page, they'he shown hundred pages in table (all good). The thing was, that they had to compile a 100 records big list from two tables. Instead of one join/limit query, programmer solved it with loop, which went 100 times and one-queried first table, then one-queried second one. So two have have set of 100 records compiled from two tables, it ran 200 queries (not to mentioned the ones getting menus, templates, ...). And I shudder.
  9. An idea: could you add an page ID to your 'hi' call? I have suspicion, that one of the 'hi's is actually old / new parent of that page.
  10. @slkwrm: LOL @ torrents @Ryan: but... the unicorns... actually, this is on what is probably a shared hosting
  11. I got this too, two or three time from one hosting. Is it dead? (serious)
  12. This is super weird. Are you 100% positive that in fact every directory in the path (AND the ProcessWire.php) do have read access?
  13. I'm sorry I still don't get how this applies to PW and its in-template-its-php-file thumbnail generation. Not to be sceptic, but I can't imagine right now how tool like jCrop can be beneficial in picture->thumbnail generation. I can see this as a tool in the administration, to edit pictures in pages... but as a tool to generate thumbnails?
  14. Hi Robert, welcome to the forums, It should be possible to install PW in the subdirectory (and test it there too). I've found some topics, which try to 'repair' various server issues, so you might try them out: http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,46.0.html – maybe PW has trouble picking up rootURL on your server http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,98.0.html – subdir issues were solved here http://processwire.com/talk/index.php/topic,96.0.html – different subdirectory issue solved by hardcoding $rootURL So, Robert, try this and we'll go from there Also, if it won't work, you might want to post your phpinfo() (with sensitive information stripped out), so we could look for anything out of ordinary.
  15. 1., that would be awesome 2., I'm quite okay with trailing slashes for most of the websites – processwire taught me that, actually. But I really don't want to spend few hours trying to have sensible redirects and/or play with regex for .htaccess, so this site is special 3., I'm really okay with rewriting one thing somewhere in core, temporary, until I set up all fields and templates. Thanks Ryan!
  16. Okay, let me enhance my question I'd like to set 'no trailing slash' as default option to be checked while creating new templates, so I don't have to check it (and possibly forget to check it).
  17. Your solution here might be some Page::move hook -> detect whether new parent is Trash. Theoretically, you shouldn't change your pageTrash routine at all, just add another hook with this function to run. Also, I'm not sure how exactly is the Page::move hook called or whether it exist...
  18. Well look at it this way: With 301 redirect, you should not lose any 'SEO juice'. However, you have to remember to correctly redirect every page, which can be quite error-prone and you may introduce a wild range of errors to your site, from looped redirects to 404 with misclicked redirects. Also, it can be quite tedious, not to mention possible screw-ups of inbound links (you change thing A and site B linking to your page A is screwed, non-working)
  19. Hi all, I need to rebuild one WP site into PW site (silly, just turn it around, right? ). Currently I have around 200 pages, which have no trailing slashes. I'd like to keep it that way, to keep as much of SEO juice as possible. I'm also very lazy, so, during the main template creation (which basically happens once), I'd like to set 'no trailing slash' as default option. As mentioned in title,I'm quite okay with hacking the core, as far as I can switch it back after initial setup. So, how to do this? Thanks!
  20. Well, I know, but it isn't planned until after 2.2, or am I wrong? In cas I'm wrong, I apologize in advance. Well, how is it, Antti, do you know?
  21. Hi Sevarf2, I'm not sure this is what you mean, but there is plan (possibly for 2.3 or 2.4) to have some sort of 'install creator', meaning that you'll export whole site you've created so far and it'll create a directory for you, something like 'site-default' is now, with all the content, fields and templates you've defined. Is this what you had in mind, or simply possibilty to export multiple templates with their fields and to import them into another site? Because that was not discussed so far, but I can imagine this being part of the 'install creator', or rather some import/export system. Unfortunately, I don't think there are resources to have it implemented in the core/or as a core plugin, but by all means, you can do this yourself But I think this really could be planned for release 2.3 or 2.4.
  22. Hi Al, few months ago, I had this idea too. What Ryan basically told me (or I realized), was that anything you might need, you sometimes need to step back, and rethink whether it's not only the linguistics which make you need another function. In this case, possible solution would be: create hidden data structure widgets, where are your widgets in template form, e.g. '/data/widgets/fcb_button', where fcb_button is page of template 'widget_fcb_button' based on your needs you have two options here: add also 'widget_setup' page, which is widget setup (indeed) for whole site add field 'widgets' into desired templates, where you'd limit pages you can select (via queries) to parent '/data/widgets/', or templates have client select pages he/she wants to use Also, the two points can be combined – one 'default' widget setup for whole site and in case that template has defined 'wigets' field, override the default widget sidebar. Done.
  23. It may be obvious, but didn't you loop the function? What you did: (as i suspect) you hooked function to page::save[after] you check whether page's parent is 5831 you edit it you save it (means: go to point 2) Some sort of one time block, or different 'run hook' condition is needed, otherwise this hook will go into this loop everytime you save() page with parent 5831 first time.
  24. Ah! Although I understand your reasoning, I think that page is modified whenever any of its fields is modified, so I really think that field saving ($page->save('field')) should modify last modified.
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