Hi @Juergen. This is a nice module, but unfortunately it becomes unusable when there are a lot of pages. This is because on every page edit it autoloads and runs getParentPages() which has the following:
return wire('pages')->find('id!=' . $exclude_pages . ',templates_id=' . $templates);
On one site of mine this takes 20 seconds to run - so that's how long it takes to load a page in the back end. I'm only using the publish/unpublish functionality, so I disabled everything else and it loaded in a flash. However, that's not a solution if you want an 'after' action, so I looked into it a bit more.
On my problem site, I have lots of parents and templates but I am only using the module on 2 templates which have a total of 47 pages, so I would have thought it would be possible to write it more efficiently.
The problem seems to be that the above code is run on every page edit, not just pages of templates where the 'jk_...' fields are enabled. That means that, unless restricted parents are defined for every parent, the 'find' will run across all pages, with a large template array to match. I suggest adding the following after line 224
if(!in_array($this->page->template->id, array_keys($this->input_templates))) {
return new PageArray();
Then if, for the relevant templates, the allowed parents are set, it all runs pretty swiftly.
EDIT: Ideally it might be nice to use this, as then the jk_move_child field could be removed from the template if not required and there would be no need to specify allowable parent templates (which may not be desirable for other reasons)
if(!in_array($this->page->template->id, array_keys($this->input_templates)) || !$this->page->hasField('jk_move_child')) {
return new PageArray();
However, re-submitting the module will reinstate the jk_move_child field. A bit more flexibility here would be nice. It would be better if 'move child' was an optional extra.