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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2024 in all areas

  1. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I’ve got to do a lot of traveling in September and October, and so that means not a lot of core updates in the short term. Core activity may be a little quiet till the end of October. Sorry about that, I feel especially bad I’m not providing any good material for ProcessWire Weekly. But I’ll make up for it later, I promise! I’ve been reluctant to push any significant updates to the core because it is quite stable right now. So I’ll hold off on anything major till the traveling is done. I did just push one update to the dev branch that I think is a good addition though. I noticed recently that on a couple sites I work with, there was some markup cached with $cache that never seemed to expire. I tracked it down to an issue in WireCacheDatabase where some caches had ended up with invalid MySQL dates somehow or another. WireCacheDatabase now implements its own cache maintenance that ensures these never-expiring caches get deleted. In doing that, the cache maintenance process became more efficient as well, as it’s all handled with a single delete query, rather than multiple select and delete queries. If you’ve been noticing anything cached by $cache that doesn’t seem to be expiring when it should, it’s worth grabbing the current dev branch, or at least the updated /wire/core/WireCacheDatabase.php file from the current dev branch. One way you can tell if you have any caches that shouldn’t be sticking around are if you find any with dates prior to the year 1971, or any with a zero’d out date like 0000-00-00. Maybe there is still a bug to track down that is causing the occasional invalid dates, but at least now those caches won’t last more than 10 minutes. There likely won’t be an update here next week, as I’m anticipating no internet access, but there should be the week after next. Thanks for reading, have a great week and weekend!
    4 points
  2. Sometimes the best thing you can do for the project you work hard on is to get away from it for a while. When you come back, you'll notice a lot of new shining edges (or the ones to be polished) and almost definitely have lots of new shining ideas about it. So please do this little PW detox to keep it new and sparkling for yourself and all of us!
    3 points
  3. Enjoy your time away from the keyboard! Well deserved break.
    1 point
  4. I'm just going to quote myself to make sure that you read my response: I'm a software developer that built and maintains a module for ProcessWire, not a Google product specialist. Please stop asking me to do your work for you.
    1 point
  5. Looks like I forgot to take out a debugging statement and that gives an error if TracyDebugger is not installed. I am planning a new release shortly which should fix that and a few other bugs. Meanwhile @Flashmaster82, if you took a database backup before the installation, you may wish to revert to it so that next time you get a clean install. It may be a couple of days before the next version, so bear with me. BTW, I really do recommend TracyDebugger (but it shouldn't be a requirement!).
    1 point
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