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Hehe, I was here before ryan :D Nah, that number 1 spot is simply the member ID, and since I converted the forums from the old software it automatically made me number 1.

I'm a bit confused by a lot of that. Sorting by member ID seems to return random members and I'm really lost as to what the Relation column is all about - I've not had that many relationships (or that many relations!).

EDIT: Silly me - the member column sorts by name!

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It seems the ratio code from the old post isn't what's used - the text above the table itself has the new code.

Not wanting to sound like a sore loser, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, though I've not touched statistics since I was in school really so maybe it does?

(($likes / $posts * 100) * $likes)

Since it's a table of top posters, shouldn't it just be sorted by most posts, leave the "likes" column on and remove the "relation" column?

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...so maybe the name of the table has to be changed, hehe...Anyway, not to rehash the original [old] post...the idea was that posts count alone do not reflect "top" posts....In other words, it's a mechanism to "weight" posts...

And yes, that's the (controversial/imperfect) formula...e.g. liking a post does not necessarily mean the post was helpful :-)....

Edited by kongondo
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Soma has said in the old thread somewhere that it would be nice to have a sortable table so that everyone can choose his/her fovourite sorting-column.

And with the relation, or should it be better called weigthen?, it is a bit like with Pete is Nr 1 (id): I prefer it, so it is the initial used sorting :)

But the jquery-datatables uses cookies to store your last settings. I have set it to 48 hours. And that, (trying out datatables), was the intention to set this up.  :)

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This is fun horst, thanks for building it. This clearly shows the alarming trend about those damn youngsters like Teppo, Nik and Wanze who come and post few silly posts with cool emoticons that everyone just likes... I believe in hard facts like member id, alphabets of member name, number of posts, number of likes and hotness of avatar.

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Thanks Horst, this is fun! Yes, the DataTables plugin is great (I now use it in a lot of ProcessWire apps).

I still thnk it would be great to give more "like-weight" to posts with problem-solving code. Not possible, but nice to think about.

By the way, on days when I am too busy to post, I always log in and "like" lots of posts.

As always, this is one of the friendliest and most active communities!



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