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Deleting pages with repeater fields


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when I delete a page with repeater fields, the fields data stays in the DB. Is there a way to delete these or a way to find out which data in the "pages" table is from repeaters? I added and deleted about 4000 pages via a script and now my "pages" table is a mess ...



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What version of ProcessWire? Also, what method did you use to delete the page? Are you sure that your deleted page isn't still in the trash? I just tried to duplicate here, but so far can't. When I delete a page that has a repeater on it, the items that accompany the repeater get deleted. The method I used was to delete the page from the page editor, then go and empty the trash. You can observe if the pages are still there by browsing the page tree to Admin > Repeaters > [repeater field name] > [page name]

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Hi Ryan,

it's the latest stable and I deleted the pages using the api. I didn't know I could find the repeaters in the admin so I'll check that. The "pages" table in my DB now holds over 2000 pages and I only have a handful of pages in the admin ...



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What is the API code used? Just trying to get a test case I can reproduce.

For the extra pages you have in the DB, I would locate them in your Repeaters structure (in the admin) and drag those not needed into the trash. This should provide an easy way to prune out stuff in large quantities without spending much time.

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